My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1727: Then all die!

The guardians of the Sixth Heaven’s Overlord Halberd Fragment are desperately resisting, Tang Ye’s arrival, as if a big mountain is pressing on them, forcing them to breathe. But they are still clinging to it, their will and spirit are still very good, facing Tang Ye, they would rather die than surrender.

As a result, they all died.

The sensible Tang Ye wouldn't talk nonsense with the people who hindered him, so he won't talk about the truth, just simply say that if you don't want to die, don't hinder it. Now Tang Ye, who is out of control of the demon, is dominated by hostility and magic, so he won't be too nonsense. After arriving at the place where the overlord's halberd was sealed, a dark magic ball fell directly, thinking this was to call out the guardians first, and then let them surrender the overlord's halberd, but I didn’t expect that those guardians had already been killed by the dark magic ball. Several of them were smashed to death.

Tang Ye didn't know that the power he played gently was so strong, it was really incredible. Then, the remaining guardians were already seriously injured, unable to guard the Overlord Halberd Fragment, the Overlord Halberd Fragment broke free and flew out, Tang Ye got it, and merged by the way.


The magic overlord halberd once again skyrocketed in strength and fireworks, with extraordinary momentum. Under the cover of dark magic power, although it was originally a divine tool, it did not appear sacred and righteous, but it had another side of horror. It was also a divine tool, which was daunting.

Now that he had obtained the overlord's halberd, Tang Ye didn't bother to stay in the sixth heaven, returned to the light beam of the power of punishment by the star tree, and began to rush towards the seventh heaven.

But encountered obstacles from some practitioners. The cultivators of the Sixth Heaven already have good powers, which are much stronger than the Fourth Heaven, so they unite to deal with Tang Ye, the evil demon race.

Seeing them in front of him, Tang Ye burst out of hostility, without a word of nonsense, directly swept the Magic Overlord Halberd out. The Overlord Halberd with six fragments already fused, the power can already crush all the masters of the Sixth Heaven. Long ago, Tang Ye could kill high-level cultivators by relying on the power of the Overlord Halberd. Once only one or two pieces of power can kill a high-level cultivator, now there are six, plus Tang Ye’s current magical power that is out of control, the sixth-layer cultivator is just ant weed, directly affected by magic. The power of the Overlord Halberd bombed into dross, and blood was spilled on the ground.

Tang Ye's fierce name was gradually formed in this way, the murder method was extremely **** and cruel, and it was a great demon. In fact, Tang Ye was not so **** and cruel, and he was very helpless about such things. I blame myself for being too strong, and a random burst of power will beat these cultivators like that.

If the strength is not so strong, he also wants to make one kill one by one, so that people will die beautifully, and let himself not be said to be so terrible. Of course, Tang Ye, who was out of control of Hua Mo, wouldn't care about this at this time. He was out of control, he didn't know what he meant, what else was the possession of the Dark Demon?

Now he was just going to finish the obsession that Tang Ye left behind, and this obsession turned into hostility to control him. Therefore, after killing a group of Sixth Heaven's cultivators, he once again went to the power beam of punishment by the star tree. No Sixth Heaven cultivators stopped him this time, because they were all horrified by the killing methods he showed just now. When they reacted and wanted to stop Tang Ye with blood and justice, Tang Ye had already rushed to the Seventh Heaven within the beam of punishment by the star tree.

Those cultivators in the sixth heaven could not enter such a powerful range of power, so they could only watch Tang Ye leave. Rather, it took a life for them. If Tang Ye was really blocked, it would definitely be a dead end.

After Tang Ye entered the power beam of Star Tree's punishment, he noticed that the power beam of Star Tree's punishment was weakening. But he didn't have any worries. He kept rushing upwards, his expression unchanged, and he was still full of hostility after the transformation demon got out of control. He didn't put any people and things in his eyes. It seemed that the only thing to do was destroy. As for the stopping of the power of Xingshu's punishment, whether the beam of light will affect him as he goes to the Eighth Layer, his expression is like saying that this does not exist.

This made Shana and Nuen Chong in the Eighth Heaven Astrology Palace both puzzled. Although the ancient stone stele array is difficult to destroy, but now they continue to attack for so long, the protection of the ancient stone stele array is also affected, and it begins to collapse little by little. And the collapse of the magic circle, even if it was only a little bit, would affect the power of Star Tree's punishment. For example, weakening of power is inevitable. When the power is weakened, the beam of light will decrease. They believed that Tang Ye must have noticed this situation, but Tang Ye didn't have any worries. Couldn't Tang Ye be afraid that the light beam of the star tree's punishment would disappear, and he could no longer use this to rush to the upper realm?

"Leave him alone, we continue to destroy the ancient stone stele array and let the power of the star tree's punishment completely disappear!" Nu Enchong said to Shana, also made up his mind. If this can't stop Tang Ye, then they don't know what else to stop Tang Ye, all they can do is to gather all the power of the masters to deal with Tang Ye's arrival together.

Shana now needs to help Saya return to the Eighth Heaven, and there is no other better way to stop Tang Ye, so she listened to Nu Enchong and tried her best to end the power of Star Tree's punishment. Now that the ancient stone stele array is destroyed, the star tree cannot absorb the power of the world so fast, and it continues to slow down. Now Tang Ye is starting to rush towards the Seventh Heaven, probably when he rushes towards the Eighth Heaven, the ancient stone stele array will be completely destroyed, the power of the star tree's punishment will be completely terminated, and Tang Ye will not be able to come to the Eighth Heaven immediately.

Although Tang Ye can still come to the Eighth Heaven through the Gate of the Realm, the Lord of the Realm can interfere with the Gate of the Realm. At that time, the Realm Lord of the Seventh Heaven and the Realm Lord Nu Enchong of the Eighth Heaven can use the Realm Gate to drag it again. Living in Tang Ye gave them more time to prepare and think of a solution, and perhaps it could solve Tang Ye.

In the face of this sudden crisis, what they lack most is time.

At this moment, Tang Ye was unstoppable, incarnate like a black bolt of lightning, rushing up against the power of the star tree's punishment. Shana and Nu Enchong destroyed the ancient stone stele array and weakened the power of the star tree's punishment, which was tantamount to helping Tang Ye and making Tang Ye rush to the seventh heaven faster.


Crossing a boundary of space, Tang Ye reached the seventh heaven. However, he was still in the light beam of the power of the Star Tree Punishment, and he saw that there were cultivators standing in the air, one by one, ready to strike, preparing for a full blow.

Tang Ye knew what these cultivators were doing, but just wanted to kill him. He didn't pay attention to the practitioners like Seventh Heaven, and stepped in suspension, stepping out of the beam of power of punishment by the star tree.

"Kill!" Tang Ye just walked out of the light beam of the star tree's punishment, one of the Seventh Heaven cultivators yelled out, and then they all had them, and they all came up with assassins and blasted Tang Ye. Exploding up.

However, Tang Ye just released a layer of dark magic power around his body, and their attacks were all stopped. Tang Ye walked towards them step by step, expressionless.

If you want to die so much, then die!

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