My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1624: Inheriting martial arts!

Cutting off an arm has a great impact on the bounty hunter, and he may not be able to be a bounty hunter anymore, so his life is ruined. Even if he is stronger and insists on practicing, he can create a sky with only one hand, but it will undoubtedly bring him a lot of difficulties, and it will take a lot of time to recover and adapt.

This kind of result was something that several bounty hunters who troubled Tang Ye had never thought of, and it was too serious. But compared to death, breaking an arm is lighter. So after knowing Tang Ye's attitude, the alien bounty hunter who couldn't bear to be burned again by flames decided to cut off his arm to solve the problem. He asked his companion to help cut off the burning arm. The two alien bounty hunters who asked Tang Ye to put out the fire were unable to start, and seemed to want Tang Ye to help put out the fire.

At this time, the Celestial Bounty Hunter, who was injured by Tang Ye from the beginning and was also used as a shield by Tang Ye, walked to the side of the alien bounty hunter whose arm was burning, and directly cut off the arm of the alien bounty hunter with his strength. . He knew how terrifying Tang Ye's flame power was. He was only injured a little earlier, and he felt hot all over his body, as if he was going to burst into flames. Fortunately, the fire element around his body was not ignited, otherwise he would have died. Natural fire talent, the damage is terrible. There is also strong collateral damage, which is continuous. The average person will provoke such a genius, or rather, a monster.

The Celestial Bounty Hunter helped the alien bounty hunter cut off his arm, and the alien bounty hunter cried out in pain, and then fainted with pain.

Two other alien bounty hunters came back here and stood with the Celestial bounty hunters. Now their companion is saved, but how to deal with Tang Ye next is a problem. Just letting Tang Ye go, it was too shameless, and it was at a loss. But if you don't let Tang Ye go and continue to deal with Tang Ye, if you are not strong enough, you may still be killed by Tang Ye.

Whether to die or to save face is a question. Some people just value face more than life.

But perhaps not including these bounty hunters.

Tang Ye saw them staring at him, knowing their thoughts. He took a step and said to them: "I know you can't wait to torture me slowly and make me die very painful. However, I advise you, if you don’t have enough strength, don’t do this, otherwise I won’t do it again next time. Any mercy."

Tang Ye knew that his attitude had been conveyed, and it had a certain deterrent effect, but it also stimulated many people. From time to time in the future, I am afraid that inexplicable enemies will come to trouble. But it doesn't matter, someone is asking for trouble, just as training. As for those who are stronger than him, they probably won't bother him. After all, he has already made this public. If a powerful person comes to beat him, it is a naked bullying, which will affect his face.

Tang Ye turned and left, his expression still indifferent, as if everything here was nothing to do with him, and he didn't put the matter just now in his eyes. Seeing a person like him, the impression of him is indifferent and cruel. Combined with the fact that he had to burn the alien bounty hunter just now, this impression is even more profound.

However, there is another point that is even more impressive, that is, Tang Ye is a natural fire talented Celestial Clan, this kind of potential is originally a monster, so if you shoot him, you have to weigh your own strength. Even if the strength is sufficient, the people behind Tang Ye must be considered. Such as Mengli and Iron Fist. There are even more powerful people, such as Chang Yao, the lord of the world who is also a heavenly clan. Chang Yao has a big problem, that is, he is short-term. He is well-known for short-term care, especially for his daughter Qingling. Even if it was Qingling's fault, he didn't make sense at all, just helping Qingling.

As for Tang Ye, Tang Ye was a celestial clan, and for such a tribal genius, Chang Yao wouldn't sit idly by. If they are cultivated, then the position of the Lord of the Realm in the future will still belong to the Celestial Clan, which is very conducive to the consolidation and development of the Celestial Clan's position.

A world of heaven, said to be big, is not very big, and most active things are basically known to everyone. So even if Tang Ye is just a rookie, related things will soon spread. At that time, both troubles and asylums will come. Tang Ye didn't care about this. Other people who thought about him really did.

The bounty hunters who wanted to explore Tang Ye failed, but were ashamed by Tang Ye, could only watch Tang Ye leave, although they clenched their fists and gritted their teeth and resented them, they had no countermeasures. To blame, blame them on not knowing Tang Ye's identity.

Among the crowd onlookers, there was someone from Mengli who was observing Tang Ye, trying to find out if Tang Ye was hiding something. However, Tang Ye's strength was within the normal range, and there was no reason for it. Instead, they saw Tang Ye's fierce character. They could see from Tang Ye's expression that Tang Ye didn't seem to put anyone in his eyes. Just because there is no concern in his eyes, he can easily be ruthless and cruel.

If you don't have something you care about, if others come to provoke, let the other party pay the highest price, so as not to make trouble next time.

Tang Ye is not strong right now, but seeing a strong man with his character, she can't help but feel a little jealous.

The excitement was over, the onlookers dispersed, and Meng Li's eyeliner reported back. Many people would still look at Tang Ye who was leaving. Some felt that Tang Ye was a man of temperament and wanted to make friends with Tang Ye, but was stopped by Tang Ye's indifferent aura. They all could see that Tang Ye was a solitary person, and I was afraid that he had no interest in making friends.

After Tang Ye left, he arrived at the forest where he was going to be tasked. It was deeper than before. The woods were dense and the birds and flowers were fragrant. It was a rare and good scenery. Tang Ye was not in a hurry to complete the task, first went to sit and rest on a clean stone.

Now, he felt that it was necessary to consider looking for the remnant of the Overlord Halberd. Although the strength is not strong enough, if the whereabouts of the overlord halberd can be known sooner, then you can make plans as soon as possible. Sometimes to obtain the overlord's halberd, it doesn't have to be very strong, but you can use your head to solve the problem.

Different from One and Two Heavens, the Remnant of the Overlord Halberd in the Three Heavens does not have exact information, so he needs to check it himself. He can feel it through the power of the two pieces of Overlord Halberd that he has retrieved. But be careful, because someone is staring at him. If the power of the overlord halberd fragment is emitted, it is possible to reveal the identity.

In short, while improving the strength, while investigating the whereabouts of the overlord halberd. This is the plan that Tang Ye has made clear now, and then he starts to do bounty missions to raise the level of bounty hunters.

At the same time, because he couldn't use the hidden secret technique for the time being, he had to learn other things. At this time, the martial arts passed down by the old man with remnant soul began to come into play.

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