My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1898: There is only one problem!

Suddenly Tang Zisang's voice came, and everyone looked over there. Nianzhi, Nianhui, and Nianpu were very worried, because they were worried that Tang Zisang and Wang Jiuxiao wanted to stop Tang Ye, so there might be a fight. They knew that Tang Ye was powerful, so Wang Jiuxiao might have accidents. They cannot afford this kind of thing.

If it is true as Wuhuan, Tang Ye just came at him, then take him away and nothing else happens, it might be a good result. In any case, we should avoid the important emperor Wang Jiuxiao from getting into trouble. But the current situation, I am afraid it will not go so smoothly, it depends on what Tang Zisang and Wang Jiuxiao want to do, and how the faceless man did.

Tang Ye heard Tang Zisang's cry and looked at her. Actually, he wanted to spend more time taking care of this great-granddaughter. However, the plan to capture the divine power must be carried out quickly, so there is not so much time. Of course, as for what Heilong told him before, his bloodline, now Tang Zisang, might face a fate, and he would definitely solve it first.

If he is here, and his blood is killed by the so-called fate, then he is the first person in the ancestral land, what meaning.

Tang Zisang said aloud, Tang Ye looked at it, but looked forward to it, not knowing what this great-granddaughter wanted to do. If this great-granddaughter wants to ask for help, he is very happy. He was afraid of Tang Zisang's personality, always supporting it by himself, and didn't know how to ask others for help.

In fact, if Tang Zisang knew that Tang Ye's identity was her grandfather, then she might not ask Tang Ye for help.

"Are you looking for me?" Tang Ye asked, looking at Tang Zisang. In fact, according to the role of a mysterious and powerful character, he began to be called "the lord". He should be more reserved and would not say who is more enthusiastic, otherwise he would lose the style of a big man. However, Tang Zisang is his great-granddaughter, and he can't help but want to take more care of him, so he behaves more actively than usual.

Miao Yuer noticed Tang Ye's emotional change a little bit, but she felt it was normal again. Because Tang Ye is a strong person who likes high talents, Tang Zisang definitely is in this respect. After the double saints, now at a young age, he has broken through to the saint path, and it can be said that he has become famous for his strength. Tang Ye would definitely like such a character.

Occasionally, Miao Yuer would be more thoughtful, feeling that her talent was not high, and her strength was mediocre, so she didn't know what Tang Ye liked. If it is just because she can use the Nine Poison Entrapment Dragon Whip, it feels far-fetched. Therefore, Miao Yuer would worry whether one day she would be abandoned. Now that she is constantly seeing Tang Ye's strength, she is extremely eager to follow Tang Ye, and then get Tang Ye's guidance, become stronger, and get in touch with more high-level domains.

I hope that I will not be abandoned... Miao Yuer secretly glanced at Tang Ye, who was looking at Tang Zisang, and thought about these things in her heart.

Tang Ye took the initiative to ask questions, but Tang Zisang was a little unexpected. She felt that this powerful and mysterious faceless person really took care of her very much. She had been saved before. Although Tang Ye had some rhetoric that she wanted to see the potential of the double saints, she felt that she was saved, helped, and taken care of. Perhaps this is how Tang Zisang's trust in Tang Ye, a faceless person, came from.

She looked at Tang Ye and thought for a long time before she figured out how to speak, and said to Tang Ye: "Senior, you saved me before, and I said to repay me. Now that I see you, I feel that I should not miss this opportunity. and so……"

"No need." Tang Ye interrupted Tang Zisang's speech because he felt awkward. Tang Zisang was not the one who spoke like this. Thinking, speaking cautiously, cautiously, and keeping polite and humble, he was definitely not the cold-hearted Tang Zisang. Instead of making her feel so embarrassed, it's better to interrupt her and let her do as usual.

Tang Ye said to her: "If it's just repaying, I said, no. Also, you don't have to do this deliberately, I dislike these. I said, after you are a double sage, I look forward to this very much, because you will be full of Variable. If you have something, you might as well just say it. If it makes me interested, there is no problem in helping you."

Having said so much, he took the initiative to throw an olive branch, enough to see that Tang Ye's attitude towards Tang Zisang was unusual. This makes others very surprised and confused. They had the feeling that Tang Ye, a powerful and mysterious faceless person, deliberately wanted to take care of Tang Zisang. But this faceless person has no righteousness or evil, and is unpredictable, so how can he have such emotions.

What a weird thing.

Tang Zisang was a little embarrassed. However, she felt a trace of warmth in her heart, which she couldn't get from others. She suddenly wanted to stay with Tang Ye, no matter what she was doing, because deep down in her heart, the so-called mission and responsibilities were actually not important. What is more important than warming a heart, that is to be truly alive, otherwise it is no different from a cold machine.

However, in the head that has been flooded with responsibilities for a long time, and with Wang Jiuxiao standing behind her, an uncle who has taken care of her since childhood, she can't just think about herself. So she gave priority to Wang Jiuxiao's business. Wang Jiuxiao wanted to talk to Tang Ye, so even as the Lord of Heaven, he openly appeared here.

Tang Zisang thought for a while and said to Tang Ye: "The adult behind me wants to talk to you. And I do have something to tell you, but I hope I can tell you alone."

Tang Ye pretended to be colder, glanced at Wang Jiuxiao behind Tang Zisang, and did not speak to Tang Zisang again. After taking a look, he said to Wang Jiuxiao: "Majestic, not shocked, with Hongyu in his chest, and Yuxi Qi Luck Protection, you are the emperor of the Red Wall Palace."

It is not difficult for Tang Ye to observe a person. He actually already knew Wang Jiuxiao's identity, and now he was just pretending to be. After all, acting as a faceless person, most of the time is an actor, or an actor who can be the actor.

"I don't know what the Son of Heaven is asking for me?" Tang Ye looked at Wang Jiuxiao and asked, with a teasing taste, which made people think that he didn't put the Son of Heaven in his eyes. This is his style, and this is normal.

Tang Ye knew the identity of Wang Jiuxiao, but in fact he cared more about it, Wang Jiuxiao was a descendant of the Wang family. I think that a hundred years ago, he had a very good relationship with the Wang family. Whether it was Wang Airen, who took him into the Red Wall court, or his beloved woman, Wang Jianjia, his relationship with the Wang family was very deep and long. So now, the relationship between the Tang family and the Wang family is very good, and Wang Jiuxiao treats Tang Zisang as his own daughter.

Tang Ye is grateful for this.

Wang Jiuxiao didn't care about Tang Ye's teasing, but Hua Tian, ​​the orc bodyguard, was angry and glared at Tang Ye. Wang Jiuxiao stood up, looked at Tang Ye with great momentum and confidence, and said to Tang Ye: "I have only one question, are you right or evil?"

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