My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1686: irony!

The arc of the flying power in the sky seemed to be like a fairy descending from the sky, underground mortals should bow down and worship. The Lord of the Fourfold Heaven Realm and those cultivators have this impulse. Purely because of the terrifying power.

The Lord of the Four Heavens and those cultivators evaded one after another, afraid to face such terrible power. Tang Ye raised his head and watched the power fall, waved his hand gently, sending out a group of power, forming a protective cover, covering the little fox. This is to isolate the outside movement, so that the little fox will not be disturbed and continue to sleep peacefully. Then Tang Ye put the little fox gently on the rock, and he stood up.


It was not as sensational as expected. When that terrible force fell on the ground, it just made a little sound, like stepping on a dead branch, and the dead branch snapped off crisply.

This is a woman in a strong black dress, with her hair tied up, looking very capable. And the face, as a Celestial Clan, is still the bloodline of the Eighth Heaven Astrology Palace, so beautiful and indispensable. It feels like a "black long straight" in the dimensional world. So the figure is also top-notch, really fascinating. But the biggest thing about her is her aura, like a queen, not bright, dark, and frightening.

Queen of Darkness.

However, she is the guardian of prophecy on the side of the astrological palace where the Eighth Heaven is known as the Palace of Light, Saya. She should be bright, not dark.

Saya didn't carry any weapons, and I don't know what weapons she used. Perhaps, for her, killing Tang Ye does not require weapons. Because she is very strong, so strong that it can almost be compared with the king of the fairyland in Eighth Heaven. Maybe it can. Therefore, coming to the Fourth Heaven, she should be an invincible existence. And Tang Ye, even if he rushed from the first heaven to the fourth heaven, after all, he was just a person who climbed up from the ground, how could he be able to beat the strongest from the upper realm?

However, Saya saw that Tang Ye had already stood up, looked at her calmly, squinted slightly, and felt that Tang Ye's strength had broken through to the Profound Fairyland. She was still very surprised. This human demon grew so fast. For this reason, Saya was thankful that it took decades, and finally he opened the door of the realm from the Eighth Heaven, and when he arrived, he could solve Tang Ye. Otherwise, waiting for Tang Ye to grow up, with the blood of that adult, maybe it really can't be dealt with.

Even now, Saya knows very well that if he didn't come by himself, then in the fourth, fifth, and sixth heavens, I am afraid that no one can stop Tang Ye. It was really terrifying to break into the Profound Fairyland. Every small level after the Profound Fairyland needs a lot of exercise. Therefore, even in the Eighth Heaven, the Xuanxian Realm is the mainstream realm. The Realm of Wonderland is already the strength level of Nine Heavens.

In other words, the current Tang Ye is equivalent to a person in the Eighth Layer of Heaven.

Saya's strength was also in the Xuanxian Realm, but he was quickly approaching the Realm Fairyland. In addition, because she has the ability of an astrological house, she can be compared with the people in Wonderland. In addition, due to her identity and blood, her genius has also been explosive. That kind of identity stems from a kind of close family union in the astrological house, which gave birth to a peerless genius. This kind of thing is not allowed in terms of ethics and morality, such as brother-sister union. But the astrology house has this so-called blood inheritance practice. The descendants born are either deformed idiots or peerless geniuses. The deformed idiot will be discarded, and the peerless genius will be cultivated vigorously.

Saya and Shana are both peerless geniuses, so now their sisters are in the astrological palace, and even the eighth heaven, extremely influential people, and even the royal powers do not dare to underestimate them.

"Tang Ye." Saye looked at Tang Ye and said calmly. Unlike others, she was named Tang Ye, not a human demon.

Then, Saya added again: "Or, call you Longye?"

Tang Ye laughed. The name Longye was only called on the side of the ancient Wujiang Lake in the ancestral land, and it has been a long time since I heard it. I didn't expect to have a chance to hear it in Jiuzhongtian. It seems that the woman in front of me knows a lot about her own affairs. Perhaps such an enemy is the real enemy.


"You know me, but I don't know you." Tang Ye said to Saya. But after watching Saya for a long time, he was not attracted by Saya's appearance, just a familiar feeling. This familiar feeling does not have any affection, like the kind of hatred engraved in the bones. Perhaps the old enemy should have such a thing. For this reason, Tang Ye thought of the past when some of his ancestors were betrayed by the Celestial Clan. So, Saya, probably someone related to that star emperor. Perhaps it was the descendants of the Star Queen at all.

The hatred of the ancestors, and the hatred of later generations, as enemies, always have some reason.

Thinking about the ancestors, Tang Ye felt that he should also have an understanding of Saya, and said, "You are from the astrology house."

"Yes." Saye was cold, but not a silent person. She said to Tang Ye: "So we either die or live. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence."

"Peaceful coexistence?" Tang Ye felt amused when he heard this word. Peaceful coexistence is indeed a very good thing, and even everyone is happy. They don't kill themselves anymore, don't worry about their affairs, and then smoothly go to the Nine Heavens to solve their tasks. But now, I have experienced many things, those who were killed, and those who were persecuted. Just like the little fox behind him, in order for Tang Ye to deal with their powerful enemies, he had already paid a huge price. Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief from this, she must not surrender, she must slap it. If this tone is not vented, the thought will not be understood. Tang Ye could never do this kind of thing.

A person lives for a lifetime, there are lengths and shortcomings, after all, you need to have an understanding of ideas. Therefore, for Tang Ye, there is absolutely no possibility of reconciliation. Besides, those heavenly tribes, other tribes, those in power, etc., can't reconcile with the human race. Just relying on Tang Ye alone, are they willing?

"This is a joke." Tang Ye said while looking at Saya, "I didn't expect you to say such a joke."

Saya was not angry, still so indifferent and cold, and said: "I never thought about this kind of thing, but my sister thought. She always felt that all tribes can get along well and try not to use force to solve problems. But she is too Naive, she has never seen the cruelty of the world."

Tang Ye didn't know who Saya's younger sister was. If he knew, he would probably curse. Because it's quite ironic. Shana is Saya's younger sister. However, she is the one who stayed in the astrological palace and used her predictive ability to track down the potential human races, and then told the royal power to kill it. And, the rebels of other tribes, etc., were all killed by her power and royal power. It can be said that a large number of deaths and wars were caused by her foresight.

The person with the most blood was Shana. However, she said that she hopes to live together in peace.

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