My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1633: Blood Crow!

Tang Ye's counterattack against the Golden Retriever Ape Clan came together in one go, turbulent and fierce, simple and neat, like a passionate and perfect action drama. The onlookers looked very happy, but after the happy, they were distressed. Because Tang Ye might win, this was not the result they wanted.

They didn't expect that Tang Ye's power could grow, surpassing the Golden Retriever Ape Clan, causing the Golden Retriever Ape Clan to be killed directly by one move. Now the Golden Retriever Clan crashed into the ground and fell into a big pit. The specific situation is not known yet.

Many onlookers knew the Golden Retriever Apes and were worried about the Golden Retriever Apes. In fact, the golden-haired ape tribe is usually pretty good and has a reputation for being brave and righteous to their companions. So many people, especially mercenaries who have received his favor, really don't want him to have trouble. It's just that this time he took on a personal mission to take Tang Ye's head, but the result was unsuccessful. No one can blame anyone if something goes wrong.

Some people understood that Tang Ye was fighting with the Golden Retriever Clan at this time, and they should not interfere. However, some people just can't control so much, they don't want to see the golden apes being killed. A rat tribe man jumped out, going to save the golden ape tribe.

When Tang Ye saw him, his expression was cold, and he hummed, "Do you want to do this? Even if you die?"

The Rat Clan was probably blessed by the Golden Retriever Ape Clan, and his strength was relatively weak, but remembered to repay his favor, he ignored Tang Ye’s warning, and used the Rat Clan’s ability to use secret techniques to escape the ground. A hole came out. He wants to save the Golden Retriever Clan by digging into the ground.

Tang Ye's warning didn't work, he was very angry. What happened now was the Golden Retriever Ape Clan who took the initiative first. Since you have been defeated, don't expect to be safe and sound. Anyone who comes out can be saved. Then, doesn't he appear to be very weak and bullied by these people?

Therefore, Tang Ye jumped up high in anger, and then added flame power to his feet, and rushed directly into the pit that the Golden Retriever Clan had smashed.


Soon after Tang Ye fell into the pit, he jumped out of the pit again. Only after jumping out, he pinched a person's neck with his left and right hands, one was the Golden Retriever Clan, and the other was the Rat Clan just now.

The situation of the Golden Retriever Clan can be seen at this time. The Golden Retriever Clan was seriously injured. Just now, he was hit by Tang Ye's double fists to the chest. Not only was he seriously injured, but the internal organs and meridians were severely destroyed. Although he can still be alive after treatment, it doesn't cost much. A year or a half will definitely not get better. So at this time, he was dying, let alone counterattack Tang Ye, it was difficult to raise his head to speak.

And the Rat Clan who wanted to save the Golden Retriever Ape Clan was not strong at all. Tang Ye's opponent was directly strangled by Tang Ye's neck and couldn't struggle.

Tang Ye grabbed one in one hand, with a cold expression, and snorted coldly at those onlookers: "I said, the matter with them today is either you die or I die. If anyone wants to enter the game, then he must be conscious of death. You come to kill me, and I will kill back. If you intervene in my business, that is the enemy, and I will kill as well!"

After that, Tang Ye squeezed hard and clicked, and the rat clan's neck was directly pinched off. Then, he threw the rat tribe's corpse casually, as if it was not a life, but a worthless piece of grass.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers felt that they had greatly underestimated Tang Ye's brutality and ruthlessness. This guy is simply a cold-blooded animal! Luckily, he still plays with fire. Why is there nothing hot, cold?

But it was completely useless to scold him, Tang Ye still looked like someone who blocked me and I killed someone. And this made the onlookers more and more jealous of Tang Ye. This guy is really not kidding, whoever provokes him may be going to die. He has such a strong strength, it's better not to mess with him.

Tang Ye coldly scanned the crowd of onlookers, his right hand was still pinching the neck of the Golden Retriever Ape Clan, he didn't hesitate, he squeezed again, and with a click, the Golden Retriever Ape Clan finally snorted and died. And Tang Ye also lost the golden-haired ape tribe's corpse casually, extremely cold and ruthless.

When the others saw that the Golden Retriever Clan had been killed, their teeth were itchy with hatred. They still want to see Tang Ye being taught, this kid is too arrogant. However, now Tang Ye not only has not been taught, but also killed the person who troubled him. The onlookers were in a mixed mood, watching Tang Ye suffocate, but did not go out to fight Tang Ye.

The mercenaries of the Golden Retriever Clan and their squad were all easily resolved by Tang Ye. Didn’t they go out to give the head away?

Tang Ye ignored those people, but he was also a little wary that other people would run out to fight him against him, just like the rat race. Although his method of killing the rat clan has a warning and deterrent effect, it may also stimulate those people, make them angry at him, and trigger group fights.

Even so, Tang Ye was not afraid. He has the means to escape, but the big deal is being chased and beaten by a group of people. However, if he did that, he would give him a reason to attack these people. When he escapes, he will come back, and then secretly kill these people one by one. He wanted to do this, lest these people who have prejudices against him remain hidden dangers for him.

Anyway, Tang Ye's business is not over yet. The Eagle Clan mercenary and the Ice Celestial Clan girl haven't killed yet, he said, if they can't take his head, then he would take their heads. Therefore, he still wants to kill Eagle Clan mercenaries and Ice Celestial Clan women.

However, he turned around and glanced, but he did not see the Eagle Clan mercenary and the Ice Celestial Clan woman.

They ran away!

They did run away. The moment the Golden Retriever Clan was killed by Tang Ye, they ran away, because they knew that they couldn't kill Tang Ye. At the beginning, there were four people who couldn't kill, and then only two of them were left. There was no chance of winning. They regretted taking this private job that was more rewarding than expected. No life to enjoy at all, what's the use of asking for it?

Although fleeing will lose reputation, survival is the most important thing. Others have seen the situation just now, and continuing to fight Tang Ye is simply stupid.

Tang Ye didn't expect that the Eagle Clan mercenaries and the Ice Celestial Clan women would escape, and he was so angry. If you want to kill, you can't kill well, so you can't kill well. But Tang Ye would not let them go, he still wanted to ask them, who privately offered him a reward.

Therefore, Tang Ye immediately jumped and swept, going to chase the escaped Eagle Clan mercenaries and the Ice Celestial Clan women. However, when he jumped away, a blood-red feather suddenly flew in the air to attack him.

He dodged quickly, however, the blood-red feather was faster, and at the moment when he just wanted to avoid it, the blood-red feather hit him and pierced one of his legs. The pants were cut open, and blood was splashed from the wound soon.

Tang Ye fell to the ground with a muffled snort, and immediately pressed the wound on his leg to stop the bleeding with strength. He stared at the sky gloomily, angry, and someone else wanted to kill him!

And this person is very powerful, much stronger than the Golden Retriever Clan.

"Who?!" Tang Ye snorted angrily.

At this moment, a man of the heavenly clan with a very feminine aura fell from mid-air, with red feathers floating around him.

Everyone knew him, he was a gold-level bounty hunter, nicknamed Blood Raven.

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