My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1626: Advance by leaps and bounds!

It was getting late, Tang Ye looked for a place and spent the night outside. Sleeping in the wind and meals is a characteristic of bounty hunters, but it is generally not used to say that it is like a fall, but to say that it is free and chic.

The next day, Tang Ye began to enter a state of frantically killing monsters and doing task upgrades, ignoring anything around him. After completing the more difficult task, he returned to the bounty guild for delivery, and he was almost able to increase the level of the bounty hunter. Then he took on a more difficult task, and did the same with all his heart, and completed the delivery the next day. The level of the bounty hunter was improved and he was no longer a mixed novice area.

But he didn't change this rhythm of life, he still continued to accept tasks, and then to complete the tasks, upgrade the bounty hunter level. Generally speaking, bounty tasks cannot be done so fast, after all, people's strength is limited. However, Tang Ye was secretly learning the secret technique passed down by the Old Man of Remnant Soul, and his own strength was very strong, but it was only hidden from the outside, so he did the task smoothly and very efficiently.

In this situation, he changed from a junior bounty hunter to an intermediate bounty hunter in just one month, and the white identity crystal turned red. There are two levels of purple and gold in the future. The gold level is difficult to achieve. After reaching the purple level, he is considered an advanced bounty hunter and is already very popular.

Of course, popularity is only for task publishers who need help from others. For colleagues, bounty hunters, or mercenary groups, it is not so happy. Because there were only a few tasks, Tang Ye completed it quickly and took too many, so that other bounty hunters couldn't receive it, then they couldn't get along. This is tantamount to being robbed of a job, and I can't eat anymore, how can I be happy. They even showed great hostility towards Tang Ye.

Although Tang Ye is a genius with no one in a million and he has various strengths to secretly help and protect, but when people's survival is threatened, that is, the greatest interest is damaged, and people will worry so much. Therefore, many bounty hunters expressed their dissatisfaction with Tang Ye. Some people went to trouble Tang Ye, but they were beaten back by Tang Ye and were not Tang Ye's opponent. Then they complained to the bounty union and asked Tang Ye not to take on so many tasks. He couldn't take over ten people all by himself, otherwise what would happen to the other nine people's livelihood.

Although the weak feed on the weak and the weak are eliminated, the bounty union exists to coordinate. Tang Ye's behavior had too much influence. As the president of the bounty union, Meng Li had to talk to Tang Ye.

In fact, three months have passed, and Tang Ye is about to be promoted to a senior bounty hunter under the purple crystal. This speed is really too scary. If you change someone else, you must consider whether there is something weird. But the weird thing about Tang Ye is his unparalleled talent. Maybe there are other powerful people to help, such as Mengli and Iron Fist. So although his speed of improvement is surprising, it is also amazing. Can accept.

Because of this, many bounty hunters have to jointly file a complaint against him, demanding to restrict his behavior so as not to make many people unable to live.

For the past three months, Meng Li had also sent people to stare at Tang Ye, but she hadn't noticed Tang Ye's weirdness. The only weird place is that Tang Ye's growth rate is very fast, which can almost be used against the sky. However, they couldn't find out whether Tang Ye's growth rate had used weird means. Because what Tang Ye usually does is to practice continuously, and he has almost never stopped. Apart from taking a rest and eating, he cultivates all day long. This kind of diligence is beyond comparison. It is only natural that he is a genius with no one in a million and he works so hard to cultivate faster than others.

At the same time, after completing so many tasks, Tang Ye received a generous reward, and Tang Ye took it to the auction house to purchase the fire-related secret technique. There is a very useful place for Tang Ye, that is, there are fewer people who practice the fire secret technique, so the auction house’s fire secret technique learning scroll is not much sought after. The price is not high, and Tang Ye can afford it. .

Originally, the auction house knew about Tang Ye's situation and wanted to deliberately raise the price to Tang Ye, but they underestimated Tang Ye. Since Tang Ye is good at fighting psychological warfare, it is very easy to bargain. Therefore, the auction house did not succeed in trying to cheat him. He also bought the fire system secret technique learning scroll within the range he could bear. By learning the secret technique of flame, his strength was further improved.

In addition, even if Tang Ye used some of the previous secret techniques that he hadn't learned from the secret technique scroll, others couldn't say anything. Because at the level of Tang Ye, he could independently create secret techniques. Since Tang Ye is so genius, it is not surprising that she started to create her own secret technique.

Therefore, when necessary, Tang Ye was not so afraid of using hidden skills. For example, flame vines, such a wonderful trick with damage, destruction and restraint, were not learned from the ancestral land, but Tang Ye understood it.

Such a genius is really terrible!

Mengli felt so too. She thought that even if Tang Ye grew up, it would not be so fast. However, in the past three months, Tang Ye had become an intermediate bounty hunter, so his strength had undoubtedly reached the intermediate heaven fairyland. Even with such a thing as an excuse, Mengli didn't believe it. But the person she sent out could never investigate Tang Ye. It just so happened that she was looking for Tang Ye's opportunity to talk this time, she wanted to study Tang Ye more and see what happened to Tang Ye.

"Tang Ye, time has passed so fast, three months have passed in a blink of an eye, and you are no longer the rookie back then." In Mengli's office, Tang Ye was sitting opposite Mengli, Mengli looked at him. Smiled.

At this time, Mengli has a sweet smile, a dignified manner, and an image of a slender lady. The thick pink that used to be long released, now it has become a braid in the middle, and the others are split, revealing a mature and charming. This is the ability of the vixen. I thought she was a simple girl before, but now I change the hairstyle and paint a little red lips, then she becomes mature and charming. In terms of charm ability, it is indeed the first vixen.

In fact, at this moment, Mengli had a faint charm of power. If Tang Ye was attracted by temptation and fell into her obsession, then it would be easier for her to ask Tang Ye something. She had used this method before, but it failed. She didn't know what was going on, Tang Ye had no idea about her. Is this a man?

Mengli is not reconciled to this result. Because she seemed to be unattractive. The vixen is not attractive, it would be terrible. Therefore, she is still trying to confuse Tang Ye with her charm. However, the result was the same as before. Tang Ye looked at her politely, but only politely, and then she was calm and smiling.

Tang Ye looked at Mengli with a smile, thanked him, and said, "I can make progress so quickly, and I have to thank President Mengli for his help and support.

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