My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1549: Phoenix breath!

Tang Ye couldn't imagine what the big red bird saw or felt. That flaming power was too long and too terrifying, the big red bird crawling down on its knees was already very remarkable. It was really afraid that it would not be able to stand on its own, but fortunately it was just a ray of remnant soul, not the real ancient **** beast.

That is also a bird, but that bird makes all creatures who use the power of flame fear or respect. It is said that it was a bird that fought fiercely with a certain supreme **** when Pangu opened the sky and chaos.

Its name is Phoenix.

Power from the Phoenix!

What the big red bird felt from Tang Ye was such a power.

Tang Ye knew very little about his identity, and naturally didn't understand what the big red bird was afraid of. Now the big red bird looked at Tang Ye's desire to die. It believes that by eating the flames released by Tang Ye, it can quickly increase its strength, continuously break through, become a high-level monster, and even evolve toward a monster. Tang Ye's flame was so magical, but the big red bird didn't know that it was a flame with the power of Phoenix. If it knew, it would definitely not dare to make such an idea, because it would be offensive to the Phoenix. It is a small firebird in the second layer of heaven who dared to eat the flames of the phoenix, and 10,000 deaths were not enough to apologize.

At this time it should also be grateful that the flame power of this phoenix on Tang Ye's body is not strong. It may be that Tang Ye has only exerted one-tenth of a ten thousandth, otherwise, a little firebird in the second layer of heaven would eat it and would not bear Live, I'm afraid I will die long ago.

"Big Red Bird, what's the matter with you?" Tang Ye asked curiously when he saw the Big Red Bird behaving strangely, as if he was afraid of him.

"Gegu..." The big red bird was a little afraid to look at Tang Ye. It was afraid of seeing Tang Ye's words and seeing the phantom of the Phoenix. The phantom of Phoenix alone can scare it to death.

Tang Ye was very worried. Now the Big Red Bird can't have an accident. He must rely on the power of Big Red Bird to deal with the Cheetah Clan. He said to the big red bird: "Is it hungry or the old wound has not been healed? Then I will feed you flames right away!"

"Gegugegu!" The big red bird became even more frightened, and even ate the flames, which made the adult even more offensive. The big red bird shook his head repeatedly, and even jumped up so nervously.

Tang Ye saw the scared look of the big red bird, and said in doubt: "Are you afraid? What are you afraid of?"

Thinking of the Red Bird after he became the Fireman just now, Tang Ye immediately wondered if the Red Bird was afraid of him. But he didn't understand, it didn't make sense, the big red bird was originally a firebird, so he was afraid of flames?

"Are you afraid of me? Why? I won't do anything to you, I need your power now!" Tang Ye looked at the big red bird nervously. He doesn't know why the big red bird is afraid of him, but he definitely wants to leave the big red bird. If the big red bird flies away and doesn't help him, then things will be troublesome.

The big red bird felt very strange when he saw Tang Ye like this, and then it understood. Tang Ye didn't know how terrible he was, he actually had the breath of an undead bird!

"This is a human being boarded by phoenixes." Big Red Bird guessed. In this case, it has nothing to do with Tang Ye. It knew what Tang Ye was planning now, and it really needed its power. If Tang Ye wanted it to help, it would definitely help. Even if it didn't save Tang Ye's life before, just knowing that Tang Ye had the power of the Phoenix, it would help unconditionally.

After all, according to legend, even the **** of fire must fear the phoenix. There is even legend that the appearance of flame, the ancestor of flame, is the phoenix. Then all creatures who use the power of fire must regard the Phoenix as the ancestor god. Even if you have to obey the edict and refuse to resist the emperor, it is even more needless to say to the ancestor god.

Da Hong Niao thought Tang Ye was not easy before, but he didn't expect it to be so easy. If you are only carrying a magical secret technique, or even if you are a descendant of the once Lord of the Human Race, you don't need to bow your head so much if you change the age. However, if it is a descendant of the ancient true **** age, it must be taken seriously. After all, the Age of Ten Thousand Realms is the great world after the age of the ancient true gods.

How big the world is, some people say it is the combination of the ten thousand worlds. Others say that it's just that the ancestral land is so big. But in fact, this matter has to return to the time when Pangu True God opened up the world. True God Pangu opened the sky, could it just be the ancestral land? No, it opened the world. It's just that the ancestral land is the place where the true gods first stayed, so the ancestral land has a source of power that other worlds do not have.

Therefore, even the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms is not as good as the true **** figures of the ancient true gods. However, there are too many creatures in the ten thousand realms, and the ancient true gods can be counted. Therefore, the ancient true gods enjoy the status and authority of being exalted and worshipped, while the wonderful legends of the world are mostly created by the creatures under the true gods.

The title Lord of the Worlds does not offend the authority of the true god. Because the time when the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms appeared, it had already passed the age of the ancient true gods. As for why the age of the ancient true gods would pass away, some people say it was because of the "war of mortal gods", the so-called war between mortal creatures and true gods.

In fact, in this war, mortal forces also have many true gods to help, otherwise they would not be able to fight the ancient true gods. In retrospect, the threat of the ancestral land may be more than the threat of the dark demons. It is possible that the ancient true gods who have passed away are unwilling to return to the ancestral land and reshape the age of true gods.

Many things, even if they take off, are still very subtle and confusing. Tang Ye thought he knew a lot, but in fact, he knew very little. Even if it's his identity, maybe he just knows nothing. However, there are ways to live without knowing. He is now working hard to solve the problems he is facing now, and he doesn't have to think about so many indigestible things, which is a good thing.

The big red bird knew that Tang Ye didn't know his identity, and because Tang Ye was related to Phoenix, it would definitely help Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye's flame did not dare to eat it. It's just that, such a good resource, it also has some prying eyes. If you can continue to eat, there is absolutely no problem in breaking through to a high-level monster. It used to be a hundred years of cultivation, but now it may only take a year or even a day.

The power of the phoenix is ​​eternal, and no power can be destroyed. Even if it can be defeated, it can be sealed, but as long as it encounters the opportunity of Nirvana, it will be directly reborn and restored to the power that was once the peak, and even beyond the power that was the peak. So the phoenix will be jealous by those true gods.

For a little firebird in the mortal world, it is entirely possible that it can fly directly into the sky with the help of this kind of power.

Seeing that Dahongniao's expression eased, Tang Ye said, "If you have any problems, please tell me. Now I still need your power. Can you help me solve the cheetah clan's problem first?"

"Gegu!" The big red bird yelled, not only agreeing, but also flattered. From now on, its positioning of Tang Ye has completely changed.

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