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Chapter 1888: Extradite back!

Tang Ye was very surprised by the words of the old tomb guard, "There are ghosts in the world, and then extradite them." He has now been in contact with the Exorcist, and he has also read about the first ancestor of the Fu Demon from the mysterious and powerful grandmother Yun Youlan. Written by the Volunteer Manuscript, so I know some of the connections between the Yin Cao Jifu and the world.

The "Volume of Demons" records, "Thousands of worlds, many beings are arrogant, to explore their roots, although there is causality, but also difficult to avoid evil spirits. It is this strange man, who regards evil spirits as his duty, and controls evil spirits. Fu ghost nightmare, protect the world's health...Receive the favor of the first emperor, and give him a teacher of demon."

This probably means the birth of Fumoshi. However, judging from the first introduction of the Fumo Manuscript, the earliest definition of Fumo was at the time of Emperor Shi Huang. As for how long it is, going back to ancient or ancient times, there is probably no distinction between the masters of devils, because people at that time, Nuwa pioneers, most have strange skills, and don't need to rely on others. Later, the true gods were exiled, mortals became more commonplace, tending to be ordinary, and strange people were only a few, and only then could the relationship of relying on the promotion of Fumoshi appear.

It is stated in the "Handbook of Demon Demon", "The teacher of demon must be able to communicate with different spirits, and extraordinary people can do it. So those who have demon master are all said to hit people. Fate is destiny, and it is destiny. There is a cause and fate. If you can make good use of it, there must be a future. However, the road to the devil is more likely to be turbulent. The seven ways of the judge, the Yama, and the king of Tibet can only be natural."

"Among them, good destiny, spiritual roots, and fate are the keys to the practice of a demon master. The good destiny can be seen in the spiritual fire, the spiritual root can gather the heavenly power, and the fate can break the mortal body. The good destiny is taken from crossing people, crossing ghosts, The heavy responsibility of crossing demons and demons, the spiritual roots are taken from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and fate is the test of oneself to overcome..."

Regarding these things, for Tang Ye, it was actually another way to choose, and that was the cultivation path of the exorcist. This is a cultivation of identity, not just strength. According to the "Volume of Demons", there are actually seven realms in the cultivation path of an exorcist, namely, hell, extradition, ghost officer, goalkeeper, judge, Yama, and Tibetan king.

Under normal circumstances, as long as you are an exorcist, you are in the realm of a ghost. And if you want to break through to a higher realm, you need to pay attention to three aspects of cultivation, that is, good condition, spiritual root, and fate.

The so-called good condition refers to the ghost power collected after the demon punishes the demons, but this ghost power cannot be evil, it must be good. For example, after surrendering an evil spirit, the evil spirit can be reincarnated, then at the moment he becomes a Buddha, the exorcist who surrenders him will receive the corresponding power. This power is the pure power after the transition, so for the exorcist it is "good luck".

Kindness can be transformed into the form of spiritual fire to see which stage it has reached. Because each exorcist's cultivation realm has different requirements for the accumulation of good conditions, breakthroughs can only be made after reaching a certain stage.

The spirit fire can be gathered in the palm of the hand to check, it is like a blue flame. However, the flame has different levels. If there is only one layer of flame, it is just the realm of the demon in the first stage of the exorcist. If there are two levels of flames, it is the second stage of the exorcist's extradition...and so on, there are seven levels.

If the spiritual fire reaches a certain strength, that is, the good condition meets the conditions, then the exorcist will face a catastrophe, a catastrophe that breaks the limit of the mortal body. Only after this catastrophe can we carry stronger power. This is the so-called fate. After fate, he entered a higher realm.

As for the spiritual root, it is actually the qualification aspect of the exorcist's cultivation. The stronger the spiritual root, the faster the cultivation speed, and the greater the spiritual fire that can be accumulated, so that you can quickly break through the realm level. The spiritual root aptitude is related to the penetration of heaven and earth aura, so it needs to be improved by absorbing the heaven and earth aura.

To become an exorcist, Tang Ye had already achieved it a hundred years ago. In other words, he had already reached the realm of "Damn". As for the spirit fire, he didn't know how to divide it. His blue spirit fire seemed to be better than the spirit fire, and he could release several layers of blue spirit fire at will. Therefore, if the green spirit fire can replace the spirit fire, then he has already reached the foundation for breaking through to the next level in the practice of Fumo Master.

According to the words in the "Volume of Demons", it would be a state of "extradition" after "heard". So now Tang Ye has reached the realm of "Damn" and has the foundation to break through to the realm of "Extradition", so he can completely enter the realm of "Extradition".

Since it is a breakthrough to a higher realm, there are naturally many benefits. Otherwise, why bother pursuing those devils. It is said that any genre actually has a true **** ancestor. Later generations are mostly ordinary, and the pursuit of lifelong cultivation is actually to achieve the "deification" state of the ancestor.

Tang Ye remembered that the feature of "extradition" introduced in "The Demon's Letters" was "the strengthening of the body and strength is only one of them, and the most significant feature is the opening of the door of reincarnation!"

It turns out that if you reach the state of extradition, the distinguishing feature is that you can open the door of reincarnation at will and maintain it for a relatively long time.

For Fumoshi, this ability is a dream, very powerful!

You must know that opening the gate of reincarnation is very difficult. The average exorcist needs at least 90% of the power to open the gate of reincarnation. In addition, the time that can be maintained is only a few seconds. So, fighting against others, this trick is almost useless. Because once you use it, you are desperate. If you fail to solve the enemy, you won't be able to fight.

In addition, there are many more functions of the gate of reincarnation. If the door of reincarnation can be opened at any time, and for a relatively long period of time, the increase in combat effectiveness that it will bring will be unimaginable. Because after opening the door of reincarnation, you can throw the enemy in. And if it is thrown into the gate of reincarnation, then, no matter it is a monster or a human being, it will be harmed by the underworld.

Demons and ghosts are directly judged, and if humans enter the underworld as a living person, even if they can return to the world again, they will lose their souls because of the life and death world. At that time, it is hard to say whether it is silly or stunned, paralyzed or directly dead.

That is an extremely serious soul injury.

In short, the consequences are quite serious!

A hundred years ago, Tang Ye came into contact with Fumo Codex and knew about these growth paths of Fumo Master. It is a pity that at that time, his vision and pattern were not as broad as they are now. Moreover, a hundred years ago, he was a little overwhelmed just by dealing with his own growth, so he didn't even think about taking the path of growth of the Vortex. On the contrary, he wanted to teach Yun Youlan so that Yun Youlan could grow into a powerful Fumagist.

But now, a hundred years later, his pattern has been integrated into the whole world, and probably this kind of growth of the magician is also concerned.

Because this way, Fu Mo master has a very important function, which is to open the passage of the underworld and communicate with the underworld!

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