My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1564: Players behind the scenes!

Ju Xi felt heartbroken when he heard Tang Ye's words. Not only was he able to stop Leopard Tian's plan, Tang Ye could also do it, and Tang Ye really didn't need to let him go. He wanted to kill Tang Ye just now, and his thoughts about Tang Ye were completely revealed. Unless Tang Ye's brain is sick, why should he let him go without him.

Looking up at Tang Ye, Ju Xi realized that now he had no conditions to negotiate with Tang Ye. This feeling was so bad that he finally admitted that he regretted shooting Tang Ye and wanted to ask for mercy so that Tang Ye would not kill him. There are still half of the Iron Armored Army in Dark Iron City, as long as they go back alive, there is still a chance to make a comeback.

But Tang Ye didn't intend to let him live. At the moment when he wanted to beg Tang Ye for mercy, Tang Ye suddenly shot, a sharp flame pierced his heart. He felt a tingling pain and couldn't speak even if he wanted to speak. His throat was quickly filled with blood pouring from inside, and he vomited blood.

"" The giant rhinoceros stared at Tang Ye fiercely, knowing that he was about to die, so naturally he wouldn't beg for mercy anymore, but wanted to scold Tang Ye and curse Tang Ye, but he couldn't say the whole thing.

The giant rhino is dead.


Suddenly the sky exploded, and then the wind rose and the sky became dark and gloomy. This is because the lord of the world has died, and the will of the world has become chaotic again. A realm of will illusion will soon be opened, allowing capable people to conquer, and then choose a new master of the realm.

The news of the death of the world lord will soon spread throughout the second heaven, and then there will be a chaos. However, because of the presence of the Cheetah clan and the presence of the Leopard Sky, this chaos will soon be subdued, and if no one prevents it, then Leopard Sky will become the next master of the world.

And this is what Tang Ye wants to stop. He wants to let the chaos of the double heaven continue. In the second heaven, except for the giant rhinoceros and the leopard sky, the strength of the other characters is basically the same. The fight will not get the result so quickly, then there will be continuous chaos, and a dominance is no longer possible.

According to Tang Ye's plan, during this chaotic period, it was the best period for the development of Yuangang and the Yuan Clan. When the ape has just gained enough power, then it will be when he makes a blockbuster, and dominates the double heaven in the name of "King Kong"!

"Apegang, I want to go to Dark Iron City immediately. You are responsible for dealing with the giant rhinoceros and cheetah tribe. These giant rhinoceros armored armies are all very precious resources. Collect them to create an ape clan armored army for yourself. This will be very beneficial for your ape clan to dominate the double heaven in the future." Tang Ye said to Ape Gang.

Yuan Gang nodded excitedly and said, "I understand!"

But he wanted to help Tang Ye again, and said, "I will also rush to Black Iron City with you to solve Leopard Sky!"

Tang Ye looked at Yuan Gang and smiled: "This is the root of your ape clan. As the patriarch, it is not advisable to leave after the war just now. The follow-up processing depends on you, so you don't need to follow to the Black Iron City. "

Yuan Gang wanted to say something, Tang Ye waved his hand to let him not say more. Tang Ye will not give in to this arrangement. At this time, he looked like a boss, not modest at all. Ape had already subconsciously regarded himself as Tang Ye's hand long ago. Tang Ye was so determined that he nodded and obeyed.

Tang Ye took the corpse of the giant rhinoceros, jumped on the big red bird, and let the big red bird rush to Black Iron City immediately. On the way, Tang Ye broke the giant rhino's neck directly. As long as the giant rhinoceros's head, the giant rhino's body was thrown away at will, perhaps it would be eaten by a beast. This is the fate of the once master of the world, what meaning can it have after death.

Tang Ye only wanted to stimulate the giant rhinoceros in Black Iron City to the maximum. He would not say that the giant rhinoceros was killed by him, but he would say that it was killed by the cheetah clan. In this way, those giant rhinos will do their best to fight against the cheetahs. When the two races fight each other, the third party who will be on the sidelines will ultimately benefit.

This third party is not only ape tribe, but also other tribes. Tang Ye had already asked Yuangang to arrange for someone to notify other tribes, especially those oppressed by the Cheetah tribe. There is no need to tell them face to face, just tell them the current situation of the cheetah clan. Then, as long as one more tribe comes out to deal with the cheetah tribe, the cheetah tribe can be hit harder. Coupled with Tang Ye's own shots, this time he would definitely be able to get rid of the Cheetah Clan. Even if it can't, it can make the cheetah clan feel bad for a hundred years.

Even people in the cheetah clan are afraid of death and can be controlled. After Tang Ye arrived at the Black Iron City, he saw that the Cheetah and Giant Rhinoceros were already at war. Tang Ye bought such a cheetah clan and asked him to take the head of the giant rhinoceros to demonstrate in front of the giant rhinoceros armored army, saying that the cheetah clan had killed the giant rhinoceros, so that the giant rhino clan surrendered and gave up resistance. Will be the same as the giant rhino.

The giant rhinoceros is the master of the world. Whether it is really dead can be determined by observing the sky. The sky changes, the will returns to chaos, and the illusion of will appears, that is, the Lord of the world is really dead. The giant rhinoceros armored army, and the generals who led them, saw that the giant rhinoceros was really dead. They were not afraid, but roared again and again.

"Who sent that idiot! The character of the Giant Rhinoceros is not unknown. They will not succumb. If they are stimulated, they will be dead men with no brains. Either the enemy will die or they will die by themselves!" The lower two-thirds of the Cheetah Clan's power rushed to the gate of the Realm Lord's General Mansion and confronted the remaining half of the Iron Armored Army. Unexpectedly, he suddenly jumped out of a fellow clan, threw out the giant rhinoceros head, and said something to stimulate the giant rhino clan.

This cheetah clan talked about why the giant rhinoceros was killed, because their cheetah clan designed a conspiracy in the Falling Star Forest, using tricks to kill the giant rhinoceros, and also eliminated the other armored armies.

The giant rhinos think that the cheetahs are despicable and bold about this kind of thing. If they give in, it will be more uncomfortable than death. It doesn't make much sense to live in the hands of the cheetah clan. What's more, they have half of the Iron Armored forces, and they may not be opponents of the Cheetah Clan. In recent years, Leopard Tian didn't dare to do it directly, and he was not afraid of the strength of the Iron Armor. Therefore, even if the cheetah clan cannot be won, the cheetah clan can still pay a heavy price. At least it will take decades to recuperate.

Leopard Sky’s plan was destroyed in this way. Now he had to face the extremely violent Giant Rhinoceros. The two tribes worked desperately. In the end, the Giant Rhinoceros Iron Armor was wiped out, and the Cheetah Clan was not well. Two-quarters of the strength, now only a few hundred people are left, and Leopard Tian is also seriously injured.

"Damn it!" Seeing the loss on his side, Baotian scolded again and again, really wanting to shred the corpse of the clansman who had come out with the rhinoceros head to shout. In his original plan, at least more than a thousand people could remain. He was wondering what the **** was going on with that idiot, how could he do such a thing without his order.

And soon, a guess flashed across his head, a terrible guess.

There are still people behind, manipulating these things. In a game, he is the player, but there are bigger players behind the scenes!

At this time, Baotian saw a human race appearing in the battlefield with corpses all over the field.

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