My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1782: The inner ghost flop!

The green dragon returned, circling around Tang Zisang, resisting the old pig's ghost attack. It's just that the strength of the green dragon is limited by Tang Zisang. With the strength of the old pig soaring several times, Tang Zisang's own strength is not enough to resist. Even if Jackie Chan's strength is several times that of her own strength, it is still a bit worse than the old pig.

In addition, Tang Zisang was still trapped by Lao Luo's Nine-Nine Sky Net, and there was thunder and lightning in the Nine-Nine Sky Net, and he needed to evade. If he was hit, he would be paralyzed. It would be double imprisonment. The situation was very unfavorable to Tang Zisang, but she still gritted her teeth and did not let the old man surnamed Mu help.

The old man named Mu didn't mean to help either. He felt that Tang Zisang wanted to use Lao Luo and Lao Zhu as sharpening stones to break through the holy way. She herself inherited the power of the holy way across generations, and breaking through is easier than others. She vaguely felt that tonight was an opportunity, so she insisted on fighting against Lao Luo and Lao Zhu alone.

Tang Zisang held the old pig’s ghost axe to open the sky for the time being, but at this moment, Lao Luo’s Jiujiutian net struck a bolt of lightning and struck the green dragon. The green dragon screamed and was hurt, holding the old pig’s ghost axe. Kaitian was affected, but it shook a little bit, causing the power of Ghost Axe Kaitian to hit Tang Zisang's forehead.


The green dragon gave a sharp low voice to make Tang Zisang be careful. It wanted to help Tang Zisang, but the power of Jiujiu Tianwang stretched out again, restricting its actions. Even if it can break through the limits of the Jiujiu, it has been delayed, so that it cannot help Tang Zisang in time.

Tang Zisang must face the power of the uncanny axe alone!

"Huh!" Tang Zisang had already felt the overbearing power hit, and her face was hurt by the impact. She can't stop this kind of power, but if she can't stop it, she has to stop it, otherwise, if she is slashed by the front, people will become two halves.

Fortunately, at this time, the green dragon was fighting against Jiujiu Tianwang. She was temporarily not affected by Jiujiutianwang and was able to fight against Ghost Axe Kaitian. She stepped on her two feet separately, strong and powerful, but her movements were light, with the gentleness that a girl should have, and she didn't give people the feeling of a man. This is also a kind of charm of Tang Zisang, domineering and powerful, but also feminine. It would be a pity if he were killed just like that.

Naturally, Tang Zisang would not let himself be in trouble, the big deal was to admit defeat once and let the old man surnamed Mu come to help. As long as the old man surnamed Mu is to share the pressure, she is only one-on-one, and she can completely kill one of Lao Luo and Lao Zhu.

"Drink!" After Tang Zisang stepped on her feet and grasped the ground steadily, the uncanny power hit her head. She let out a sullen cry, held her hands up, and stubbornly carried the power of the huge red axe.


The power of Ghost Axe to open the sky is really overbearing, just like a berserker who fought like crazy. When Tang Zisang was hit, the ground he was standing on broke directly and turned into a round pit with a diameter of more than two meters. However, Tang Zisang's body received a strong impact, and he felt his bones fall apart. At the same time, she suffered internal injuries and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Can't hold it!

If she was lowered a little bit, her legs would be abolished. At that time, if the legs cannot support, the whole body will collapse. In the end, he will die in the open world.

Seeing this, the old pig knew that the big event was done, and Tang Zisang couldn't resist his attack. He shouted in a low voice: "Tang Zisang, I think you are a child, let me resist, I will have a good time with you!"

Tang Zisang raised his head with difficulty, sneered at the old pig, and said sarcastically: "Do you really think you can kill me? Well, I won't hold on by myself. I will kill you quickly. As for the breakthrough. There are a lot of people who want to kill me. If you can't become the whetstone for me to enter the Holy Path, then change to the next batch."

The meaning of Tang Zisang's words is very obvious, that is to ask the old man surnamed Mu to help. If there is an old man surnamed Mu, that Lao Luo and Lao Zhu are not afraid. After all, this old man served three generations of Red Wall, and his strength was far above her.

Tang Zisang also knew very well that the old man surnamed Mu should act upon hearing her words. She said so clearly, the old man surnamed Mu would know what it meant.

However, the old man surnamed Mu did not act.

Then the old pig laughed. He laughed at Tang Zisang and said, "Tang Zisang, do you really think you are not alone? Now, you still don’t know why you were assassinated tonight. Has anyone come to help you?"

"You..." Tang Zisang was taken aback. He didn't expect that Old Pig could say these words so confidently.

Then she suddenly woke up, inner ghost, traitor?

Tang Zisang looked back quickly, looked at the old man surnamed Mu, frowned and said, "Grandpa Mu?"

The old man surnamed Mu closed his eyes and shook his head lightly and said, "Zusang, this is what happened."

"Grandpa Mu!" Tang Zisang's expression changed drastically, and he let out a low voice. The tone was panic, consternation, anger, and great anxiety.

If the old man surnamed Mu is a traitor, then she will undoubtedly die tonight. Because Grandpa Mu was originally sent by the Red Wall Palace to teach her and protect her three generations of elders to serve. His strength is extraordinary and he has also protected her for more than ten years. Such a person is not only her guard but also her teacher. She hasn't managed to surpass the blue from the blue, so how can she surpass the old man surnamed Mu?

However, Tang Zisang would never believe that the old man surnamed Mu would be a traitor and an inner ghost.

She never thought of such a thing. Not only her, even the Red Wall Palace, I am afraid that she would not think about such things.

Three generations of elders have been loyal. Why is this so?

At the same time, Feng Zhu Lian and Chen Hebi sat together again in a high-end health pavilion called "Jiangshan Tu" and talked about their century-old plan.

Jiangshantu is a high-end health center built on the outskirts of the city, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Fengzhu Lian and Chen Hebi sat in a pavilion decorated with a combination of ancient and modern, facing a small cliff with flowing water. This environment can be said to be quite beautiful and elegant, making people feel like living in ink painting.

You can see the night sky head-on, and if you look further away, you can see the inside of Yanjing City. Chen Hebi took a sip of tea and said to Fengzhu Lian: "It's very lively tonight. It seems that the plan will come when the time comes."

Feng Zhu Lian remained silent, still thinking about the defeat of the demon in the Yingling Graveyard during the day. When Chen Hebi spoke, her thoughts were interrupted. She wasn't angry at all, and we got together tonight to discuss the next plan. Because there is a super card to be revealed on the red wall court. This card will succeed, but after it is turned over, you can't stay in the palace of the red wall anymore, you need to make the next step.

"Actually, if it weren't for Tang Zisang, Mu Wuling's card, I don't think there is any need to flip it so fast." Feng Zhulian said to Chen Hebi.

Chen Hebi smiled, and said, "You can't be so greedy. It just flops and can kill Tang Zisang. Moreover, Mu Wuling's return is a huge success."

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