My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1608: Ice cone spike!

Although Tang Ye was injured during the battle with Hugan, he didn't endure severely and was alive and well, but he looked like he had lost most of his life, which was indeed very strange.

This weirdness actually came from Tang Ye's disguise, but this disguise requires a high price. He hurt himself. In the beginning, Tang Ye only suffered some internal injuries, which were left during the battle with Hu Gan. If he wants to heal, he can use the power of dead wood to relax quickly, and it doesn't take much time to recover to the point where he is not injured. But after seeing Qingling and Lan Ning, he not only didn't need to heal with the power of withered trees and spring, but he also deliberately made himself more injured.

As a doctor, he can pretend to be a good master of his injuries, and he won't really let himself go wrong. And this disguise is to deal with the killing of tigers. Now Qing Ling guessed Tang Ye's head, if he didn't do something, it would be difficult to explain it. Now that he was seriously injured, he wouldn't say that he fought to the death and killed the tiger by chance. For him as a "rookie", it is impossible to let the tiger do deadly moves. Therefore, a "mysterious person" has to be fabricated to appear. He will explain that he was seriously injured and fainted, and he did not know what happened afterwards.

Now he "has no chance" to speak because he is in a coma. Explain things, wait until you wake up from a coma.

Qing Ling ran over, saw Tang Ye who was dying, was shocked, and immediately squatted down to see Tang Ye's situation, anxiously exclaimed: "Tang Ye, what's the matter with you? Don't die, I'll let someone save you immediately! "

"Sister Lan Ning, you can treat him." Qing Ling said to Lan Ning immediately.

Lan Ning nodded, since she is Qingling's lifesaver, she will not treat her badly. She squatted down and pressed her hand on Tang Ye's wound, trying to use the power of cold ice to relieve Tang Ye's injury, but when she wanted to use the power of cold ice, she was suddenly bounced back by a flame.

"What's going on?" Lan Ning frowned slightly in confusion.

Qing Ling explained: "It is Tang Ye's flame power that repels your ice power."

"Tang Ye?!" Lan Ning was shocked when he heard the name Tang Ye. Isn't this the human demon that the upper realm issued orders to kill?

Qing Ling knew what Lan Ning was surprised by, and explained: "He just has the same name as that Human Race Demon. He is a member of our Celestial Race. You can see the aura surrounding his body. Human Race cannot have this kind of talent."

Lan Ning nodded and looked at Tang Ye. She did feel that Tang Ye had a spirit energy surrounding her body, which was unique to their talents, so she didn't doubt that Tang Ye was a human demon. And soon she came out astonished again, because she noticed that the aura fire element around Tang Ye's body was very strong, it was a natural fire element talent, there was nothing in it!

"You are..." Lan Ning stared at Tang Ye, and asked Qing Ling with his back.

Qing Ling nodded, seemingly proud of Tang Ye's talent, and said, "Yes, Sister Lan Ning, he is an inexhaustible natural fire talent. It is the opposite of your super ice washing talent. I think, You two will be rivals in the future, hehe."

Qing Ling thought this was an interesting thing. Lan Ning is a talented person with the Ice Element beside her. Although the Ice Element is not a rare talent, it is not common to have an outstanding talent like Lan Ning, even Lan Ning is the only one. Because Lan Ning almost touched someone with a knack for agile jumping when he was almost in the lower-level Heavenly Wonderland. The ability to jump this skill can only be learned with the strength above the Intermediate Heavenly Wonderland, and that is a rigid condition. Being able to break through the hard conditions is to change the rules, how can such a talent be scary.

Lan Ning ignored Qing Ling's joking, and said: "He was seriously injured. I can only relieve his injury temporarily, and it can't keep the effect, because his fire element talent will slowly dissolve my frozen treatment. I can find a pharmacist."

Qing Ling said: "I will take him for treatment now. As long as it is not fatal, I promise that he will be alive and well soon."

Lan Ning didn't doubt Qing Ling's words. After all, Qing Ling had such an identity, a therapist, and all kinds of treatment resources, and he would definitely not be stingy with life-savers.

Qing Ling and Lan Ning wanted to take Tang Ye out, but at this moment, a group of Tiger Clan people rushed forward, and they were Hu Gan's men. Qing Ling gritted her teeth with anger when she saw them, pointed at them and said angrily at Lan Ning, "Sister Lan Ning, they are going to kill me and take my baby!"

Lan Ning looked at the group of tiger tribes, squinted his eyes, and felt a touch of coldness, feeling that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot. Without hesitation, she took a step, then drew her long sword and swept it at the tiger clan ahead. Suddenly a shocking frozen sword aura emanated from her long sword.

The frozen sword aura covered the group of tiger tribes, directly freezing the tiger tribe. Before the Tigers had time to react, they could not move.

At this time, Lan Ning raised the long sword again and swished, and cones of ice appeared above the long sword, and then the cones swished and flew out to attack the frozen tiger tribes.

Bing Cone's attack was very prepared, all piercing the tiger clan's heart, and then blood flowed. The tiger clan who was frozen in pain was extremely painful, but because of being frozen, they couldn't even make a sound and died directly in the ice.

After Bing Cone attacked, Lan Ning retracted the long sword, and the freezing of the Tiger tribe was relieved, but they all lost their lives and fell directly to the ground to die. All of them were pierced to death.

This is Lan Ning's strength, and it is only a very simple part, so Lan Ning is very scary.

Tang Ye pretended to be in a coma. Although he didn't open his eyes to see, he could feel Lan Ning's terrifying power. He knew that this woman must be on guard.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, there was another fighting sound from the front, Qing Ling and Lan Ning looked at it, it was a strong man fighting with a group of tiger tribes.

"It's Uncle Iron Fist!" Qing Ling could not help but laugh when he saw that it was Iron Fist who was fighting with a group of tiger clan. She was also worried that something was wrong with Iron Fist, and now it seems that she is all right. The only thing that happened was Tang Ye.

Looking at the seriously injured Tang Ye, Qing Ling felt guilty inexplicably, knowing that if Tang Ye didn't want her to escape, she wouldn't stay alone to stop the tiger from doing so, and she wouldn't suffer such a severe injury. If you get more serious, I'm afraid you will die.

Qing Ling hated Tang Ye at first, but after being rescued by Tang Ye twice, Tang Ye still risked her life. Now she doesn't hate Tang Ye at all, but wants to do a lot to compensate Tang Ye.

"Miss Qingling, are you okay?!" Facing some of the tiger clan's young men, it is not difficult to solve it with an iron fist. He is anxious and would rather get hurt and rush over. He now hangs on many places, but quickly rushes to Qingling's side, and then he is very concerned about Qingling. But when he saw Lan Ning, he knew that there would be no more problems. Lan Ning, this woman, was a master at the top of the third day.

Qing Ling nodded and said, "Uncle Iron Fist, I'm fine, but Tang Ye was seriously injured, and he needs to be treated immediately."

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