My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1636: The most important thing!

Although the attack of the Scarlet Feather didn't hurt Tang Ye, Tang Ye was really suppressed, and it was obvious that Tang Ye would not be the opponent of the Blood Raven. With this, the onlookers were relieved. However, in order not to be taken by Tang Yeyin, they retreated so far, lest they be used as a shield by Tang Ye again.

The Blood Crow was misled by Tang Ye's misplay, but he didn't bother to think about it so much. It was just a move. If the attack failed, there would be another attack.

The blood crow gathered blood-colored feathers again, that shield was dead, and these feathers would track Tang Ye again. Another burst of **** feathers, like dense drizzle, flew towards Tang Ye, Tang Ye could only evade. This time he jumped and left early, hiding again and again. But it won't work if you continue like this. If you don't dissolve the scarlet feathers, it will consume a lot of money to keep hiding. Although consumption has never been a problem for him, it is inevitable that people can see. And, if you don't fight back, you won't win.

This is not the result he wants. What he wants is to win. Simply put, killing the blood crow.

Tang Ye began to pay attention to the characteristics of the blood-colored feathers. Why didn't the blood-colored feathers just track down? That was because they attacked others. Do you need another shield to resolve? This doesn't work anymore. For one thing, those people are already on guard and hiding far away. Moreover, it’s not good to do this. It doesn’t mean that you are drawing others in and adding enemies to war. Only other methods can be used to dissolve the attack of this blood-colored feather.

Then Tang Ye considered why Scarlet Feather could track him. It might be the Blood Crow manipulating it, but he noticed that the Blood Crow did not emit any other powers after releasing the **** feather, just like watching a play on the side, very easy to do. . It was a bit irritating, he was so relaxed, he was forced into embarrassment. Tang Ye had to admit that there was still a gap with Blood Crow. However, he knew very well that what he had to do was to crack the blood crow's moves little by little.

Constantly jumping and avoiding, Tang Ye suddenly jumped to the shield that was killed by Scarlet Feather. At this time, he noticed that Scarlet Feather's movement had become a little slower, as if it had been affected. Tang Ye immediately thought that the shield could affect Scarlet Feathers, but there was a huge loophole in this guess, and the shield was nothing special. There must be other things. At this time, Tang Ye noticed the blood constantly flowing from the shield.

Seeing the blood, and a strong smell of blood, Tang Ye's head suddenly flashed, thinking of something. As a result, he fell to the corpse of the shield, immediately used his hands to force, sucked up a bunch of "shield" blood, and then sent it to the blood-colored feathers that had been traced.

The blood was scattered, and it was all contaminated with the blood-colored feathers that were traced. Then, the blood-colored feathers suddenly changed the attack trajectory, swooped down, and pierced the corpse of the "shield".

Seeing this scene, Tang Ye sneered, and finally knew what was going on with this Scarlet Feather's tracking attack. It is a question of blood. Because he shed blood, Scarlet Feather was set to track and attack himself. However, if Scarlet Feather touches other blood, it will attack the person to whom the blood belongs. In this case, using someone else's blood can resolve the Scarlet Feather's tracking attack.

After Tang Ye thought of this, she looked at the onlookers. Although they were all hiding away, it was not difficult to run among them. When those people saw Tang Ye suddenly looking at them unkindly, they couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, worrying that Tang Ye would use it as a shield again. This guy is really mean!

But Tang Ye didn't have that idea. He didn't want to really irritate everyone because of this and let everyone attack him. He looked back at the Blood Raven, squinted his eyes, still thinking about something.

At this time, he noticed that there was still blood on his leg, which was the wound hit by the feather of the blood crow just now. He frowned and guessed again that Scarlet Feather's tracking consciousness should be affected by the smell of blood, because it became slow when the Scarlet Feather approached the "shield". At that time, Scarlet Feather did not touch the blood, but " The **** smell of "Shield" blood is passed.

For this reason, Tang Yeyun used the strength of the dead wood to cure the wounds on his legs. There was no more blood flowing out and no more smell. In this way, the **** feather attack of the blood crow would no longer have the ability to track.

Seeing this, the blood crow squinted slightly, watching Tang Ye silently. He didn't expect Tang Ye to be so smart, he could figure out his attack so quickly. But this was not enough, the scarlet feather was just his simple attack, so he launched another attack.

"You are very smart." The Blood Crow looked at Tang Ye and smiled, still looking calm and comfortable, and said: "However, my attack is not the only one."

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "I know, so I'm waiting for your second secret technique attack."

The corner of Xue Crow's mouth twitched, not knowing whether he was mocking Tang Ye or was angry. Tang Ye always behaved very calmly and didn't take him seriously, which made him somewhat angry. So he was not polite, and waved his hand to shoot a **** feather towards Tang Ye.

Tang Ye frowned, telling him instinctively that this was different from the scarlet feather just now. But he still wanted to resolve it like just now, so he used that "shield" blood to hit Scarlet Feather. However, the Scarlet Feather changed after touching the blood.

I saw the blood-colored feathers merged into the blood, and then, the blood seemed to have gravity, absorbing the other blood of the "shield" and turning into a large mass of blood, and then the blood changed its shape and became a person's appearance. . And that, it was exactly the appearance of the dead "shield", but his whole body was blood-red, his face blurred, like a dead person.

And because the "shield" lying on the ground lost all his blood, it now looked like a corpse.

Tang Ye frowned when he saw this situation, feeling that the trick of Blood Crow was a little too scary. Can absorb blood? If it was said that the blood-colored feather touched his blood, would it **** his blood? Even if he is still alive and can be absorbed by blood, I am afraid he will not survive.

Now Tang Ye's blood has not been sucked away, but he has to face the blood man. I am afraid that the power of this blood man will not be weak. This is the second secret technique of the blood crow, which absorbs blood to form a battle puppet.

But the real horror of the blood crow, Tang Ye probably guessed, that is that he can't bleed in front of the blood crow, otherwise it is possible for the blood crow to control the blood, use the blood as a breakthrough, and then manipulate the blood to easily kill people.

Seeing Tang Ye's solemn face, the Blood Raven smiled and said, "It seems that you have noticed the most important thing to pay attention to when facing me. That's right, you can't bleed in front of me, otherwise it's just a drop. You might die. Just now, I just didn't want to kill you, otherwise you thought you could still live?"

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