My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1873: Town magic cave!

Miao Yuer did not dare to speak. Knowing that Tang Ye and Shikui were both old monsters a hundred years ago, she felt that she looked even smaller. In fact, her true age is only in her early twenties. Just dress up more maturely in makeup. Therefore, she knew very well that in front of Tang Ye and Shikui, she was very tender.

It is said that being young is an advantage and capital. But in this changing world where power is increasingly supreme, power is the best capital. The power of Tang Ye and Shikui was far beyond her reach. As a girl a hundred years later, facing two old monsters a hundred years ago, she really shivered and dared not speak.

I don't know the facts, I thought I had good strength and good looks, so I wouldn't be bad anyway. But after knowing the facts, I discovered that everything was so cruel.

Tang Ye didn't forget Miao Yuer, and introduced to Shikui: "Miao Yuer of Tang Sect."

Shikui looked at Miao Yu'er, showing only half of his face, and said, "The talent is not high, but the talent is not the most important. Moreover, whether the talent is high or not can be assessed casually. Over the past generations, Luohuadong Women don't have any talents. But when the chance comes, they can point to the realm of heaven."

Miao Yu'er felt flattered when she heard what Shikui said. What Shikui said is not difficult to understand. She knew that she was not very talented, but Shikui said that if there is an opportunity, talent is nothing at all. So, this is to comfort her. I also took the case of the Luohuadong girl, which can be said to be very concerned.

Miao Yuer was also constantly surprised. These monsters that have lived for a hundred years are so compelling to speak with their mouths, Luohuadong women, gods, these things seem to be nothing to them. If it weren't for the understatement to be convincing, it would be arrogant and arrogant.

Miao Yu'er was a little nervous, and said to the corpse Kui: "Thank you, senior!"

I would say thank you, and I don’t know what to say in other words.

Shikui laughed haha, his voice was different from ordinary people, because half of his mouth was wrapped. He said: "I didn't expect me to become a senior too, huh... it's really interesting. It seems that it is better to live, and die, it is very boring."

In this way, the secret technique of ghost rebirth must be studied to the end. It is best to be able to study, immortality!


After Shi Kui laughed, suddenly, there was a roar outside. The same as before, it seems like a monster goes crazy. When Tang Ye and Miao Yu'er heard this, they frowned slightly. It seems that there is indeed something big happening in the place where the corpse is driven.

Shi Kui just woke up, but when he heard the roar, he could not help frowning, obviously he knew something.

This is the place where the corpse clan was driven out. Although the corpse Kui was expelled, he also grew up here, so he should know a lot. Tang Ye asked him: "I heard such a huge roar outside just now, is it normal for you people who drove the corpses or something bad has indeed happened?"

The corpse Kui thought for a moment, and said: "The corpse chasers have always liked to study the technique of corpse refining, and corpse puppets often appear. If it fails, the puppets get out of control, so roaring is not surprising. However, such a huge roar is not common. I'm afraid that something happened that the corpse chaser cannot control."

Tang Ye nodded and said, "I just ran into a corpse leaping with red chains outside. It was not controlled by the people of your corpse chasing clan. Is this a problem?"

"Chilian jumps the corpse?" Hearing Tang Ye's words, the corpse Kui couldn't help being startled, frowning more tightly.

Seeing the corpse Kui frowning and thinking, Tang Ye felt that he should know some things about the corpse chasing family. Although a hundred years have passed, the corpse chasers are doing just those things day after day. They did not leave the land of Montenegro, and no outsiders broke into the land of Montenegro. Naturally, the changes were not big.

After thinking about it, Ji Kui probably had some guesses, and said to Tang Ye: "My Lord, if you really want to know the truth, you have to go and see inside Black Mountain."

Tang Ye thought for a while, although this was something outside of the plan. However, if you become curious, you can go and take a look. But he still didn't want to get into trouble, and said to the corpse Kui: "I don't want to get entangled with the people who drive the corpse, so I will hide in the dark. If there is any situation, you have to take action."

Shi Kui nodded and said, "Don't worry, this matter will be left to me. Even if I get entangled with the corpse clan, I will be fine."

"Good." Tang Ye nodded and said.

Miao Yu'er had nothing to say, and now she just obediently obedient and followed silently. She knew that the place she was about to set foot was beyond her ability to deal with, and she would die if she died, so she did not dare to take risks.

The place where the corpse clan was driven was still familiar to the corpse Kui, and Tang Ye let the corpse Kui lead the way. He followed, taking care of Miao Yuer by the way.

The corpse Kui jumped ahead and left the corpse cave to a cliff. The old oil lamps were burning all around, and the light was misty, and it became more and more gloomy. And on the opposite side of this cliff, there is another cliff. The distance between the two is about 100 meters, and there is a chain bridge between them. To go to the cliff on the opposite side, you have to cross this bridge.

The corpse Kui paused, but did not speak, and then stepped onto the swaying chain bridge. There is an abyss underfoot, and I am afraid that I will be crushed by falling down. But Shikui was not afraid, and walked skillfully and calmly, just like he often walked like this.

Miao Yuer was the one who walked in the middle. This was Tang Ye's gentle and careful place. Walking at the end was convenient to protect Miao Yuer. Anyway, the corpse Kui opened the way and there was no danger.

Miao Yuer felt very heartwarming about this kind of thing. But because of this, she often feels that the lord she is following is too good for her opponent. Others say they are evil, but they feel gentle and kind.

The chain board bridge is very dangerous. Miao Yu'er walked up and glanced back at Tang Ye, asking for her opinion.

Tang Ye's expression was quite serious, and she looked at the cliff opposite to her silently. He felt a terrifying yin power from the cliff, and at the same time, there was a suffocating aura, it must be very dangerous there.

Looking back, Tang Ye told Miao Yu'er: "You have to be careful, remember to bring up the spirit of twelve points, things are not trivial. In case something happens, remember to protect yourself first. Although I am here, I may not You can grasp the whole situation."

"Yeah." Tang Ye was so serious, Miao Yu'er didn't dare to be vague, nodded, and then stepped onto the chain board bridge and followed the corpse leader.

The corpse Kui walked very steadily in front, but it was dark and misty, like under a chain board bridge surrounded by mist, and the wind gusts, as if there are thousands of ghosts wailing, making people afraid to look down.

Fortunately, Miao Yuer and Tang Ye are both people who have met the world, and there is no impact, but Miao Yuer is quite nervous. Then, they passed the chain board bridge by the way.

When I walked to the opposite cliff, there was a huge cave in front of the cliff mountain peak. In front of the cave was a huge stone stele with a few blood-red characters written on it-Zhen Devil Cave.

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