My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1807: Sharpening stone!

Going back to the room and easing it up, Fengzhu Curtain recovered and can speak normally and perform other actions. She looked at Tang Ye, naturally there was still a lot to say. Although she was willing to follow Tang Ye, she didn't know what she was going to do, and she didn't know what Tang Ye was going to do.

But she knew Tang Ye had a plan, and looked at Tang Ye and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Tang Ye thought for a while and said, "Explore talents."

"Huh?" Feng Zhulian was puzzled, and said, "What kind of talents are you looking for?"

"Talents like you." Tang Ye said, "Talents are indispensable at any time. Against the power of the true god, do you think it is enough to rely on the power of one person? Impossible. It's like you are dealing with the red wall palace. Isn’t it gathered a lot of capable people? What we have to do now is to find those with strong abilities and train them. They will be our members, and their strength must be the elite of the elite, which can be One hundred enemy, even one enemy one thousand."

When Feng Zhulian heard Tang Ye say this, she understood what Tang Ye wanted to do. It turned out to be to build an organization and develop her own strength. Fengzhu Lian felt like he had been trapped. He was now a member of this mysterious organization, and was still the first member.

"It seems that you are going to stand on your own." Feng Zhulian looked at Tang Ye with a sneer, feeling a little proud after she knew what Tang Ye wanted to do, so she laughed at Tang Ye by the way. Such a powerful person also needs to organize manpower to do this kind of thing, so why not fight the sky alone.

Tang Ye treated Feng Zhu Lian's joke as a little girl's little temper and didn't care, and said, "You said it is okay to stand on your own. Anyway, those who excavated must listen to my arrangements and go against my will. , The price is great."

"You are so authoritarian, who wants to join." Feng Zhulian seemed to like to behave with Tang Ye.

Tang Ye didn't joking in this regard, and said: "There is no rule to make a circle, freedom and personality, I will not kill you. However, giving freedom and personality does not mean that there is no discipline and restriction."

Feng Zhu Lian couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said, "Are you an old antique? Such preaching!"

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "I'm just showing my attitude. Okay, now, let's talk about business."

"Before that, I have a question for you." Feng Zhulian stared at Tang Ye.

"You said." Tang Ye nodded.

Feng Zhulian looked at Tang Ye for a long time, as if studying it a bit, then asked, "You have no face?"

Tang Ye was very upset to ask this. Of course he had a face, but he didn't show it to others. He said badly to Feng Zhu Lian: "You don't need to know this, this is not important, just treat me as a faceless person."

"Why not important, if you are a stranger..." Feng Zhulian wanted to say that Tang Ye was a monster, then she would certainly not be able to cooperate with a human being, but then Tang Ye seemed impolite, or afraid that Tang Ye would be angry. Just because it was inappropriate, Fengzhu Lian shut up. She looked at Tang Ye and changed her words: "You must be an old man. With such a strong strength, you must have lived for a long time and accumulated a lot of strength. People are born, old, sick and die. Even if they can live long, their appearance cannot stay forever. You must be very old, so don't want people to see that old face!"

In this way, it was based on Tang Ye being alone, so Tang Ye should not be angry. Feng Zhulian said that, in fact, he wanted to explore Tang Ye's foundation. After all, a faceless person, who is still so powerful, is a mystery no matter how you look at it, and the ghost knows what it is like without a face. Maybe not even the head, that would be terrible.

Tang Ye would not be agitated by Fengzhu Lian, and said, "You don't have to think about this problem. If you have the ability to see my true face, then you are good, otherwise, don't waste time and energy on such things. Up."

Feng Zhulian curled his head, a little unwilling. Of course she didn't have the ability to reveal Tang Ye's true face. In this case, she should treat Tang Ye as an old monster.

"Old monster!" Feng Zhulian snorted coldly, still called Tang Ye. It seemed that this would allow her to tell herself in her heart that she did not succumb to Tang Ye, but just got what she needed.

However, since she hinted at herself so, the actual situation was precisely that she obeyed Tang Ye. If you don't have this feeling, you don't have to put your score so deliberately.

Tang Ye didn’t care what Feng Zhulian called him, and said, “Since it’s about digging talents and cultivating elites, then you must determine the strength of this person. Now that you are a talent that I like, then first look at you. the power of."

"I have no power." Feng Zhulian said directly to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye frowned and said, "Isn't there any power without power? Could it be that the power you have shown so far depends on treasures?"

"Yes." Feng Zhulian hummed his head, not wanting to admit such a thing. Because relying on treasures, it feels like a wealthy child with no learning and skill. He doesn't have much strength in his own right, but relying on the rich conditions of the family, he can do amazing things. The essential problem is that if you leave the family's resources, you will become mediocre and accomplish nothing.

Seeing Fengzhu Lian like this, Tang Ye couldn't help but laugh, and said, "It seems that you are still very unwilling. If I'm not mistaken, you want the power of the ancient landscape and the ancient gods and beasts. With the power of these two treasures, even if you have no power, not many people can approach you. And you can easily deal with others."

"That was originally ours, why not use it?" Feng Zhulian snorted coldly.

"We?" Tang Ye squinted, quickly relieved, and said, "Is that the young man with you?"

Feng Zhu Lian didn't speak, and acquiesced.

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, thought about something, and said, "What is your relationship with that young man?"

"It doesn't matter, it's just the cooperation of the family, the cooperation of a century-old plan." Feng Zhulian said. Then he asked Tang Ye: "You ask what this does, do you want to do to him?"

Tang Ye said, "It's not what I want to do to him, but what you want to do to him."

"What do you mean?" Feng Zhulian was anxious. Although she is following Tang Ye now, she never thought about what she would do to Chen Hebi. Even if he doesn't have a close relationship with Chen Hebi, he has been a partner who has worked together for a long time, and he certainly can't turn his head against each other so simply, and even face each other.

Tang Ye ignored the emotions of the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, and said, "Do you think you can do something to that young man? His strength, his hiding, are better than you. So I want What I told you was to treat him as your sharpening stone. If you win him, you are qualified to let me help you become stronger."

"Heh..." Feng Zhulian felt that Tang Ye was so loud, and wanted to refute Tang Ye. But when she thought of Tang Ye's horror, she didn't refute it. It seems that Tang Ye really has the strength to say such things.

She just wanted to use Chen Hebi as a whetstone. She had never thought about it, so she asked Tang Ye, "How do I count I win?"

Tang Ye said: "You continue to play with that young man, but in the end, you are the one who owns all the pictures of the ancient world and the ancient gods and ten thousand beasts."

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