My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1675: possibility!

The Arhat is divided into two, one can remove the flame vines, then the other can attack Tang Ye, thus breaking Tang Ye's flame containment. So, if Tang Ye couldn't stop him, it would be quite dangerous.

"Have you figured out how to deal with it? Haha..." Luohan laughed. Although he was annoyed by Tang Ye's anger, he also enjoyed the seriousness and heaviness that Tang Ye would have when he broke through Tang Ye's tricks that he thought could stop him from attacking.

Doesn't this highlight his strength?

How can a mere human demon contend with him!

Tang Ye's expression was cold, and he was not moved by Luohan's provocative words. He kept staring at the actions of the two Luohan. At this time, an Arhat took the initiative to swoop in front of the flame vines, and an Arhat swept towards Tang Ye.

Arhat arrived in no time. At this time, Tang Ye quickly stretched the flame vines to cover and protect him. However, there is an Arhat in the middle, which will cut off the flame vines. In this way, the flame vines didn't work, and if he couldn't avoid it, he would be directly hit by another Arhat. If he was beaten again and his injuries worsened, the consequences would be disastrous.

But Tang Ye didn't move, as if he firmly believed that the flame vines could protect him. Then he just withdrew a few steps back to avoid the Arhat who was stopped by the flame vines and the aftermath of power from hurting him.

"You..." Luo Han was quite angry at Tang Ye's calm approach, how could he be so calm and fearless?


At this time, those flame vines stretched out and really entangled the Arhat who was about to attack Tang Ye, delaying his attack to Tang Ye. And the Arhat who took the initiative to eradicate the flame vines, even though he attacked the flame vines, failed to cut off the flame vines. He seemed to be an air person, he could only be seen, and had no practical effect.

That Arhat cannot produce a physical collision.

Luohan just stared at Tang Ye gloomily for such things.

Tang Ye looked at Luo Han still in that calm look, indeed very annoying, because he appeared very defiant. Obviously at a disadvantage, how can this be done?

He lightly said to Luohan: "A fake shot is useless to me."

It turned out that the avatar that Arhat was divided into two was only illusory, and could only play a misleading role, and had no other effect. However, under normal circumstances, the misleading effect can often play the most deadly role. If Tang Ye was frightened by the illusory clone just now and was busy responding, then he would not be able to calmly deal with his physical attack, so Tang Ye was afraid that he would be lying on the ground at this time. However, Tang Ye just saw through that illusory clone was useless, so he focused on dealing with Arhat himself.

Luohan didn't understand how Tang Ye could see through. Tang Ye just looks like the wind can't move, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. This kid, is it natural to sense something virtual and real?

In fact, Tang Ye was not born to sense these things. He just keeps expanding his abilities in small areas to better judge where to hide safely. It is precisely because of the ability of the small domain that when the illusion Arhat appeared, he knew that the illusion Arhat does not carry any power, so don't be afraid.

Luo Han became even more impatient with Tang Ye's words, "A fake shot, it's useless to me?" It was like saying, "I have seen everything about you, you can't hurt me". A guy from a true fairyland said so to a person from a mysterious fairyland. As a master of the Profound Fairyland, how could he endure such rampant irony and provocation!

"Do you want to try the real one? Don't regret it!" Luohan snorted and rushed to Tang Ye again, still kicking and attacking, then he shook his body, and two arhats appeared!

Tang Ye squinted, his expression very serious. With the ability of a small domain, he knows that this Luohan clone really has power!

Luo Han is quite angry now. Just now he thought that using a fake avatar could fool Tang Ye and beat Tang Ye so hard to stand up. He didn't expect to be teased by Tang Ye instead. So this time, he will not show any mercy to Tang Ye.

The Arhat clone, who possessed real power, went straight to remove the flame vines that Tang Ye had summoned. And Luohan himself attacked Tang Ye. Tang Ye must do something to resist, he did not dare to have any reservations, a flame punch hit the ground, and with a roar, the ground in front of him split and broke, and a fierce flame python was drilled out. This time, he will use the flame python to cover and protect himself.

The appearance of the flame python did stop Luohan. The giant python and Luohan collided with the legs, and the flame giant screamed and was beaten back. Obviously, the flame python fell into a disadvantage. However, it also bought Tang Ye time to escape. Luohan couldn't fight Tang Ye, Tang Ye had more time to repair his injury, and now he is more than half healed.

But even so, it won't work forever. The flame vines and the flame python are Tang Ye's special skills. Now all the unique skills are taken out, but they can only defend, and cannot attack, and they will definitely not win in the end. Tang Ye will be killed.

Luo Han was quite surprised by Tang Ye's tricks. He felt that the previous few flame vines' dominance would have consumed a lot of Tang Ye's strength. With Tang Ye seriously injured, how could he still have enough energy to issue such a mighty flame python?

Luohan began to notice Tang Ye's situation. It doesn't matter if he didn't pay attention, he was really taken aback by his attention. He felt that not only did Tang Ye's strength have not diminished, but the injury had also been reduced a lot. There is such a weird thing, is it useless to strike? Also, doesn't this guy use the same moves just now without consuming power?

Luohan noticed that Tang Ye really didn't consume anything at all. This is very unscientific. Even if Tang Ye's power is very abundant and huge, it should be consumed after using the moves. Just like one hundred million yuan, one point will be consumed. Then, what Tang Ye had to explain was that while Tang Ye was consuming his strength, he added it back. And the power of this supplement is greater than the consumption.

If there is such a secret technique, it is really terrifying. Even if Tang Ye is only a real fairyland, Luohan will never leave his life. In order to prevent Tang Ye from growing into the Xuanxian Realm in the future, no one can stop him.

"Ha... I didn't expect you to be such an incredible person. I'm very satisfied to kill you!" Luohan sneered at Tang Ye. Knowing Tang Ye's secret, he felt that killing Tang Ye would not be so boring. , Kicked Tang Ye again.

The scary thing is that this time Luohan shook his body again in the middle, and then became four Luohan!

Transmogrified more clones, all possessing physical power!

One clone to solve the flame vine, one clone to solve the flame python, and one clone and body, enough to kill Tang Ye!

Tang Ye didn't expect that Luohan used a stronger offensive method, so he couldn't have any reservations. He punched into the ground with another flame fist, summoning the truth of flames.

"What?" Luohan was surprised again, he could feel the breath of the gods and beasts that the flames heard, and the breath of power made him frightened.

Even King Kong who was fighting Meng Li over there couldn't help but pause. The human demons really have the possibility of threatening the eighth heaven!

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