My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1866: Land of the corpse!

Going to Biyun Temple is to pick up Wuwang. He had said before when he arrived at Biyun Temple that he would pick up Wuwang two days later and let Wuwang follow him. This is to sharpen the innocence. After learning about Wuwang's relationship with the young monk Shouxin, he knew it was another chance. Wuwang is very strong, but there are too many limitations. Since Tang Ye has returned for a hundred years, she should be a mentor. The communication with Biyun Temple was not harmonious. Nianzhi, Nianhui, and Nianpu, as well as other Buddhist disciples, all felt that he was persecuting Wuwu.

But for Tang Ye, it didn't matter. Since he is a faceless person, why bother to argue so much about good and evil, time and facts will prove everything. But even so, since La Wuwang has come in, Wuwang must obey the arrangement. The plan to capture the divine power that he is going to carry out is a big plan, and there should be no accidents. Otherwise, the plan will fail, and the casualties will be the worst. Those facing him were the four great spirit beasts and the four fierce beasts.

"Is the Necromancer's matter left? I'm worried..." Miao Yuer said to Tang Ye, but stopped talking halfway through, and said, "Everything is up to you."

Tang Ye looked back at her and said, "Are you worried that something will happen to the Tang Sect? This necromancer, after all, shot Tang Sect. You care about Tang Sect and your sister. What's so embarrassing about this. I know You don’t have to hide your mind in front of me. No, it should be... Tsundere?"

"You..." Miao Yu'er didn't want to be said by Tang Ye, there was a feeling of being molested, this old guy!

Tang Ye smiled and said, "Don't worry, since I helped Tang Sect, I will continue to help. Naturally, this necromantic Taoist matter will also be investigated, but I will leave it to others. One person is very suitable. But the prerequisite is that he is still alive. I hope that my plan and vision are successful, otherwise he has become bones."

"Huh?" Miao Yuer was taken aback, but she was able to accept it soon. After all, for an old monster like Tang Ye, how many things he has done in the past and how many plans he has arranged are all normal.

Tang Ye fell into short memories. He did make some arrangements a hundred years ago, all because of the ghost cave reincarnation technique he wanted to study. His ambition is still quite big. He followed his master to grow herbs to heal the world. The healer, after all, wants to explore the limit of life. The limit of life is inseparable from the topic of longevity. Originally, he knew that birth, old age, sickness and death were the reincarnation of the precepts, and there was nothing to dispute. However, after he entered the state of ghost cave death, he realized that this is a kind of profound knowledge that can avoid birth, old age, sickness and death. Who doesn't want to master the secret of life and death?

He wants it! Having experienced life and death in so many battles, if he could master such a secret technique, he would not let it go. Therefore, he has been paying attention to this matter since he was reborn after experiencing the dead weight of the ghost hole a hundred years ago. Therefore, he was very interested in the Clan Clan who only appeared at that time. The Clan Clan members were still enemies to him, and they were one of the three evils of Xiangxi who wanted to kill him. Despite this, he didn't kill the corpse chaser when he had the opportunity.

Because, this corpse-driving tribe is very talented in researching the corpse secret technique. He was originally badly injured by Tang Ye, and was bitten by a two-headed python, half broken! However, he relied on his own dead body secret technique to refine the half of the broken body into a dead body state, and merged with the living body! Therefore, he did not die, and he got a stronger and harder body.

The only drawback is that there is a big difference between a dead body and a living body, so it can no longer be like a normal person.

But he is a person who ignores the world's gaze, so even if half of his body is wrapped in white tape, looking like a half mummy, strange and eerie and terrifying, he doesn't care at all, and still does his own thing.

And at this time, the corpse chaser was also against Tang Ye. He has nothing to fear. Already half alive and half dead, we can see life and death even more. However, at this time, Tang Ye took a fancy to him, thinking that he was quite talented, and he was a member of the corpse chasing clan, and he would study the secret technique of ghost cave reincarnation more. Therefore, after returning from Guwu Jianghu, Tang Ye, who had mastered extremely powerful power, did not kill the corpsesmith, but instead controlled him.

After returning from the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, Tang Ye had already refined the Green Spirit Fire. He implanted the green spirit fire into the body of the corpse slayer, controlled him, and asked him to deeply study the secret technique of ghost rebirth and report to him regularly. However, later he knew that he was leaving the ancestral land, but he was unwilling to put aside the study of the ghost reincarnation technique, so he made some arrangements for the corpse slayer.

If the green spirit fire is frozen, it will turn into a cold fire, which will quickly freeze a person. It is equivalent to that, after the Qinglinghuo changed, it absorbed all the surrounding heating, including the human body, and then the human body entered a frozen state. This is also like a freezing operation. Before leaving the ancestral land, Tang Ye told the corpsesmith about this. This may make the corpse carpenter immortal and immortal, waiting to be born again in the future.

The corpsesmith agreed to this plan. Therefore, according to what Tang Ye said to Miao Yu'er just now, if the plan to freeze the corpse chaser is successful, then the corpse chaser should be alive now, still sleeping in the originally planned place.

However, freezing the carpenter to survive is different from Lu Celadon running to Antarctica to freeze himself. The freezing of the corpsesmith requires more complicated conditions. To say it is complicated, it is not complicated, but besides freezing, there is another requirement, that is, sufficient Yin Qi. Because the corpse carpenter is generally living, generally dead. The requirements of the living body and the dead body are different. To guarantee a living body, you must guarantee a dead body. The yin qi is necessary to conceive the dead body.

The cemetery is cloudy, but not enough. The cemetery will be exposed to the sun, and people will worship, and there will always be Yang Qi. It is possible to conceive the dead body of the corpse-shoveler without any yang intrusion, otherwise it will gradually rot when frozen. The dead body is different from the living body, and there are many particularities. Being strong is not so easy to come by.

In the end, the place where the corpse chaser was frozen was chosen in a place that the world rarely knows. That is the secret that the corpse chaser has always kept. No one would have told it. The place where the corpse chaser is active is hidden in western Hunan. The mystery of the misty land, Montenegro.

When the corpse chasing family emerged, it was common in ancient times when wars were frequent. There were too many dead people, but they wanted to send them back to their hometowns, so the corpse chasing clan appeared, using secret techniques to "activate" the corpses, binding and pulling them with surgical wires, and calling them by bells.

Only later, the corpse chasing away slowly declined until it disappeared. However, the corpse chasing clan has a mysterious inheritance of knowledge, so the chasing corpse clan just no longer appears in front of people and no longer conducts the corpse chasing thing, but they are still conducting research on the corpse secret technique. Moreover, their ancestors constructed a secret realm, so that they lived in the "world" of the world, no one noticed, unless their people led the way, otherwise they would not be able to enter the place where they lived.

That is Montenegro.

Montenegro is the place where the corpse family lives.

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