My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1545: Show sincerity!

Suspicious people naturally worry more, because they hesitate. Even though Tang Ye was the human demon, his words made the suspicious giant rhinoceros into contemplation.

Only the two patriarchs know how profound the conflict between the giant rhino and cheetah clan is. In the eyes of others, the Black Iron City is peaceful, with the elites of the Giant Rhinoceros and Cheetahs gathered, and it is an absolutely unbreakable city. However, the giant rhinoceros knew that as long as their giant rhino clan and the cheetah clan intensified their conflicts and a war broke out, the black iron city would be destroyed by itself.

Even so, the giant rhinoceros knows very well that the contradiction between their giant rhinoceros clan and the cheetah clan will one day be intensified and eventually become a form of war. And now, that day seems to have arrived. Because the cheetah clan suffered two groups of people being slaughtered and lost the four little kings, in this case, the cheetah clan must take action against the giant rhino clan, otherwise it will eventually be overwhelmed by the giant rhino clan. Since the Cheetah Clan wants to take action, how can the Giant Rhino Clan not prepare.

Tang Ye's words can make the giant rhinoceros ready to go to war with the cheetah clan. This human demon is very powerful, and it must have developed terrible powers in the Falling Star Forest. And the Cheetah tribe and his giant rhino tribe are going to the Falling Star Forest to deal with him, then, if they and the human demons have already joined forces to kill the Cheetah tribe by surprise, they can surely get rid of the Cheetah tribe.

Juxi did think of this, but there was a problem that made him immediately give up these thoughts, that is, Tang Ye, a human demon who is to be killed in the upper realm, not only does not kill himself, but also joins hands with him, will he be Upper bound?

The power of the upper realm is very terrifying. When the third heaven comes, the heavenly clan begins to appear, that is, the strength above the realm of heavenly immortals. The world there is chaotic and free, and cultivation is also very colorful. If the person above comes down, then he can't resist it at all.

Therefore, Ju Xi denied the two reasons given by Tang Ye. What is the second layer of heaven without a human race, and what Cheetah race has what Tang Ye wants. These can't change the upper realm's request to deal with Tang Ye. So the giant rhino said to Tang Ye: "You want to cooperate with me, it's impossible, because you human race is the enemy of all our alien races! If I join hands with you, then I stand on the opposite side of the alien race, then my giant rhino race will Die very quickly!"

Tang Ye sneered and shrugged: "Do you really think so? Then we solve the problems one by one. First of all, your worries are the orders of the Upper Realm. In fact, I want to say that the Upper Realm really does not value you so much. It’s not that I appear in the first heaven or the second heaven. Will the upper realm pay attention to you? For the upper realms, the lower realm is just a place they have left, and it makes no sense to come back. Even now the upper realm has something for you Request, it is also because I appeared. The root cause lies with me, so what if I am no longer in the second heaven?"

Tang Ye sneered evilly, full of self-confidence, and a bit arrogant. He seemed to ignore how the giant rhinoceros would think of him. He just "acted" comfortably and continued: "I will go to the third heaven. The goal of the upper realm will be transferred to me, and what are you doing in the second heaven?"

The giant rhino squinted his eyes. Tang Ye said something reasonable. Indeed, in the past such a long time, the upper realm had never asked them about the lower realm. But after Tang Ye, the human demon appeared, he began to question. But even if he intervened, he was only interfering with Tang Ye's affairs and demanding that Tang Ye be resolved. Nothing else was mentioned at all. Whether it is the contradiction between the giant rhino and the cheetah tribe, or the various open and secret struggles that affect the order of the Lord of the World. After all, the upper realm is only concerned about the human race Tang Ye!

"How do you get to the Triple Heaven?" Ju Xi asked Tang Ye after thinking about it.

Tang Ye said: "Either I will open the door of the realm by myself, or you can open the lord of the realm and go up."

Ju Xi snorted coldly, thinking that Tang Ye was wishful thinking, he would not help Tang Ye open the Lord of the World. As for Tang Ye opening it up by himself, if Tang Ye had that ability, he couldn't stop it. Then he took a step back and asked Tang Ye, "How do I know that you will not attack my giant rhinoceros? Or, you have discussed with the cheetah clan in advance, now come to deceive me!"

Tang Ye rolled his eyes and said, "I know that Baotian is very capable of forbearing and old treacherous cunning, but there must be a limit to his tolerance. He can hold back the vengeance of killing his son, and wants to kill you, but how can he hold it back? Cooperate with the enemy of murder? If you can, it would be too scary. I am afraid of such a person. I am afraid, so I will not cooperate with him. Because I know that after cooperation, he will kill me. Do you think , Would I be so stupid to do this?"

"In addition, I said that the cheetah clan has what I want, that is, the overlord's halberd part guarded by their clan. I want to get this part back. You might say that the condition for my cooperation with the cheetah clan is to let them give My overlord’s halberd is broken. However, the concerns are the same as I just said. After cooperation, they will not give me, and then they will kill me. It is the same way of thinking. It is very risky for me. I don’t like risks, so I I would rather choose to exterminate the cheetah clan and then obtain the overlord halberd with peace of mind."

Tang Ye looked at Juxi with a confident smile, and said, "After all this, it depends on what you think. Do you believe me or not?"

"Can I believe the words of a human race?" Ju Xi stared at Tang Ye, but in fact he was also considering Tang Ye's words in his heart.

Tang Ye sighed, rolled his head, rubbed his eyes again, showing some impatience, and said, "Since you like to be suspicious so much, then I won't say anything. Let's not cooperate. Then, just send it. Your armored army came to deal with me. I can tell you with certainty that even if I can't beat your armored army, it will definitely cause your armored army to be hit hard. When the cheetah clan is watching you, don't say I didn't warn you."

After speaking, Tang Ye turned around and planned to leave.

"Do you think you come as you want, leave as you want?" Ju Xi said angrily at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye looked back at the giant rhinoceros, squinted and smiled, and said, "You can go outside and look up. There is a giant bird that you can't deal with. I can leave safely. If you want to fight, let others know. I arrived at your mansion, but you can't keep it, so try it."

Juxi didn't believe it, so he rushed out of the room, looked up, and saw nothing. But he knew that there was something unusual in the sky, so he jumped up high, and finally pulled away the clouds and saw the big red bird. He was shocked. This is the power Tang Ye got in Falling Star Forest? What if there are other primitive monsters?

This kind of big red bird is the original giant rhinoceros beast of the Iron Armored army, and it can't help it!

The giant rhino returned to the ground, entered the room, and saw Tang Ye still there. This made him more certain that Tang Ye was not here to fool him.

Suddenly, the giant rhinoceros fell into hesitation.

Tang Ye was leaving again, looking at Ju Xi and said, "Don’t forget that I have another identity, that is, the master of the world. Therefore, we can build a spatial connection. I came personally to show that Sincerity. So, if you want to cooperate, use the power of the Lord of the World to contact me. Now I will take a step forward."

Ju Xi didn't stop Tang Ye, watching Tang Ye jump up in the air, and then left in a flash. At this time, he was even more surprised, flashing and flashing in the space, isn't this a skill that can only be learned after the heavenly immortal realm? But how could this human demon...? !

The giant rhino sighed long. Suddenly he was not surprised at Tang Ye's arrival, because he had already seen it. Instead, he was considering Tang Ye's proposal.

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