My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1549: Silly and arrogant!

Leopard Tian and a few elders were bragging about something to each other, and they all mean the same thing, that is, our respective children are very good, very good. They are the Four Little Heavenly Kings, and they will all belong to the Second Heaven in the future. When a spy came to report the situation, they didn't want to destroy the atmosphere of you boasting me and I boasting you, so they let the spy wait outside and come in later to report.

Leopard Tian and several elders believed that the spy’s intelligence must be good news, and it must be the Four Little Heavenly Kings who solved the human demons, or solved the ape family, established the majesty of the cheetah family, etc., in short, it is good news.

"You said, this news is about human demons, or those damned ape races?" Leopard Tian said with a smile.

A cheetah elder smiled and said, "I think it belongs to the human demon."

"Oh? Why?" Baotian asked with a smile.

The cheetah clan elder explained: "Because this is the first news. The first news must be from the young master Leopard Lei. They are responsible for solving the human demons. With their powerful power, they must be the first to solve the human demons. The task was completed in the first time. This is the strength of the Leopard Lei Young Master or the Four Little Heavenly Kings.

"Haha, the analysis is good, I think so too." Baotian laughed and said. Then he looked at the other elders and said, "Don't you have any other different opinions?"

The other elders looked at each other, in fact, they all wanted to play sloppy, just fool around. What other ideas? There is only one good idea. In short, Leopard Lei is very strong, they are the best, and they have established majesty, where can there be other opinions.

However, without other opinions, this topic and atmosphere cannot go on. Leopard Tian is in the mood, and they don't want to spoil this atmosphere, so they just need to find an idea to continue the topic. An elder felt helpless and could only bite the bullet and said: "I think this may be news about that ape clan."

"Haha, isn't it?" Baotian's tone was obviously strange. He was not happy to hear the news that was not conducive to Leopard Lei and them. Although he is cautious, after all, this time the four little heavenly kings are dispatched together, and there is another powerful force within the cheetah clan. Can't he still deal with a human demon and ape clan?

This is impossible. To say that the ape clan has produced a very powerful clan, but this clan has returned according to previous reports by spies, isn't it the human demon? Therefore, the powerful apes and human demons are the same person, and the strong is actually one. There is only one strong, plus a group of ordinary apes, the four little heavenly kings, plus another cheetah clan power, can't deal with it?


The elder who said different views naturally knew Baotian's emotions. He was speechless, and he knew it was like this. He could only say good things but not bad things. It was really arrogant. However, this elder was not worried about being scolded by Leopard Tian, ​​because his different view meant that Leopard Lei and the others were very powerful... He looked at Leopard Tian and explained: "Patriarch, I mean, this news is about the ape tribe. Yes, because that human demon was mixed into the ape race, the young master Leopard Lei and the others didn't care so much, they killed all the ape races with a few clicks. As for the human demons, they must have been killed too. He still looks like an ape clan and has not been revealed for the time being. Anyway, Young Master Leopard Lei, he was so powerful that he solved the ape clan and the human demon at the same time, haha..."

This elder laughed alone, and then Baotian and the other elders looked at him, feeling like they had heard a cold joke and couldn't laugh at all. The elder laughed, and slowly stopped smiling, very embarrassed.

"Hahaha..." But suddenly, Baotian burst out laughing. Following that, several other elders also laughed out loud, and then the elder who slowly stopped laughing had to laugh again.

Looks really stupid.


Just when Baotian and the others laughed, there was a sound of collision outside, breaking the atmosphere of their laughter haha, and then a cheetah clan guard was beaten back in, making Baotian even more aware of it. , Even they thought that someone was coming to make trouble, or an assassin or something, they immediately stood on guard and wanted to go to war.

But then, they saw that a spy came in.

The cheetah clan who was knocked back immediately knelt down to explain to Baotian, and said, "Master Patriarch, this spy is rude, and his subordinates can't stop him!"

This guard is actually quite scared. Because they all know that there is one thing that Baotian absolutely forbids others to offend, and that is to disobey his authority. If he offended his majesty, he would definitely punish him severely. The cheetah clan has always relied on this supreme majesty to manage.

Leopard Tian looked at the guard and the spies who had broken in, and cast a gloomy face, coldly snorted, "Are you itchy or something? You dare to break into my study?"

"The subordinate does not dare, the subordinate does not dare!" The guard knelt on the ground begging for mercy, worried that Baotian would get angry. He turned his head to look at the spy who broke in again, very angry, and asked the spy to explain immediately, but don't hurt him.

The spy looked very tired and his eyes were blood-red. Even if he broke in and saw that Baotian was angry, he was not afraid. He watched Baotian kneel down and said, "Subordinates pay respect to the patriarch, please forgive the subordinates for being rude. The reason why the subordinates broke in is because..."

As he said, the spies suddenly failed to speak, as if he had received a huge blow and grief, his eyes became redder, and he choked hard to speak.

But Baotian didn't care about his weirdness, and coldly shouted: "Because of what? You say it quickly, otherwise don't blame me for severe punishment!"

The spy raised his head and stared at Leopard Sky. In fact, his anger was also present when he broke in just now. The news he brought back was so urgent and so sorrowful, but Baotian and the others were entertaining and having fun inside, asking him to wait outside. He cannot accept it!

The news he brought back would also make Baotian and the others regret their pastime. They actually made themselves wait outside without listening to the information, which is nothing short of mediocrity!

The spies stared at Leopard Sky, and then hummed word by word: "Master Leopard Fire, he is dead!"

"Say it! You..." Baotian was impatient when he saw the spies staring at him and couldn't speak, so he drank again. But then the spy spoke, he heard it, and didn't react at first. Then I understood, I felt that I had heard it wrong, and I looked at the spy and asked, "What did you say?"

The spy said angrily: "I said, Master Leopard Huo is dead and killed! Also, Master Leopard Lei, Master Leopard Feng, Master Leopard Yu, the situation may also be dangerous!"

This spy was the one who came back early, and came back after Leopard Huo died. As for the latter matter, he didn't know, he thought Leopard Lei was still alive.

"What are you talking about?!" At this moment, an elder rushed out and asked angrily, clutching the collar of the spy, because he was Leopard Huo's father.

Your son is dead?


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