My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1695: Death gluttonous!

Saye attacked Tang Ye for so long, and Tang Ye couldn't use any other tricks to resolve it, making her think that Tang Ye was already in awe. It's not that she is again confident enough to be careless. On the contrary, Tang Ye didn't use other resolving tactics, and was always eroded by death power. Now, Tang Ye lost his strength and vitality seriously, even if he was hit again, he would not suffer much harm.

However, at this moment, Tang Ye used a small space again. Saya was a little confused. At this time, what use is there to use a small space?

"Now even if you use this method, it doesn't make sense. Your strength and vitality have been greatly reduced, and I can easily get rid of this space." Saye said to Tang Ye, she did the same. While attacking Tang Ye, one hand exerted force to control the deadly domain, and pinched the small space Tang Ye released, and the small space was about to be squashed.

Saye didn't enter this small space, so Tang Ye wouldn't see anything through. She didn't hesitate about Tang Ye's tricks, and she still headed towards Tang Ye.

Tang Ye laughed. Anyway, this is a gamble. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent. If he couldn't crack this deadly realm, he knew he couldn't hold it anymore. He has always been optimistic, but at this time, he naturally doesn't want to grieve. And to release the small space, it is not that he still wants to rely on the small space to fight back against Saya, but to release the flame gluttony that was almost pregnant before.

It is very difficult to release summons directly in the field of absolute death. Because the deadly field is controlled by Saya, he also said that there is a fixed capacity, and the summons must appear to squeeze out the space. If you squeeze in the realm of death, it will be difficult, or even impossible. However, letting it out in his own space is easy. Then, when the space is broken, the gluttony only needs to be slightly exposed to the deadly realm, without being dissipated for the first time, the gluttony can gain a place to shelter by swallowing the death power of the deadly realm. After that, it was time to devour it.

Tang Ye did all these things after careful speculation, striving to maximize the success rate. His head is so powerful, no matter how difficult the situation is, he can think about it. These can be regarded as forced, and he has come here all the way. If you don't succeed, you die, how can you not work hard.

Saye smashed the small space that Tang Ye released, but when she smashed the small space, she noticed something strange.

That is a realizing power!

Originally, she didn't worry about any of these physical powers, that is, summoned objects. Because there is no room for these summons in her deadly domain. However, this summon is a bit different.

When Saya saw the problem, it was too late.

This summoned object was naturally the flame gluttony released by Tang Ye. At the beginning, the flame gluttony was exposed to the realm of death, and was immediately squeezed and blocked, and half of his body was missing. If the existence space cannot be obtained quickly, the flames will dissipate completely.

However, within the time of being blocked by half of his body, the flame glutton had opened its huge mouth and quickly swallowed a part of the death force in the deadly domain. Losing part of the power of death, there is space in the field of death, and the other half of the flame gluttonous body has not dissipated. Then, the flame gluttonous continued to devour the death force in the Extinct Realm, leaving enough space for it to reveal its entire body. At this moment, Tang Ye immediately exerted his strength, using the little remaining strength in his body to make up for the lost part of Gourmet. In this way, the flame gluttony is a complete body.

The vitality of the flame gluttony is stronger than other summoned objects. Even if it is only a part of the body, it will not dissipate. Because it is such a greedy and devouring terrible beast. Don't kill your head, I'm afraid it won't dissipate.

Now the flame gluttony is in a complete form. It has just been refined by Tang Ye. It originally needed to be fed with more flame power, but Tang Ye encountered King Kong, Arhat, and then Saya’s sniper, so he could not feed it. Today's gluttonous food is very hungry. Therefore, it galloped in the realm of death, not attacking Saya, but devouring the force of death.

Soon, the death power in the deadly field was swallowed a lot, Tang Ye felt a lot more relaxed, and the death power eroded a lot more slowly.

"This is..." Saya saw the flames galloping in the realm of death. Not only was it unaffected, but also swallowed the force of death with big mouths, revealing a relatively large expression of consternation for the first time.

This really surprised her.

He was confident that he would not be cracked by anyone in his field of absolute death, and now he was actually swallowed by death power. If this continues, the realm of death will be cracked!

"I don't allow it!" Saye drank, really angry. She couldn't calm down even if her own tricks were cracked.

"Do you think you can break the realm of death by devouring my power?" Saye coldly snorted to Tang Ye, "Too naive!"

After drinking, Saya rushed towards the flame glutton with the sickle of death, and pursued glutton. Flame Gourmet was instructed by Tang Ye, not to fight with Saya, the instructions kept running, so that Saya could not catch up, while it collapsed and swallowed the power of death.

If this continues, the field of absolute death will be shattered because of the loss of death power.

Tang Ye saw hope. As the power of death decreased sharply, he felt more and more relaxed. As long as he can get in touch with the outside world again, he can mobilize the power of withered trees and spring to replenish the lost power and vitality.

However, Saya said to him at this time: "I know what you think, but I said, you are too naive. Do you think that the realm of the dead is so easy to crack? My power comes from the house of astrology, this fierce beast can swallow me Strength, then I will continue to add it. This deadly realm will definitely not be broken!"

Tang Ye frowned slightly when she heard Saya's words. Indeed, he felt that the death power in the field of absolute death seemed to be slowly returning.

Damn it. Tang Ye was speechless. He didn't expect that Saya could continue to replenish his power. Is it necessary to go to the Astrology Palace to prevent the replenishment of death power to deal with Saya?

Tang Ye felt very helpless and powerless. Saya also opened the hanger, and this hanger is still on the eighth heaven's astrology house, how can he block it in the fourth heaven?


However, at this time, the flame gluttonous roar, shocked. Both Tang Ye and Saya couldn't help being attracted by it, and when they looked at it, they were shocked, because the flames had changed!

After the flame gluttonous swallowed a large amount of death power, the flame on his body was no longer red, but changed to black bit by bit!

More importantly, Taotie exudes a strong breath of death.

That is the breath of death power!

In other words, after devouring a large amount of death power, the flame glutton is no longer a flame glutton, but a death glutton!

Become a dead glutton, glutton is even more terrifying.

At this time, the death glutton had enough power to rush back to Saya.

Who is afraid of the fierceness of gluttony?

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