My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1839: Sit down and become a Buddha!


On the Fragrant Hill, a long bell came. Then I saw two rows of Buddhist disciples in monk clothes walking neatly and quickly on the Xiangshan stone steps. All these Buddhist disciples have serious expressions, even a bit dull. In short, they can't think of humorous expressions.

These Buddhist disciples gathered in the chanting hall on the mountainside. At this time, there were three old people in the hall, with gray beards and white eyebrows. Obviously the three of them are highly respected in Buddhism, and the depth of Buddhism is not comparable to ordinary disciples. In this way, the disciples in the monastery were summoned to come, I was afraid that something was discussed.

On the other side, there is a Buddhist disciple. It's just that this disciple didn't wear a uniform monk's clothing. The monk's clothing he wore was made of light yellow linen cloth, and it was quite tattered. What makes people even more concerned is that he has suffered a lot of injuries. There were simple skin and flesh wounds as well as poisonous wounds that had turned black and purple.

This disciple sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and did not move, not knowing what he was doing. And he was one of the top masters who participated in the siege of the two-headed python in the South China Sea before, Wuwang.

Wuwang was originally traveling, killing demons and eliminating demons. He was a very talented and outstanding disciple of Buddhism. What is more concerning is his other identity. That is, he was a Buddhist disciple who had suddenly realized the Buddha's way a hundred years ago, and was personally named and approved by Master Shouxin.

Regarding Master Shouxin, that is a legend. A hundred years ago, after Tang Sheng left, there was a struggle for luck. It was only because Tang Sheng wiped out the gorefiend and Tang Sheng released great luck, which caused an adjustment in the heaven and earth's luck. In fact, others thought this was just Tang Ye's cause, but they didn't know that it was also related to the coming of the Book of Destiny. The princess and the destiny book made an agreement to let the destiny book host the body. This is a major event that affects the luck of heaven and earth.

If we have to talk about the relationship between the destiny book and the air transport, it should be said that the two are derived from the same root and influence each other. Before the destiny book did not change, the air transport was distributed between the heaven and the earth. For different people, different foods were allocated to different air transports, and then various different creatures were produced. After these creatures were born, they had fate. Under fairness and justice, the trajectory of destiny will change if the creatures strive to change, or fall for themselves. Some become stronger, some become weaker. Before that, it was after the trajectory of destiny came out, that the air luck was redistributed.

That is to say, luck is allocated according to the trajectory of fate. The change of a creature's destiny is actually divided into two steps, one is the generation of the destiny trajectory, and then the distribution of air luck, and finally the destiny takes shape. Therefore, the combination of luck and destiny is the complete evolution of life, and neither is indispensable.

In this way, it seems a bit understandable, why the old Taoist priest could allocate luck. Because he knows the abnormal changes in the book of fate, he knows that Qi Luck is in self-regulation, and he no longer follows the trajectory of fate as a reference. Therefore, without the decision of the trajectory of fate, there will be a blank period of air luck. This blank period is due to the stagnation of Qi Luck itself in order to adapt to self-distribution. It was at this time that the old Taoist priest gave Tang Ye a bit of Qi Luck.

But the truth is far from that simple. Why can Tang Ye get a piece of luck alone? Even if the air luck is in the blank period, there is a mechanical operating mechanism, that is, whoever is strong will allocate more air luck to people. In this way, if you want to give Tang Ye so much luck alone, then Tang Ye must be extremely powerful. However, at that time, Tang Ye hadn't been born yet!

How could the secrets behind the changes in the world be so simple. If there were no participants at that time, I am afraid it would be unclear at all.

Wu Wang did not move at this time because he had entered the unique posture of "sitting on the ground to become a Buddha". Originally, sitting on the ground to become a Buddha was a way of saying that the avenue has been completed. However, because this kind of thing is so rare that I don't see it once in a hundred years, I was enlightened by Master Shouxin as a protective Dharma that can be used at any time.

The effect of sitting on the ground to become a Buddha is that when the body is seriously injured and may be life-threatening, using this trick can make the body enter the state of the Vajra Buddha body, stop any injuries, and protect the body from being fatal. At this time, as long as you get medical treatment in time, you will not die.

Come to think of it, this is very similar to the reincarnation of the ghost cave that Tang Ye wants to study. The secret technique of ghost rebirth is to open the ghost cave and become a dead body if the body that has been seriously injured cannot be treated in time. Become a dead body, it doesn't matter the injury, because they are all dead. In this way, you can buy time, wait until there is a cure, remove the dead body, return to the living body, and then treat.

This is the effect of sitting on the ground to become a Buddha, but in fact, ghost rebirth is even more powerful. Ghost Acupoint Reincarnation is that when the body is dead, it can be treated and relieve the injury of the living body. This kind of thing is extremely incredible to Tang Ye. Because of this, he only survived a hundred years ago from Dong Miaozhu, who had awakened into a bodhisattva, and because of this, he learned the lifelong secret technique of withered wood and spring, and gained a power plug-in existence.

Because of this, Tang Ye had to study the secret technique of ghost rebirth in depth, even if he had the strength of a divine body now.

Master Shouxin, a legend in Buddhism, when he was a child a hundred years ago, he realized that he became a Buddha suddenly, and then he has made numerous contributions to Buddhism. And Shou Xin was the disciple who had been accepted by the old abbot Yimei a hundred years ago. The old abbot Yimei's original rule was that he would not accept disciples for life. However, Shouxin made him an exception. Because he knew that Shouxin was born into a Buddha. Therefore, for the apprentice Shou Xin, he never teaches the Dharma, and only asks Shou Xin to do the little work of carrying water and cooking. At that time, this development of Shouxin seemed to be very wasteful, and Shouxin often complained that this would only make him mediocre.

Shou Xin didn't want to be that way, because he had people who wanted to protect very much during the Great Luck War. However, the old abbot Yimei never taught him Dharma. Finally one day, the old abbot Yimei passed away, and he had an epiphany and landed as a Buddha. Only at that moment did he understand the good intentions of the master Yimei Old Abbot.

He has his Buddha.

The moment of transformation is also the moment when the loved ones leave. Shou Xin was originally a playful and naughty child, but after becoming a Buddha, he grew up suddenly, steady and speechless.

In the Battle of Qi Luck, one of the "ten xuan" who made great contributions to the palace of the Red Wall was keeping the heart safe.

Tang Ye is no stranger to Master Shouxin, because a hundred years ago, he would still tease that naughty little monk, because he often called, "Shouxin little monk, Shouxin little monk..."

A hundred years later, the little monk Shouxin didn't know if he was still there. Buddhism knows that he is the supreme Buddha, and there has never been a celestial phenomenon in which he passed away. So, at this time, he probably still lives somewhere.

Wuwang was brought back by Shouxin to be raised by Buddhism, so he was obviously not easy. It's just that he needs too much training now.

At this time, he was forced to sit on the ground and become a Buddha because he was injured by a two-headed python. Everything is also because Tang Ye destroyed their plan to besieged and kill the two-headed python.

Unreasonable cannot die.

Because of Shouxin's assertion, this is what Buddhism must do.

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