My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1611: Bounty Hunter!

Joining a mercenary group or becoming a bounty hunter is actually a very good experience, the so-called paradise for men's adventures. Men are inherently wild, hunting for treasures and becoming stronger is a motivation, sometimes better than money, power, and women.

It's a pity that Tang Ye's current mood does not consider enjoying the wonderful feeling of adventure slowly. Because he has more important and serious things to do. However, according to the characteristics of cultivation after Heavenly Wonderland, you must fight more to get the treasure promotion breakthrough. So, being a mercenary is a very good way. Because mercenaries do missions, they basically have to fight. In that way, you will be trained in combat, and you will be paid for the completion of the mission. Remuneration can be accumulated, and after enough, you can buy treasures in the trading market to improve your strength.

Therefore, the strength of mercenaries is generally relatively high. This is also a hard requirement. Without sufficient strength, let alone being a task protector, you can't protect yourself.

Although mercenary is a good way to practice breakthrough, Tang Ye is more inclined to become a bounty hunter. The form of bounty hunters is actually very similar to a mercenary group. They accept tasks, complete tasks, and finally get paid. However, mercenaries are more of a group, which is much safer. The bounty hunters either work alone or form a temporary team, and don't pay much attention to cooperation, which is much more dangerous. But high risk means high income. Although the mercenary group is safe, the rewards have to be distributed, and one person gets less. As for bounty hunters, if they do it alone, they get paid for themselves, which is high income. Sometimes it's better to make a single order than a few orders for a mercenary group.

But there is not much difference between the two. Although the mercenary group has to distribute rewards, it completes tasks quickly. Sometimes when bounty hunters do a single mission, the mercenary group can do a few orders. Therefore, the mercenary group and the bounty hunter have their own strengths and weaknesses.

So people who choose bounty hunters sometimes don't look at the contrasting characteristics, but have their own reasons. For example, some people don't like teamwork, but like one person, so they naturally become bounty hunters. If Tang Ye wants to become a bounty hunter, the reason is similar to this.

After all, he is a disguised Celestial Clan, and it is inevitable that he will be exposed in a group battle. If you are acting alone, you don't need to consider these things. Moreover, you can use your own powerful and mysterious secret arts more freely.

Tang Ye said to Tie Quan: "Uncle Tie Quan, thank you for your attention, but I have been thinking about being a bounty hunter since I was a kid. I probably like the freedom of life, so I don't have the idea of ​​joining the mercenary group for the time being. "

Iron Fist was stunned. There was some embarrassment. After all, he was the deputy head of the steel mercenary group, so he personally invited a person to join, but was actually rejected. But he didn't give up. Tang Ye's talent was unparalleled, and it was very useful for the mercenary group to cultivate. He said to Tang Ye: "Brother Tang Ye, you can think about it. Joining our steel mercenary group will have a lot of resources to train you. As long as one year, you can definitely grow into a very powerful mercenary. "

Iron Fist is a promise, it will give Tang Ye a lot of resources and make him stronger quickly. For others, this is an absolute condition that cannot be rejected. It is difficult for ordinary cultivators to join the mercenary group, not to mention joining the steel mercenary group, one of the three major mercenary groups. Such a mercenary group, even if you go in to be a messenger, you can't ask for it, let alone get the deputy head personally promised to give a lot of resources to train.

If others were to know that Tang Ye still refused Iron Fist under these conditions, they would definitely want to kill him with jealousy. But let's not say it, Tang Ye faced the conditions raised by Iron Fist without any fluctuations in her heart. He is very firm in his choice. In order to hide his identity, he is to be a bounty hunter, and he has not considered Iron Fist's advice at all.

He apologized and said embarrassedly: "Uncle Iron Fist, I know your kindness, but there are some things that I want to do for so long. If you don't do it, you won't feel happy. So crucially, I still want to let my thoughts come through."

Iron Fist could understand what Tang Ye said. If a person is alive, if something is pierced in the heart like a needle, it will be depressed to live. In terms of cultivation, you also need to be attentive and not be distracted by other things. After all, you have to maintain a mindful state of mind at all times.

Tie Fist was very grateful to Tang Ye for what he was attacking. If it weren't for Tang Ye's rescue, not to mention that his mission to protect Qingling had failed, he might have died. Therefore, he would not force Tang Ye. Since Tang Ye wanted to go to the bounty hunter, he could only express regret. However, even so, he would help Tang Ye. On the bounty union, he has a relationship and can be taken care of by someone. After all, bounty hunters also have levels. A bounty hunter who is too weak can't take up any tasks at all. The bounty hunter's line is only popular when it reaches a high level.

"Since Brother Tang Ye wants to be a bounty hunter, then I can't force you to stay with the mercenary group. I know a person from the bounty guild. She can take care of you. This is considered to be my rescue. A little bit of my heart." Iron Fist said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye didn't refuse Iron Fist, and if he refused, he would be pestered by Iron Fist. He smiled and said, "Thank you Uncle Iron Fist, then."

Iron Fist smiled and told Tang Ye to be polite, and said, "Does Qing Ling know that you want to be a bounty hunter? You saved that girl twice. I can guarantee that the girl would not agree with you to be a bounty hunter. Dangerous thing. She probably wants to take you to enjoy the blessing, and drink it spicy."

"This..." Tang Ye was stunned, and said with some embarrassment: "I'll talk to Qingling. Then I'll go to the bounty union first to see?"

Since Tang Ye didn't want to say more, the iron fist wouldn't be easy to be entangled anymore, so as not to be embarrassed, he nodded and said: "When you get there, you find a cat girl named Mengli, and you say that I introduced it."

"Okay, thank you Uncle Iron Fist." Tang Ye nodded, then turned and left to go to the bounty union. Now he felt relieved in his heart. He is now beginning to have a psychological problem, that is, he doesn't really want to get acquainted with the people of Jiuzhongtian, and it is best to be alone.

Iron Fist looked at Tang Ye's leaving back, frowning slightly, feeling that Tang Ye was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell where the strangeness was. After all, Tang Ye saved him and Qing Ling, so he couldn't doubt the harm. Moreover, he felt that Tang Ye didn't look like a bad person. The only thing that makes people suspicious is that Tang Night Club is mysterious and completely invisible.

Lan Ning was in the mercenary group union not far away, and she was investigating who killed the tiger. Seeing Tang Ye talking to Iron Fist, and then when Tang Ye left for the bounty union, she doubted Tang Ye's identity even more.

Isn't this kid deliberately not wanting to get involved with him, is he guilty of conscience?

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