My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1751: A hundred years back!

Wang Jiuxiao grew up in troubled times. Before he became the emperor, he was a man who fought everywhere. Receiving a loyal alien powerhouse like Hua Tian as his bodyguard was also met when he went to the border land to calm the chaos. He went forward courageously and never flinched. Even in the face of the existence of those abilities, they will fight to the end. He is a warrior, an inspiring warrior.

When he was young, he fought in all directions and established great prestige, so in his middle age, he took the position of the emperor. Originally, he didn't want to sit in this position, because in this position, he couldn't fight in the forefront, but became a core figure behind the plot.

However, in addition to his strong fighting ability, his mind is also quite powerful, and it can be said that he is the best candidate for that position. After everyone persuaded him and he thought twice, he finally put aside the idea of ​​fighting on the front line and went behind the scenes to command, plot, deploy, and coordinate the whole country.

In fact, the prestige established by Wang Jiuxiao, his identity also played a huge role. Because he is a descendant of the Wang family who has been the family of Jiangmen since ancient times. It was Wang Airen of the Wang family who had brought Tang Ye on his debut, trained Tang Ye, and brought Tang Ye into contact with the Red Wall Palace. These are all characters from a hundred years ago. Now Wang Jiuxiao is the great-great-grandson of Wang Airen.

With the identity of the family of generals, it was easier for Wang Jiuxiao to sit in the position of the emperor. Of course, this only played some good roles. The decisive reason was his ability and achievements. Now, he has been the emperor of the Red Wall for several years. Under his management, even if the level of chaos in this land has been increasing, the increase has been very slow. Compared with the emperor of the previous generation, the effect is remarkable.

Wang Jiuxiao looked back at Tang Ye's tombstone. In addition to Tang Ye's great contribution, it was also because of the inextricable relationship between their Wang family and Tang Ye. His grandfather Zeng Zeng, to his grandfather, to his father, kept telling him about Tang Ye. In addition, Wang Jianjia, the eldest lady of their Wang family at the time, was in love with Tang Ye. That is an open matter. Unfortunately, before Tang Ye left, Wang Jianjia had no children. Wang Jianjia's choice was to die in battle.

Tang Ye is a person of low love, but it is because of the overall situation. Anyone who knows him knows that he is very passionate. Therefore, he has protected the women who had a relationship with him. When Wang Jianjia died in the battle, the fortune that was transformed was added to the Wang family, and the Wang family grew and became the largest family today.

When Wang Jiuxiao was young, he was told by his elders that the Wang family has a relationship with Tang Ye. In fact, to be honest, he didn't care much about this. He felt that the Wang family's ability to rise mainly depends on his own struggle. Of course, Tang Ye is grateful for his luck. In addition, he had some other emotions towards Tang Ye, which was about Wang Jianjia. Wang Jianjia was the most outstanding woman in the Wang family in a century, but she was disappointed emotionally. He felt worthless for Wang Jianjia. It was not because Tang Ye left, but because Wang Jianjia had never hated Tang Ye. Whenever Tang Ye was mentioned, according to the elders, Wang Jianjia always smiled, very sweet. Even when she died in the final battle, she took the orb that Tang Ye gave her and smiled sweetly.

That orb is the secret treasure of the Long Family, and a token of the ancient Wu Jianghu Long Family to Tang Ye. Later, Tang Ye gave Wang Jianjia to Wang Jianjia, hoping to bless Wang Jianjia.

These are also past events. Only those who know what happened at the beginning will care. Many more people don't know what happened at the beginning. And, they are all busy surviving in this chaotic world, no matter where they can manage Tang Ye's emotional affairs.

After Wang Jiuxiao looked at Tang Ye's tombstone for a while, he told everyone to never give up, and then stood up straight, facing everyone, who are now the core figures in managing this country and an indispensable force to protect people. They came together to attend the funeral of a dead hero, as an expression of respect. And soon, he will return to the red wall, turn grief and anger into strength, and continue to fight against those evil forces. For them, the enemy is not only an evil force, but also some true gods. Because they are trying to subvert human rights and regard human beings as slaves, people will not give in on the point of sovereignty. Even if it's a god, it won't work. Therefore, if God wants to harm them, they will resist to the end.

The war between humans and gods is not new, it has been there a long time ago!

Wang Jiuxiao said to those people: "I know that the current situation is getting more and more serious, but the reason why we can go to the present is because we have never given up. A hundred years ago, they were fighting. Every year in the future, There are people who are better than us who are struggling. So now, even if we are not so good, we still have to fight. If there is another century, then I hope that our tombstone can also be erected here!"

"Yes!" everyone responded in unison, solemnly and solemnly.

Wang Jiuxiao nodded, and then left. Hua Tian followed and protected him. Now, many people want to kill Wang Jiuxiao, after all, this is the adult of the highest leader, killing him is of great significance. In this troubled world, not only the evil spirits want to kill him, but also all kinds of people who seek profit. For example, assassins who have no bottom line, they take a huge amount of money, and they will kill Wang Jiuxiao. And some people are psychologically deformed, wanting war and chaos, killing Wang Jiuxiao is undoubtedly an excellent method. In addition, there are some who want to seek power, the so-called ambition of establishing another dynasty.

Such as all kinds of things, Wang Jiuxiao was usually asked not to go out, so he stayed in the heavily guarded red-walled palace protected by Yuxi Qiyun. In the past, Wang Jiuxiao had suffered many assassinations, but because Wang Jiuxiao was already extraordinary in strength, he was not killed. When it's dangerous, it's an attack when you are outside. If it were in the Red Wall Palace, no one could move the protective barrier of Yuxi's air transport.

When Wang Jiuxiao left the cemetery of the heroic spirits and walked past the tombstones of Tang Ye, the emperor a hundred years ago, and Wang Jianjia and others, he stopped for a moment, and then walked away.

He hoped that when he died, he would have enough qualifications to sleep here.

The others followed Wang Jiuxiao, forming a long line. The spring rain became more turbulent, and the sky became gloomy and gray, not a pleasant atmosphere, even in spring.

However, just after Wang Jiuxiao and the others left, something incredible happened here in the cemetery of the heroes. In front of Tang Ye's tombstone, the space was suddenly distorted, and then a person flew out of it. The man fell to the ground and rolled several times, looking a little groggy.

After a long time, this person moved again, slowly dwindling his strength, propped up his body, and breathed heavily. From this look, it was Tang Ye.

Tang Ye came back from Chaos Space, and Li Haoran sent him back. When he remembered this, he was very worried about Li Haoran's situation, so he stood up and wanted to find Li Haoran. But he saw the tombstone with his name inscribed.

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