My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1571: Greater omen!

Tang Ye ended up with the title of individual demon, so far from the current situation, there is no trace of anything related to the dark demon. People in the upper realm also know that the reason why it is called Tang Ye is because Tang Ye killed too many in the first day of the sky, and was notoriously cruel, especially for doing things that killed a city because of one person, saying that he was not a devil and did not believe it. .

As for Tang Ye, the human race who emerged from the first heaven, Nu Enchong was disdainful in his heart. But now that Tang Ye is involved in more and more things, he feels very uncomfortable. Because the more things Tang Ye involved, the more complicated it was. But what is so simple about a person who emerges from the first heaven?

Therefore, Nu Enchong strongly disagrees with the courtier saying that Tang Ye is related to the Dark Demon Race. Although the Dark Demon Race is evil, the evil also represents a powerful and terrifying power. Even the figures of the Eightfold Heaven are also afraid. Can the human demon have such power?

Definitely not. If there is, why bother struggling so much. It took a year or two from the first heaven to the second heaven. Although for them cultivators, a period of one or two years is nothing, but for a human race it is a long time. In short, Nu Enchong didn't think Tang Ye had the power of the dark demons.

He said to the courtier: "You mentioned that the Human Race Demon is related to the Dark Demon Race. What about the evidence?"

The officials don’t know why Nu Enchong is so repulsive that Tang Ye is related to the Dark Demon. It is reasonable to say that if the Dark Demon is showing signs of emergence, it is good to find a starting point. It is very suitable to use Human Demon as this starting point. It can be explained to the people, and the focus can be on the human demons. As long as the human demons are killed, nothing will happen and the people can be better pacified.

The officials didn't know, saying that Tang Ye was related to the Dark Demon Race was to raise Tang Ye. This touched Nu Enchong's inner arrogance, so he opposed it.

However, Nu Enchong will not be arrogant, if he can show evidence, he will attach great importance to this matter. He was still very afraid of the horror of the dark demons. When he was a child, he had seen his father capture a dark demons lurking in the space of the world gate leading to the Nine Heavens. The dark demon was just a small servant, but he could easily kill a general next to his father, and his father personally caught the dark demon.

Therefore, the dark demons will affect his authority and ruling existence. If such a thing is true, it will definitely be dealt with as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the officials did not have evidence to prove that Tang Ye was related to the Dark Demon Race, so the courtier who spoke could only explain: "This is the latest news from the Astrology Palace. Only they know the specifics."

"Then go to the Astrology Palace and ask." Nuen Chong snorted coldly. He wanted to see if the Human Race Demon really had so many things, of course, it was regarded as paying attention to the Dark Demon Race.

For a long time, Nu En Chong and several important men went to the House of Astrology. Shana opened the Astrology Palace, and they could enter the suspended palace and talk to Shana.

"Sana, I received a message that the Human Race Demon is related to the Dark Demon Race. Is this true?" Nu Enchong asked Shana.

Shana nodded to Nun Chong and said, "This is the worst guess."

"That is to say, there is no concrete evidence?" Nu Enchong asked.

Shana shook her head and said, "There is no evidence."

"Then why do you still say that? Doesn't this cause panic? I hope you can report truthfully." Nu Enchong said in a bad manner.

The Human Race Demon really has nothing to do with the Dark Demon Race, I really value the Human Race Demon!

Shana looked at Nu Enchung in silence, and then said: "I say this, I just hope you can pay enough attention to the affairs of this human race. He is definitely not as simple as you think. He is about to step into the triple heaven now. Going down, it will be a matter of time before he arrives at the Eighth Layer. But you must know how much bloodshed will happen when he arrives at the Eighth Layer."

"And..." Shana frowned and added, "In my prediction, the human race does have a strange power, and this power has been hidden by him. At this time, there is a dark demon activity on the Nine Heavens. Traces. This is very suspicious and we must take it seriously."

Nu Enchung laughed and said, "Sana, I think you are worrying too much. That human demon has a strange power, and we all know what's going on. It's nothing but Longao... the blood of that adult, got It was once protected by the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds. This power, the Human Race Demon was there from the beginning, not only when the Dark Demon Race was active, so there is no coincidence or coincidence. The reason why the Human Race Demon can survive until now, It’s because of the strength of that adult, so we don’t have to worry about it."

Shana lowered her head to think, for what Nu Enchung said was not unreasonable, she had nothing to refute. But she disagreed with Nu Enchung’s words and said, “Even if that human race has nothing to do with the dark demons, but has the power of that adult, we can’t despise it. No, it should be said, because he has that one. We must pay more attention to the strength protection of adults. Because according to what happened, because of the strength protection of that adult, the human race has grown quite terribly, and it is about to enter the triple heaven. How can it be underestimated? "

Nu Enchong smiled triumphantly and said: "Sister Shana doesn't know that the power of the adult that this human demon can obtain will become weaker and weaker. Because someone uses the power of the once Lord of the Worlds, then The current Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds will definitely suppress it. Although the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds travels far away in the unknown world, he can definitely feel the power of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds. When he knows that the human race is using that power After that, it will definitely stop it. At that time, it will be easy to kill this human demon without the power of that adult. Therefore, the more this human demon comes to the higher-level world, the less difficult it will be to deal with ."


Shana still wanted to refute, Nu Enchung waved her hand to stop her, and smiled: "Well, sister Shana, you don't have to worry about this. We don't underestimate the human demon now, do we? Because Shaye is gone, I They also sent the Plague Gods. Isn’t it enough to kill a human race who has just entered the third heaven? What you have to do now is to always pay attention to the situation of the dark demons. The human demons, his existence, his trajectory, It’s all very obvious, so you don’t need to make special predictions."

Shana lowered her head and thought, Saya was indeed going to deal with the human race. She believed her sister and stopped arguing with Nu En Chong. She didn't like to say too much, because she was already weak, and she was tired after talking so much with Nu Enchong. She nodded to Nu Enchung, saying that it would be the case.

However, after Nu Enchong and the others left, she looked up at the starry sky and found that the astrological signs were even more chaotic. The stars she thought represented Tang Ye showed a greater omen.

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