My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1709: very simple!

The Lord of the Four Heavens and many cultivators are actually very nervous, they only have the strength of the real fairyland, but those who have to face the power of the fairyland can be killed at any time. However, after the realization of death, he has some courage. Then they felt that maybe they weren't that weak and wouldn't be killed in a second, they should always try.

This attitude is still somewhat optimistic. However, when they took action against Tang Ye, they knew what despair meant.

The Lord of the Four Heavens was very unwilling, and snorted to Tang Ye, greeted the righteous people behind him, and shouted: "Brothers, it is useless to talk to this evil demons, let us go!"

So several cultivators rushed to the front and put out their weapons to launch an attack on Tang Ye.

Tang Ye sneered at them, and said, "How can it be useless to talk more? Don't you just want to delay me and save the woman? If so, you should delay more, and talk more is the only effective way for you. Take action against me... ...Extremely stupid!"

"This..." When Tang Ye said so, the Lord of the Four Heavens felt that this was really the case. Attacking Tang Ye early, and being crushed by Tang Ye, there was not much time to delay. If Tang Ye was able to chatter, chattering, the time would have been delayed. Moreover, they can still live. This is the best way. But, **** it, this human demon saw through everything and said that on purpose, didn't he tease himself?

The Lord of the Four Heavens wanted to be angry with Tang Ye, cursing a few times, venting out, but at this moment, Tang Ye sent a few dark magic powers to the cultivators who had rushed out. Power stronger than the realm of the fairyland, dealing with a few people in the real fairyland, it is easy to kill in seconds. After a few dark magic powers entangled the cultivators, they squeezed directly, and the cultivators squeezed and shattered. With a slap, blood was splashed, and then a few tattered corpses fell down. .

The Lord of the Four Heavens who wanted to vent Tang Yelai was about to speak when he was sprayed with blood from several cultivators, and then he was frightened, unable to speak for a while.

Other cultivators who haven't done anything are also taken aback. This is the cruelty of reality. Originally, they thought, maybe they could fight Tang Ye, so they wouldn't be killed too fast. But, look at those companions. It was directly killed by Tang Ye in seconds. In this case, delay the joke?

Just a joke. What's the point of delay in a few seconds?

If you want to delay it for a long time, you can only keep people going to die. But how many people can they deliver?

But besides not counting the death to stop Tang Ye, what else can be done?

The Lord of the Quadruple Heaven Realm had red eyes, and there was no way, in order to stop Tang Ye, he had to take action, even if it was death. Thinking that I died too easily, but not reconciled. However, if Tang Ye were to lay down that huge magical vitality bullet, Saya was afraid that she would really not survive.

"Fight! Brothers, we must stop this evil demon!" The Lord of the four heavens gritted his teeth and died. There was no way, he must stop the dark demon anyway, and he rushed out.

Following the Lord of the Four Heaven Realms, there were several other practitioners. However, when they just wanted to rush out, their feet just took a step, and then a powerful magical force passed over their bodies. First they could not move, then there was a suffocation and pain, and then their bodies were crushed and splashed. Blood. At the moment they saw the blood splashing, their vitality quickly dissipated, their consciousness was blurred, and they finally died.

This is the result of their choice, as long as they want to delay Tang Ye, this is the end of death.

Tang Ye looked at them indifferently, even if he killed more than a dozen people casually, there was no fluctuation, it really seemed to treat life like a grass.

The Lord of the Quadruple Heaven Realm is stronger and stronger, and he is not so fast to die, but he knows that he will not survive, so he took the last breath and shouted to the other fearful practitioners: "Did you see this?! This It’s easy for the evil demons to kill you! If you can’t get rid of you, your death will come soon! So resist, even if you die, you can’t be so humble, so useless, and so meaningless!"

The Lord of the Quadruple Heaven Realm wanted all the cultivators to stop Tang Ye, so as to buy time for Saya, and perhaps Saya could escape. Even so, Tang Ye can't be killed today, but Saya is still alive, and there is still hope in the future. If Saya is dead, who can deal with Tang Ye, then the fourth heaven, even to the seventh heaven, wouldn't Tang Ye kill him?

Never allow this to happen!

"I will not kill you."

However, after the Lord of the Four Heavens yelled at the cultivators with such bold and inspiring words, Tang Ye suddenly said such a word to the cultivators.

"I will not kill you."

Tang Ye spoke very calmly, but these calm words hit his heart directly to those cultivators who hadn't taken any action. If you don't kill them, then they won't die. Don't die, what a temptation this is!

The temptation to refuse.

At first they hesitated not to go out to stop Tang Ye, it showed that they were afraid of death. Therefore, Tang Ye's words directly shook most of the cultivators, ignoring the heroic shouts of the Four Heavenly Lords.

At this moment, the Lord of the Four Heavens was so angry that he wanted to die immediately. Tang Ye's servant was too vicious, so he undermined his agitation. But he didn't want to give up, and continued to shout to those cultivators: "If you believe in this evil demon, then you are simply stupid! What can you believe in the demon? You must..."


The Lord of the Quadruple Heaven Realm said, suddenly his body exploded into fleshy flesh. Then I can't talk anymore. It was Tang Ye who exploded him. Tang Ye thought he was too long-winded, so he simply gave him a good time, then glanced at the cultivators again, and said, "I'll just say it once, believe it or not. How did I care if you resisted or obeyed?"

"You..." To Tang Ye being so arrogant, some of the cultivators were also angry. Think about it, if you succumb to this evil demon, you will be able to survive, and you will be despised by others, and it will not be easy to live. Besides, the words of the evil demons are indeed unbelievable.

"How can we bow to the evil demon! Brothers and sisters, let us fight together!" Then someone shouted out and made a decision not to give in to Tang Ye.

"Chong! Chong!" Someone took the lead, and many people rushed out to stop Tang Ye.

Tang Ye looked at them rushing, feeling quite puzzled. After all, he still became the big villain. Just like many TV shows, no matter how powerful the villain is, the righteous will not succumb to death. Then, the big villain massacred them, and a **** massacre occurred.

In that case, follow this routine to develop it. Tang Ye sneered, and sent dark magic power to those cultivators, which was even more powerful, snapping, snapping, snapping, one after another cultivator's body exploded.

Very simple and brutal.

"No..." Shana, who was above the astrological palace, felt the **** killings that took place in the fourth heaven, very painful.

This human demon really kept bringing killings. Then...Kill him!

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