My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1693: Can't figure it out!

The field of absolute death, it feels terrible to listen to. What kind of dark death trick this is, only those who are shrouded in it can experience it. First of all, those who are shrouded in can never escape until they crack this trick. Otherwise, isn't the domain secret technique within the scope of this trick invalidated?

At this moment, Tang Ye was plunged into darkness, unable to see what was around him. But this is not the main thing. The most terrifying thing is that he feels the rapid loss of power in his body, as well as vitality. In this case, if you don't escape quickly, you will only have to die. Because of the current situation, he believes that this deadly realm is entirely formed by Saya's death power. Existence is death poisonous, so how can he avoid it?

In the peerless realm, any place, any bit of air, is the breath of death and the poison of erosion. In this case, even if it turns into a flame state, the flame will be corroded. It's like the capacity of the Absolute Death Domain is fixed. If Tang Ye turns into a flame, it can exist. It needs to blend with the air in the domain in exchange for space for existence. Of course, there is still Saya’s real-time manipulation in this respect, otherwise it would not be true.

In short, even Tang Ye's flame transformation can affect the Realm of Death. To a certain extent, this was tantamount to breaking Tang Ye's flame transformation. Tang Ye can still use flames to evade the physical force collision, but he will always be attacked by the power of death erosion, and his own strength and vitality are losing, then he can't last long.


Tang Ye was still adapting to the darkness of the Realm of Death, and suddenly felt a strong force coming, knowing that it was Saya's attack. He couldn't avoid it, so he could only avoid it with flame transformation. Then he successfully avoided, but found that his strength and vitality were still losing. He was shocked, and the flames could not avoid the erosion of the death force, wouldn't he be dead if he stayed in the realm of death?

Tang Ye realized the seriousness of the matter. From the flame metamorphosis state back to human form, avoid consuming too much power. In the field of absolute death, what makes him the most deadly is not that his strength and vitality have been deprived, but that the dead wood can play a very small role in spring!

The deadly field directly blocked the connection with the outside. Without the external connection, the air can't get in, and the dead wood cannot replenish power from the air in spring. In this case, even the tree of strength that is dead wood and spring will be exhausted!

I can't replenish it after I run out of strength, so I'm still playing with it. Therefore, Tang Ye is very worried now. Affected by this, even the fighting spirit stimulated by the dragon family's blood has decreased. Bloodline warfare is actually a cost of burning vitality. Before the creation of this technique, the Long family was very taboo to use "blood war intent", because blood war intent needs to burn vitality, and vitality is a person's life. Although the more bravery the war, the stronger the strength, but it is winning. After the enemy, oneself can also die because of loss of vitality. Even if he does not die, he will be several decades old.

Bloodline warfare, originally needed to stimulate and use when it was in desperate situation. But later, because this trick was improved and directly integrated into the bloodline, as long as the "Nation Life Element" was not activated, the vitality used would be very small. Of course, the power will also be reduced. But it also increased a lot of strength than usual. Burning the natal element is the last step.

As for Tang Ye's not afraid of this, that's because dead wood can even replenish vitality during spring. So, in fact, the longer he fights, the more amazing his explosive power. The longer the fight, the more advantageous it is for him. However, being shrouded in the realm of death now is extremely detrimental to him.

If he can't crack the realm of death, he will definitely lose, or even die.

"The space capacity of the Realm of Death is fixed, but I can control it. Whatever you become, I can let you be affected." Saya knew that Tang Ye was in a dilemma, and said to Tang Ye.

If Tang Ye didn't know how he died, even though he appeared to be very powerful, he always felt unhappy, right?

Tang Ye squinted slightly when he heard Saya's words, wondering what does it mean that this capacity is certain? Could it be said that if you add something to the Realm of Death, Saya will not be able to stand it and can crack this space?

Saye seemed to see through Tang Ye's mind, and said: "You can try to add things to my domain, provided that you can add it."

Tang Ye didn't speak. Saye told him this, is it letting him? Not really. That is to underestimate him, to mock him, not really. Saya was only very confident in herself, thinking that Tang Ye could not crack her mortal realm.

This field of absolute death is a very powerful move for her. If this Tang Ye can be deciphered, then she will definitely take Tang Ye seriously.

Saya continued to attack Tang Ye. She is confident but not arrogant. Although she affected Tang Ye with the Realm of Death, she still used other attacks against Tang Ye. Waved the death sickle, she jumped and struck Tang Ye. In this deadly realm, she controls everything. She can quickly detect where Tang Ye is and what she wants to do.

In this way, it would be easier for her to kill Tang Ye, because she could predict Tang Ye's movements in advance, and her power was stronger than Tang Ye, so what else could Tang Ye resist her?

However, in the next second she was stunned when she waved the death sickle to attack Tang Yeshi. Because she saw Tang Ye standing still with her eyes closed. She didn't understand why Tang Ye did this. Is it because she didn't intend to resist her attack, or did she want to continue to use flame transformation tricks to resolve her attack?

She really didn't understand Tang Ye's thoughts. Probably this is also the power of the human demons, not to be seen through.

Saya didn't care about that much, her attack continued. No matter what Tang Ye is doing, she can deal with it. In this deadly realm, in the realm she controls, she will not miss.

Saya thought it was a little funny to think of being so careful in his field. Could you have an accident?

Saya immediately attacked Tang Ye, but Tang Ye still did not take action. For this reason, she judged that Tang Ye was going to transform the flame. Because at this point of distance, at this point of time, to resist her attack, you can only use the technique of transforming flames. If it is to resist, it is definitely too late.

Regarding Tang Ye's plan to use the flame transformation, Saye couldn't help but said: "You have already felt that even if you transform into a flame, you will be eroded by the force of death. If this continues, you can't last long."

Saya intends to withdraw the attack, because Tang Ye will turn into a flame, since she can't fight, she doesn't want to waste her power in vain. Although her power comes from the astrological house, it takes a lot to support the deadly realm, and the astrological house cannot help her replenish it so quickly.

However, at this moment, Tang Ye moved suddenly, did not turn into flames, but directly punched a fist.


The fist hit Saya's stomach. Originally, Saya still had the Death Scythe in his stomach, and no one would hit it there unless she knew in advance that she was going to take back the Death Scythe. And now that Tang Ye hit her, could it be said that Tang Ye saw through her and wanted to recruit?

"How, maybe..." Saye snorted, then flew out suddenly.

Tang Ye exerted all his strength, it was also the strength of the Profound Fairyland, Saya was directly impacted with a punch, and he was injured somewhat.

She felt extremely incredible. He was hit for the first time since fighting against Tang Ye, and he still felt a little painful. The most important thing is, is this in the field she controls?

how is this possible?

Saya couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it.

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