My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1778: Not the enemy?

There were more and more assassins in the shadow group, densely surrounding the backyard, one after another, rushing up to attack Tang Zisang one after another. These assassins are elite assassins of the Shadow Group, not ordinary assassins. Even if they can't beat Tang Zisang, they can still fight Tang Zisang for several rounds. In this way, the consumption of Tang Zisang is very large.

However, Tang Zisang's strength was very powerful, and he defeated batches of shadow group assassins without showing signs of decline. She just feels irritable. The assassins of the Shadow Mission are like flies. She doesn't have so much patience to play with them. She knew that besides these assassins, there must be others, and she wanted to keep the strength to deal with those rivals.

Irritated by these fly-like assassins harassment, after repelling a group of assassins’ attacks, Tang Zisang turned his head and said to the old man who had been standing behind. I want to get rid of these flies, quickly, comprehensively, and stop dragging like this."

The old man behind him had accompanied Tang Zisang in boxing practice from the very beginning. He is a servant of the Red Wall Court, and he can become a servant of the Red Wall Court. Needless to say, he is capable. Just like the personal guards around the emperor in ancient times, how can you be a guard if you are not strong enough. And this old man is much more than that. He is two generations older than Tang Zisang, and that should be the generation after the poisonous sacred tree Caisang a hundred years ago. From that time to now, two generations of emperor have passed. The so-called veteran of the Three Dynasties, the strength is definitely more terrifying.

The old man's surname is Mu, and he has a close relationship with Tang Zisang. It seems that his identity is even more difficult. Maybe he belongs to Mu Caisang's family. It is a tribe specialized in poisoning in the Miao territory in the southwest corner. Mu Caisang is the person over there, and now Tang Zisang is practicing the exercises with this grandfather Mu, probably because he is receiving the teachings of the old man. And this old man is afraid that he is a master of poison.

After hearing what Tang Zisang said, the old man nodded and smiled, and said, "Okay."

After answering Tang Zisang’s words, the old man raised his right foot and stepped on the ground lightly. Suddenly, a force spread out around his right foot, the force spread, and finally enveloped the entire yard, as if it were around the yard. An enchantment was arranged, but the power from the outside couldn't get in, and the power inside couldn't get out.

"Thank you, Grandpa Mu." Tang Zisang nodded and thanked the old man. The effect she wants is to prevent the power from spreading out and to avoid harm to the outside. Because she wanted to eliminate those shadow group assassins at once, she would have to use poisonous skills. But if the poison technique is not well controlled and the poison spreads out, then the entire courtyard may suffer. Not only she lived in the courtyard, but there were others. Some are hidden world masters, but some are just ordinary people.

The shadow group assassins noticed the hands and feet made by Grandpa Mu, and they couldn't help frowning. They didn't expect this old man to be so powerful that he could easily set up such a large range of barriers. It seems that it is not easy to kill Tang Zisang, because there is still such an unpredictable old guy protecting him.

When these shadow group assassins were worried about Grandpa Mu, Tang Zisang began to release poison. She wouldn't slowly discuss with these assassins, she would clean them all at once. I saw her standing tall and swaying with her hands, like Guanyin dancing, she was also soft and strong, very beautiful.

As Tang Zisang's pair of graceful hands swayed, a dark green poisonous power began to emerge in her hands. This poisonous power was a fusion of power and poison, and it was only one step before the poisonous sacred Mu Caisanna a hundred years ago The realm of the unity of man and poison. The dark green poison technique power continued to increase, began to spread, and finally surrounded Tang Zisang's body.

"Stop her!" A shadow group assassin shouted loudly. He realized that Tang Zisang's current poisoning technique was extraordinary, and if he cooperated with the barrier established by the old man, the surroundings of the backyard would be sealed. If poison is emitted inside at this time, no one can escape!

This is very dangerous, Tang Zisang must be stopped, otherwise the entire army may be wiped out!

All the shadow group assassins realized the terrible situation after being reminded, and then they all shot together and rushed to Tang Zisang, using the greatest strength and the strongest moves to prevent Tang Zisang from releasing poison.

However, they were too late. At this time, Tang Zisang activated enough poisonous power to face the densely rushing shadow group assassins, she suddenly launched the poisonous power, and her eyes turned dark green at this time. This is the proof that her poison skills have improved, and that human and poison can be united just one step away. And after she introduced the power of poison, these powers turned into thousands of green butterflies, and the butterflies entangled the shadow group assassins in groups.

Butterflies themselves are the power of poison. If they are entangled, they are directly poisoned. Once poisoned, the body reacts immediately, paralyzed, weakened, pained throughout the body, and the combat effectiveness is rapidly reduced, even without standing. Then these shadow group assassins fell to the ground one after another, knelt down, lay down, etc., before long they were defeated.

Even if some of the assassins were stronger and could resist the poisonous entanglement of these butterflies, they were killed by Tang Zisang who later pursued them. The butterfly poison technique is very huge, like a wave, rushing invincibly, and everything it passes is infested with poison, it can't stop it at all. However, Tang Zisang slapped the assassins of the Shadow Regiment who had not fallen, punched them one at a time, or squeezed their necks.

It didn't take long for the assassins of the shadow group to be solved. They either knelt down and struggled hard, or just lay down and lost consciousness. Others were already killed by Tang Zisang, and they were thrown together and piled up.

Looking at Tang Zisang's style in this way, it really resembles Tang Ye at the time of the Nine Heavens. Tang Ye stood on the roof and looked at her, she was sure that she was a real great-grandson. He was quite satisfied, but shouldn't girls be gentle?

Tang Ye thought about educating children, but I'm afraid I don't have the qualifications. He was never a qualified father or relative.

Tang Ye was actually in the barrier set by the old man, but Tang Zisang was just busy solving the assassins of the shadow group just now, so Tang Ye was ignored. Now, when she noticed Tang Ye, she suddenly felt strange. Just now Poison Butterfly didn't seem to attack this faceless person. How could this be possible? He launched Butterfly Poison to attack all enemies. Did Butterfly Poison judge Tang Yewei, not an enemy?

Tang Zisang felt that something was very wrong, she didn't like to be too entangled, so she rushed to attack Tang Ye and tried it out. However, at this moment, swish, two forces swooped in and directly broke through the barrier laid by the old man.

The old man frowned, he was able to directly break through his barrier, his strength was not small.

Tang Zisang also stopped to attack Tang Ye, looking at the two forces, knowing that the real rival was coming.

"Tang Zisang, let us take your head today!" The two looted forces, Lao Luo and Lao Zhu, were the last of them, a net of heaven and earth, and an extraordinary craftsmanship!

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