My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1711: launch!

Tang Ye was very curious. At this time, Saye's power was different from his previous power. Originally, Saya’s power was dark death, but now Saya’s power is not the dark death, like the power of ordinary cultivators. However, this force is stronger than the average cultivator, and it is above the realm of immortality.

So Saye can compete with Tang Ye. Tang Ye didn't understand how Saya suddenly changed this kind of power, or how he suddenly gained such a power. He didn't think this was Saya's own power. When he was attacking Saya just now, although he was blocked by those cultivators, he had been paying attention to Saya's breath. Saya did not change anything, but suddenly changed his power when the attack came.

If Saya completes these changes alone, there will be some signs. Just like he transforms demons and uses dark magic, it's somewhat of a process. However, Saya had that kind of power without any movement, as if it was obtained out of thin air. Maybe there is no need to investigate the source of Saya's power, just knock Saya directly. However, Tang Ye looked farther, he had already considered a question, this time he defeated Saya, will Saya be able to fight again because he gains strength again.

That would be endless. Therefore, Tang Ye wanted to know how Saya's strength was obtained. He immediately thought of the astrology house. Saye said before that her power is endless, just like his dead trees in spring. This is because Saya’s power comes from the astrological house, which is constantly providing her with power.

Astrology house?

While Tang Ye was parrying Saya, he looked up at the horizon. To go to the house of astrology, you have to go through the fifth, sixth and seventh heavens. Although relying on strength to go from the lower bound to the upper bound is much easier than from the upper bound to the lower bound, and it takes a lot less time, it also takes a certain amount of time. If you can't go to the astrology house immediately to stop the power supply to Saya, it will be difficult to kill Saya, and that's meaningless.

Moreover, even if you can go to the house of astrology, that is when you reach the eighth heaven, then powerful enemies can easily find him, and the masters of the astrology house and the master of the eighth heaven will come to chase him. Unless his strength can despise everyone, it is bound to be more difficult.

Of course, in this state, even in the Eighth Heaven, he is a master, and there are probably not many people who can deal with him. But being beaten by a group of people from the peak of the mysterious fairyland, even those who have reached the world fairyland, even he can't handle it. Therefore, the best result is that Saya can be killed in the fourth heaven.

"It's not that easy to kill me!" Saye knew what Tang Ye's cold and contemplative expression meant to do. At this time, she wanted to delay Tang Ye and wait for Shana to put down the star tree to punish, so she took the initiative to provoke Tang Ye.

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, curious about Saya's changes. The woman who had always been arrogant suddenly spoke and spoke, and she must have tried. At this moment of nonsense, the only thing Tang Ye can guess is to delay time. For this reason, what Tang Ye guessed was, besides Saye, there are other world wonderland masters who come down to kill him?

"It's not easy to kill you, because to kill you, you should kill the people behind you first." Tang Ye snorted coldly to Saya.

Then Tang Ye immediately told Saya a guess in his heart to see if Saya's reaction was as expected. He said to Saye: "The people in the astrological house must be very worried about you. I was afraid of being killed by me, so I gave you a strength. You could run away, but you stayed to deal with me. Is it you? Are you willing, or have other attempts?"

", it should be you, what are you planning to kill me? Huh..." Tang Ye sneered at Saya and hummed: "Whatever you do, I will kill you!"

Saya also sneered and hummed: "If you want to kill me, then see if you have that ability!"

Tang Ye jokingly laughed and said, "I naturally do. Don't you think the current situation is ironic to you? At first, you wanted to kill me. I just resisted desperately. But now, yes. I want to kill you, and you can only resist desperately. Ha... If you think you can overpower me again, then try, I hope you have this opportunity."

The situation Tang Ye was talking about was exactly what Shaye was extremely upset about, her expression turned gloomy and angry, she didn't speak any more, and wanted to defeat Tang Ye. But Tang Ye was able to deal with her attack easily. The power that Shana transmitted to her through the star tree was huge, but she was not very good at using it, so the effect it exerted was a little worse, so it was impossible to beat Tang Ye.

Tang Ye used the Magic Overlord Halberd and Saya's Death Scythe to bang and bang. Dangdang kept fighting. At the beginning, Saya was still able to draw a tie with Tang Ye, but slowly, she fell into the wind again and was suppressed by Tang Ye. Her decay continues to show up, and she can expect to lose out soon.

At this time, in the astrology house, Shana knelt in front of a shining crystal tree that was like snow shimmering with white light. The crystal tree in front of her is the star tree, which can absorb power from all walks of life. Shana, who was thinking of her mouth, was launching Xingshu's punishment.

After reading for a while, Shana's blue eyes suddenly turned silvery white, the same as the light of the star tree. Then Shana stood up, walked to the star tree, and pressed a slap on the star tree. Suddenly, the star tree shined brightly, very dazzling. Then, the star tree emitted several starlights, rushing towards each world in the sky.

Soon I saw that Xingshu fired a beam of light towards the stone stele in front of which was engraved with a mysterious pattern. The light shone on the stele. The stele was not broken, but the pattern on it was brightened. The pattern has several circles, and the more light the star tree emits, the more circles the pattern will light up.

When the patterns on the stele were all lit up, an indescribable force was generated. This power is the power of Xingshu's punishment. The pattern on the stele is an ancient imprisonment pattern. When activated, the target can be locked and attacked with 100% accuracy.

The power of Xingshu's punishment was ready. Shana walked to the stone tablet with a firm expression. She glanced at Tang Ye in the sky mirror. She only hesitated for a short second, and then became firm again. Then she pressed her palm on the stone tablet and suddenly banged. , With a loud bang, a silver-white force was launched from the stone tablet downwards, rushing to the fourth heaven.

Star tree punishment, start!

At this moment, the world masters of all the heavenly worlds were alarmed. Even the Lord of the Eightfold Celestial Realm, the ruler of the kingship, and Nu Enchong were shocked and hummed, "Xingshu Punishment? To deal with the human demon, do you have to use this power?"

Many powerful cultivators who could perceive this were also shocked. They didn't expect that the Astrology Palace paid so much attention to this human demon. In order to kill this human demon, they used absolute power, Xingshu punishment!

Just think about it, this human demon is a dark demon, and it is good to get rid of it as soon as possible. Now that the Star Tree Punishment had been launched, this Human Race Demon could never survive it.

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