My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1558: Great melee!

The advance soldier of the giant rhinoceros tribe and the advance soldier of the cheetah tribe are arguing, and the people behind catch up. After Leopard Tian and the giant rhinoceros learn about the situation, they will also discuss a result for them.

The advance soldiers of the giant rhinoceros believed that the reason why they could not enter the valley in front was that the valley inside was not good for them. If they were attacked by human demons and apes in ambush, it would be difficult for them to escape, because they were surrounded by stone mountains, and their giant rhinos were tall and cumbersome, especially the armored army was fully armed, and could not climb that stone mountain at all.

The reason why the cheetahs think they can enter is very obvious, because they are not afraid of those stone mountains. They have steel claws, and they can climb up any steep rocky mountain.

"Master Leopard, this valley is really bad for us, I think we still don't want to go in. If the ape tribe and the human demons hide in it, then we will besiege them. If they are not, then continue to look for it." Tian said.

Leopard Tian looked ahead, then looked back at the army of the two races, and then looked at the giant rhinoceros and smiled: "Why should the giant rhinoceros worry about such a thing? The apes are in ambush? Then they have to be able to ambush. Don't you Forget, how can our cheetah warriors be afraid of this little rock mountain? If there are ape races in ambush, then my cheetah race will harvest them as soon as possible, and will not pose any threat to your giant rhino race."

The giant rhinoceros sneered, and said: "Master Leopard Sky, you are not worried, you can also kill the ape tribe, but my giant rhino tribe entered the valley inside, that is, entered a hot pot, it was like a Ants can only be anxious. You said to help us solve the threat, if it is not solved? Wouldn't my giant rhino tribe want to suffer this loss for nothing?"

"Why, Master Giant Xi hasn't fought for a long time, so he has become so timid and afraid of death?" Leopard Tian said badly to Giant Xi.

"You..." The giant rhino glared at Leopard Tian, ​​as if to argue.

Leopard Tian was even more agitated, and coldly snorted: "It seems that your Giant Rhinoceros has really regressed. Once galloped on the battlefield, you were invincible, with one enemy ten. But now, facing the little apes, they dare not take risks. Let me say that even if this kind of valley is ambush, the traps that can be used are nothing but falling rocks, bows and arrows. But what are these things for a heavily armed armored army? Could it be that your armor will be broken by a stone Let alone, my cheetah clan will help you."

The giant rhinoceros stared at the Leopard Sky, suddenly sneered, approached some Leopard Sky, lowered her voice to prevent others from hearing, and hummed: "Leopard Sky, you know I am not afraid of the ape clan, but your cheetah clan. If it were you If you attack me, I will inevitably suffer damage. I use half of the armored army here, but you still have two-thirds of your strength. If I am destroyed here, the remaining strength in the tribe is not your cheetah The opponent of the clan. You said those words to incite my people to enter?"

"Master Giant Rhinoceros, your imagination is really rich. What we have to deal with is the ape tribe and the human demons. Are you worried about me? You can shake your military heart by saying it. As the master of the world, do you do this? Are you stupid?" Baotian sneered at Juxi again and again.

"My lord, let's go in, just a mere ape clan, how can our giant rhino clan be afraid!" Before the giant rhino could fight back against the sky, a giant rhino soldier called out. He probably heard what Leopard Tian said and was stimulated. He was unwilling to be considered afraid of death and cowardice, so he wanted to fight.

"Yes, sir, why are we the Giant Rhinoceros afraid of a battle? No matter what conspiracy the Ape Clan has, we can't defeat us!" The Giant Rhinoceros was agitated and said to the Giant Rhinoceros.

"You..." The giant rhinoceros looked back at the heavily armed armored army, with a feeling of hating iron and unsuccessful, how could it be so easily agitated.

The Giant Rhinoceros knew that if he retreats now, it will be laughed at by the cheetah clan for a lifetime, and it will also be a huge blow to the morale of the armored army. In the future, facing the Cheetah clan, I am afraid there will be a certain shadow. But this kind of influence cannot be underestimated, it may bring down an army.

In desperation, the giant rhinoceros snorted to the Iron Armored Army: "Well, let's move on and use absolute power to smash the conspiracy and tricks of the ape tribe and the human demons!"

"Okay, go forward, go forward!" The armored army shouted together, and morale rose immediately.

Seeing this, Baotian flapped his mount to move on. After passing the giant rhinoceros, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if a conspiracy had succeeded. Then he slapped the mount three times with his other hand. The giant rhinoceros general behind him saw it, and all began to make some hints. Soon, the entire cheetah army understood what it meant.

Kill the giant rhino, right in the valley ahead!

However, when the cheetah clan conveyed these hints, the giant rhinoceros also showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, which was playful and interesting. Baotian thought he was a radicalized general, but he was not. And to enter this valley, the cheetah clan must have been together. As for the dispute just now, it was just acting.

However, when he was proud, Ju Xi felt very scared to think carefully. Since Tang Ye contacted him what he wanted to do after he arrived in the Falling Star Forest, Tang Ye was expecting everything from the previous dispute with the advance soldier to his dispute with Leopard Tian and other details. He did what Tang Ye said. In other words, Tang Ye had expected all this. They are all following the script designed by Tang Ye. Such a deliberate person is simply terrifying!

At this time, Ju Xi firmly believed that after solving the Cheetah Clan, Tang Ye must be solved, otherwise, one day, he will be eaten by Tang Ye!

"Human demons are really terrible and must be eliminated as soon as possible." The giant rhinoceros followed Baotian, but at this time he didn't put Baotian in his eyes. Tang Ye was full of fear.

Soon, the army of the two races entered the valley of the stone mountain group. There is an uphill passage ahead, from where you can leave the valley. Only when he reached the middle, Baotian stopped.

Leopard Tian closed his eyes and calmed down, and stopped moving forward. The giant rhino followed and asked him: "Master Leopard, why don't you leave? Since there is no ambush by the ape tribe and the human demons, then we continue on our way."

Leopard Tian still closed his eyes and said nothing. After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at the giant rhinoceros with a cold expression.

Seeing this, the giant rhinoceros was taken aback, and then extremely angry, shouted: "Leopard heaven, you really want to rebel, **** it!"

After drinking, the giant rhino directly drew his weapon, a steel sledgehammer, and raised the sledgehammer to shout to the armored army: "Cheetah clan rebels, ready to fight!"

Leopard Tian sneered and said: "If you destroy you, there will be no betrayal!"

After all, as soon as Leopard Tian waved his hand, the cheetah tribe knew and had already been instructed, so they immediately attacked the giant rhino tribe beside him.

Soon, the two armies fought together. In this valley, it is like weeding the "weeds". The longer the fight, the more the "grass" is removed. And the ground began to be stained red with blood. In the valley, in addition to the sound of pong-pong weapon battles, there are also constant screams.

At this time, Tang Ye appeared on one of the stone mountains, watching the giant rhino and cheetah clan fighting together below, did not issue orders to the ape clan, just watched quietly.

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