My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1601: Little look forward to!

Qing Ling looked strange and even blushed, because she cared about Tang Ye, but she didn't want to be known by Tang Ye.

Tang Ye saw Qing Ling's weird behavior, and was worried. He thought it was the Tiger Clan who had found it. Didn't that mean that he had missed it, so he quickly asked Qing Ling if there were traces of the Tiger Clan.

Seeing that Tang Ye hadn't noticed her embarrassment, Qing Ling returned to his usual expression, looked at Tang Ye, and felt that Tang Ye was a bit silly. She immediately felt in a good mood, very relaxed. At this moment, she accepted Tang Ye more. She felt that there was no negative emotions like anger when she was with Tang Ye, and then she wanted to talk to Tang Ye more.

She, a stubborn eldest lady, certainly couldn't calm down. She had many questions about Tang Ye, such as how Tang Ye, a rookie, appeared in this forest. Although this forest is not a forest infested by high-level monsters, if you go deeper, there will be high-level monsters, which is quite dangerous. The appearance of monsters like the purple-winged gray wolf indicates the problem. How could Tang Ye, a rookie, be here?

Qing Ling asked Tang Ye, and there was no doubt about Tang Ye in her mind. However, Tang Ye was shocked when he heard it, thinking that Qing Ling had doubts about him. Many previous things cannot be done seamlessly. It is indeed abnormal for him to appear as a rookie in this kind of forest.

Fortunately, through Qing Ling's eyes, Tang Ye knew that she was simply curious, but not suspicious. He smiled and said, "Actually, I was escaping in. Because when I was outside, I met a master of the Green Snake Clan. He said that I was a Celestial Clan but was so weak. He wanted to bully me. What did he say? The talent is arrogant and arrogant, but there are also cowardly guys who want to make me look good, and let the heavenly clan know that everything is the finale. Then I didn’t want to be bullied, so I ran into the forest. But after I entered the forest, I was afraid When I met a monster and just happened to find someone, I wanted to go there together, so I wouldn't be afraid. But I never expected that when I met the Tiger Clan attacking you, then I could only hide in the dark. Unfortunately, I was discovered. Up."

Tang Ye's acting level has always been superb. In addition, Qing Ling no longer thinks about doubting him. After hearing what he said, he believed him. He was also aggrieved by this, and said unhappy: "Your encounters are actually very common. The guy is not convinced by the natural talents of our Celestial Clan, and always wants to oppress us, saying for self-esteem, cut, who doesn't know they are jealous!"

Qing Ling looked at Tang Ye again, and comforted: "You don't need to care about this. When we leave alive, I will help you find the Green Snake Clan to settle accounts! However, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, don't run into a monster. It’s in the haunted forest, it’s too dangerous."

"Um..." Tang Ye looked at Qing Ling with a strange expression. What's wrong with this stubborn eldest lady, she suddenly changed her sex, and she cared about herself so much.

Think about it, Tang Ye laughed. Probably Qing Ling's personality is that kind, and after accepting someone, he will treat him well. Either the attitude is bad or very friendly. It really fits the temper of a noble lady. I don't like it, I didn't discuss it if I killed it, and I took care of it as if it were her pet.

"You were a lot busy today, so let's rest first." Qing Ling said to Tang Ye again.

Tang Ye nodded and said, "You should also pay attention to rest. Tomorrow morning, we will leave after dawn, trying to maximize the distance from the tiger clan to ensure our safety."

Qing Ling frowned slightly, worried, and said, "The tiger tribe still moves very fast. Their body and strength are different from ordinary people. Although our heavenly race has innate talent, we may not be better than the tiger tribe physically. I am Worried... they will catch up."

"Then find a way to get rid of them. If you can let them not know which direction to chase us from, it is to mislead them, then we are safe. Even if there are still tigers chasing us, the number will be very small. Maybe we can deal with it." Tang Ye said to Qing Ling, reassuring Qing Ling.

Qing Ling looked at Tang Ye and rolled his eyes, but he was quite a ghost. She gave the impression that she was a very smart and lively girl if she was not savage. She looked at Tang Ye that way because after accepting Tang Ye, she discovered that Tang Ye had more and more advantages. For example, we are dealing with the chasing of the Tigers. Even if the strength is not good, but not afraid, and able to calmly think of ways.

From this point of view, this guy is not weak at all. Qing Ling smiled at Tang Ye and said, "Then listen to you, Uncle Tie Quan said, you are smarter than me. Although I don't want to admit it, it seems that this is really the case."

Qing Ling smiled, and Tang Ye was stunned. It turns out that this unruly lady smiles quite beautifully, and has a bit of shyness in her cuteness, like a lady. This is very amazing. How could a savage eldest lady have that kind of elegant temperament. Is this a bonus to the temperament of the heavenly race again?

No wonder the heavens think that they are not inferior to the humans. This is not unreasonable. But Tang Ye still couldn't forgive what the heavens did to the human race, and couldn't kill the human race just because he felt that he was no worse than the human race.

"Let's rest first." Tang Ye said to Qing Ling. Qing Ling changed his temper to him, which was indeed a good thing, but he didn't want to have a close relationship with Qing Ling, after all, it is still unclear whether he is an enemy or a friend in the future.

Qing Ling knew that Tang Ye was a lot busy today, especially taking care of her, so she didn't disturb Tang Ye's rest and sat back by the fire.

Tang Ye sat on the other side, keeping a certain distance from Qingling. After seeing it, Qing Ling rolled the big round black eyes, and said, "Sit here too. Although you have the talent to protect you from being so cold, it is inevitable that you will still be cold. It won’t be cold at all by sitting by the fire."

"This...Okay." Tang Ye was a little uncomfortable with Qing Ling's attitude, but he still sat over the fire.

After that, the two had nothing to say, and both rested quietly. Tang Ye still thought about some things, such as Qingling's identity. Qing Ling kept saying that her identity was not simple, Tang Ye thought, no matter how simple it is, it is nothing but the daughter of the person with the highest status in the Triple Heaven, the daughter of the Lord of the World!

If Qing Ling was really the daughter of the Lord of the World, it meant that it was not simple, and Tang Ye didn't know how to use it. After all, there is still a kindness restriction. If Qingling is not regarded as an enemy, I am afraid I don't want to use her as a prop.

When Tang Ye closed her eyes and thought about this, Qing Ling secretly opened her eyes to look at Tang Ye, and found that Tang Ye's face was surprisingly revealing a sense of fortitude, which made her wonder, is this really what a rookie would have?

However, her doubts were quickly covered by other thoughts. She was thinking that Tang Ye possessed such a high talent, she could bring it back and cultivate it, and she believed she would become an excellent guard.

She just lacks a guard who can get along. Thinking of this, she still has a little expectation.

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