My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1561: Use your head!

Winner or loser, Baotian was killed by the giant rhinoceros, then all the glory he once had is over. The giant rhinoceros was very happy, like a shame, all the suffocation and resentment suppressed by the cheetah clan in the past have all vented.

"Hahaha..." Ju Xi burst out laughing, feeling quite good.

But Tang Ye, who was standing on the top of the stone mountain, still maintained the way he was thinking before, and he felt that something was wrong. Then he stared at the slain Leopard Tian, ​​frowning and squinting, as if thinking of something.

After the giant rhinoceros laughed, he looked at the stone mountain and shouted to Tang Ye: "Tang Ye, the Cheetah Clan has been resolved, and our plan is perfectly successful. Why not come down and celebrate?"

Tang Ye smiled, glanced at Yuan Gang next to him, and said, "Remember what I said to you before. You should arrange it first, and then take the brothers down. Remember, after you go down, you will have no advantage. Take care to protect yourself."

Ape just nodded, and then did not follow Tang Ye to the valley below, but jumped to other places to make some other arrangements.

Tang Ye jumped down the valley and landed next to the giant rhinoceros. He immediately congratulated with a smile: "Congratulations to the giant rhinoceros. From then on, he has become the real overlord of the second heaven."

"Haha." Juxi laughed happily, waved to Tang Ye, and said, "I have to thank you for being able to solve Leopard Tian and these cheetah tribes."

After that, the giant rhinoceros looked around the stone mountain and said to Tang Ye: "These ape brothers above have also worked hard. Now that the Cheetah tribe has been eliminated, they don't need to be so **** guarding. It is better to come down and celebrate together. I, as the world, Lord, there are still many things that can be rewarded. Moreover, this cheetah clan also has many treasures. My giant rhino clan is definitely not exclusive, and must be given to ape clan friends."

Tang Ye smiled and looked at the stone mountain. As soon as the ape appeared again, he looked at Tang Ye and nodded. Tang Ye knew, waved his hand to let them all come down. Then swish, the ape tribe on the rocky mountain jumped down one after another, there were hundreds of them, accounting for a considerable part of the ape tribe.

The giant rhinoceros saw that all these ape tribes had come down, including the clan Great Ape Gang, smiled, and said, "Dear brothers of the ape tribe, everyone has worked hard. Without you, my giant rhino can not eliminate the cheetah tribe, thank you!"

Tang Ye didn't speak at this time, and asked the Ape Clan to deal with it. Since it was talking to the ape clan, naturally let the ape clan patriarch deal with it. Ape just understood Tang Ye's meaning, looked at the giant rhinoceros smiled, and said: "You are welcome, the giant rhinoceros, the cheetah clan is also our ape clan enemy, but I want to thank the giant rhinoceros talent."

The giant rhinoceros laughed and said, "Thanks to you, my giant rhino tribe has truly returned to the status of the overlord of the second heaven."

The giant rhinoceros looked at Tang Ye again and said, "Brother Tang Ye, this is mainly due to you. In this plan, you can be said to be like a god. Without you, even if there are my giant rhino and ape tribes, Can't solve the cheetah clan so perfectly."

Tang Ye was not used to the praise of the giant rhinoceros, and felt that the giant rhinoceros became so strange. The giant rhinoceros never looked good to him before. Tang Ye glanced at the Iron Armor of the Giant Rhinoceros nearby, and saw that they were preparing for battle, and could not help narrowing his eyes slightly.

He looked at the giant rhinoceros. He didn't know if the giant rhinoceros was thinking about it or something. I didn't bother to guess so much. Anyway, the giant rhino was just trying to kill it to avoid future troubles. The giant rhinoceros hasn't started yet, it seems that he wants to pretend too. How could Tang Ye fail to see these things.

Tang Ye didn't want to waste time like this, because he was going to Dark Iron City. And the battle of Dark Iron City, without his entry, would be very unfavorable to his overall plan. And for his entry, one thing needs to be used, and that is the head of the giant rhinoceros.

"Master Juxi, I think my brothers are tired, so let them go back to rest." Tang Ye looked at Juxi with a smile.

Ju Xi shook his head and said, "What is the hurry, we have not yet collected the spoils, and I also want to thank you."

"How does Master Juxi want to thank us?" Tang Ye looked at Juxi and smiled. The giant rhinoceros laughed too, both of them laughed unkindly.

The giant rhino said: "Tang Ye, in fact, I just said that the giant rhino tribe has become the real dominance of the second heaven. This is not true enough. Because there is still a threat, and this threat makes me very embarrassed."

"Oh?" Tang Ye sneered, assuming that he finally saw the fox showing his tail.

Ju Xi looked at Tang Ye and smiled and said, "This threat is you! Don't forget your identity. You are the human demon, the biggest enemy of our alien race, and the enemy that the upper realm personally asked to get rid of. However, you are biased. You said, am I embarrassed?"

Tang Ye looked at the giant rhinoceros with a cold face, and hummed: "What does the giant rhinoceros mean? Want me to die?"

"No, I don’t want you to die." The rhinoceros said quickly, "It’s better to say that it’s not to want you to die. If the ape clan gets along with you, then you are guilty of rebellion and death. But because of you just now For your work, so I want to reward you, reward you for a chance to live."

"You just talk about it." Tang Ye snorted coldly. He felt that the giant rhinoceros was shameless, so far-fetched things could be said, and if he wanted to get rid of himself, he would just say, why bother to go around so much.

Ju Xi smiled and said: "Two choices, the first one, you and the ape clan can live, but you have to disuse martial arts, and then use it for me, you can be a military, and the ape clan must serve me. The second option is, you all die!"

"Master Giant Rhinoceros, you are too despicable!" Ape just stood up and said angrily. For him, humiliating him or the Ape Race is fine, but humiliating Tang Ye is not.

It's not just the apes just like this, the other apes are the same. In their hearts, Tang Ye was not only a simple lifesaver, but also a sanctified lifesaver, so to speak, a lifesaving saint. How can a saint be bullied?

Some ape tribes originally thought that this time the cheetah tribe was eliminated and the giant rhinoceros tribe was helped. The giant rhinoceros was the leader of the world and made great contributions. Then the status of the ape tribe should be improved a lot, and the treatment would be much higher. However, these former oppressors have not changed at all, and they have made such excessive demands. Suddenly they had no hope for the Giant Rhinoceros. It seemed that any rights and status must be won on their own, by fighting!

Tang Ye looked back at the ape tribes, and saw all the ape tribes showing their expressions of indignation towards the giant rhino tribe, which was relieved. At this time, even if you take the first shot, everyone will feel that this is a defense of justice, this is the helpless choice of the Giant Rhinoceros to deceive others too much, and there will never be guilt or betrayers.

Having said that, it is ridiculous to find such a peace of mind. From the very beginning, their status and treatment were doomed to the way they wanted to get what they deserve was resistance and war.

Tang Ye looked at the giant rhinoceros and said, "I can't choose a single choice."

"Really? Then you forced me to take action against you!" The giant rhino snorted coldly, and then the armored soldiers all stepped together and made a sonorous sound of armed armor, feeling very powerful.

The atmosphere became a big battle.

Tang Ye lowered his face, looked at the giant rhinoceros, and said, "In that case, I will borrow your head to use it."

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