My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1594: Nothing!

For a person like Iron Fist with good strength, Hugan certainly wouldn't just use simple ropes to tie it up, but he used ropes specially made by refining equipment. Probably some kind of very tough monster beast material was used, so neither Tie Fist nor Qing Ling could break free. As for Tang Ye, Hu Gan was even less worried. He knew that Tang Ye's strength was very weak, and there was no middle-level god.

With his hands and feet tied, how could he escape. Therefore, when Tang Ye said to run away first, Qing Ling thought it was a joke. Iron Fist was still wondering, I didn't know what Tang Ye could do. He looked at Tang Ye, very confident, just like the real one. Does Tang Ye really have a way?

"Is there any way you can escape? We are like this, I can't walk for ten meters!" Qing Ling said to Tang Ye, not really believing in Tang Ye, with a temper, just like arguing against Tang Ye.

Tang Ye glanced at Qing Ling, and had to say that the women of the Celestial Clan would never be ugly, Qing Ling should be the kind of little beauty. The facial features are exquisite, the figure is elegant, and the light blue dress is set off, which is very smart, and she is a lovely girl. It's just that the personality is not good, too arrogant and stubborn, the eldest lady is used to temper.

Tang Ye appreciates beauty, but doesn't take it too seriously. After arriving at Jiuzhongtian, he had never thought about that. Probably, for him, Jiuzhongtian is a battlefield without any sense of belonging. He is just a soldier who has come from far away, only in charge of fighting, taking the head, winning, and talking about love, nothing exists.

At least now he will not be impressed by the temptation of beauty.

Seeing Tang Ye staring at her but not speaking, Qing Ling felt that Tang Ye's gaze wandered away from her body. It was really shameless. She wanted to scold Tang Ye. At this time, she was thinking about beauty. It was so bad that she couldn't describe it. However, before she spoke, Tang Ye said, "I'm just observing the ropes on your body, and have no thoughts about your body."

"You..." Qing Ling was speechless, but Tang Ye could see through his mind. But she wouldn't believe what Tang Ye said, not thinking? It's strange that she would believe such nonsense.

"Cut, just pretend it!" Qing Ling said in a bad mood. Had it not been for fear of attracting the attention of the tigers again, she would not speak so softly.

Tang Ye looked at Iron Fist again, observing the rope on Iron Fist. After reading it, he looked back at his own. He found that these ropes are all the same. If it can solve the iron fist, then he and Qing Ling can solve it. However, what can only solve him, may not solve Qingling and Tie Fist. These ropes are probably of the kind that strong when they are strong.

Iron Fist knew what Tang Ye was going to do, and said, "These ropes are probably made from changing water plants. Changing water plants grow under water and can expand and contract. The stronger the stronger, they are ropes that are widely used to capture. It’s visible, but it’s very difficult to solve. It’s tied up, and it’s hard to untie it without a targeted secret medicine."

Tang Ye nodded, probably understood this kind of rope. He is trying to solve it. Originally, he had no basis for it, and it was just futile to find a way. However, he dared to think. This is because he noticed something strange about the rope on his body. That is, he felt that the rope on his body was getting looser.

He tried several times, and the ropes of the changing plants on his body were indeed loosened a little bit. He didn't know why, if he knew it, he might be able to find a solution to this changing waterweed rope.


At this time, there was another cold wind blowing, and I felt that the temperature dropped a lot in an instant, as if it was freezing. Qing Ling was so cold that her body trembled, and her face turned pale. But Iron Fist couldn't stand it very much, and it trembled slightly.

Then a strange thing happened, that is, Qing Ling in the middle leaned against Tang Ye, almost pasting Tang Ye. Tang Ye noticed this and squinted at Qing Ling. I was thinking, this little girl is so thick-skinned, she despised herself, scolded herself, and approached herself to keep warm when she was cold.

Qing Ling noticed Tang Ye's expression, and suddenly became embarrassed. She was really close to Tang Ye for warmth, she couldn't explain it. But she didn't admit it, and hummed: "What to look at, it's not my fault, who made you so warm!"


Tang Ye was speechless. Sure enough, regardless of the Human Race or the Celestial Race, women have a characteristic that cannot be reasoned with them.

"Don't worry, I understand you, I didn't intend to reason with you." Tang Ye is not the first time she has encountered such a woman, she has rich experience in the ancestral land.

"You..." Qing Ling knew that Tang Ye meant that their women were unreasonable. She wanted to argue with Tang Ye, but at this time, relying on Tang Ye to keep warm, the so-called cannibalism and shorthands, she I had to curl my head and hum softly: "Cut, I won't fight with you."

The matter of Tang Ye and Qing Ling completely fell into Tie Fist's eyes. What Tie Fist cares about is not how this distinguished young lady looks intimate with Tang Ye, but rather, why is Tang Ye warm?

At this moment, Tie Quan was paying attention to Tang Ye's matter, and then was taken aback, and said, "You, do you have a natural fire attribute talent?!"

"Huh?" Tang Ye didn't know what Tie Fist's words meant, natural fire attributes? talent? Is this a talent? Perhaps, when it comes to natural fire, Tang Ye is indeed, because he was born with a fire body in Ancestral Land. She couldn't bear it for a while, and she was looking for Lin Yourong's natural ice body to combine and eliminate the excessive attribute threat.


Tang Ye suddenly felt that the big thing was not good, because if the iron fist knew the nature of the body, it would be revealed that it was a matter of the human race. After all, he didn't know the specific body structure of the Celestial Clan, and if any of them were flickering, wouldn't it be over.

"I didn't expect to meet a genius with natural fire attributes, it was really lucky!" At this time, I heard the iron fist sigh again, "Fire attributes are originally a thousand talents. But it is also through special training to awaken or master. And if it's natural like you, it's unique."

"This..." Tang Ye felt a little embarrassed when said by Iron Fist. He is so awesome, that is, the identity of the human race has not been discovered. If it is a human race, who would say that the human race is a genius with no one in a million? The waste material of no one in a million is almost the same!

When Tie Quan said that, Qing Ling was also curious. She looked at Tang Ye and didn't dare that this guy was actually a genius without a single chance. Funny, I despise him so much, so scold him, if he is a genius with no one in a million, wouldn't he appear to be eyeless?

However, using the special talents of the Celestial Clan to distinguish it, he really found that Tang Ye was a natural fire attribute.

"This..." Qing Ling's mood was suddenly so complicated that it was beyond description. This is the most absurd thing she has encountered.

Tang Ye saw that Qingling and Iron Fist both had that expression, rolled his eyes, and said, "Can you tell me more about this? I don't quite understand."

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