My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1543: ridiculous!

The combination of Leopard Wind and Leopard Rain is actually very powerful. To deal with Tang Ye, Tang Ye used flame power. Water can extinguish fire, wind can assist water. However, they just couldn't extinguish Tang Ye's fire.

When they practiced battles, they often played against Leopard Fire, and against the flames of Leopard Fire, they would not have such a big gap. Although Tang Ye killed Leopard Fire and his strength was higher than Leopard Fire, they never thought that Tang Ye's fire power would be so much higher than Leopard Fire. If the two of them work together, they can easily extinguish the fire of the Leopard Fire, but for Tang Ye, it is still impossible to extinguish!

If you don't use the secret technique of wind and water to attack, and only use the moves of the Cheetah clan alone, it is hunting by relying on claws. However, Tang Ye was not afraid of such close combat. The appearance of holding the Flame Overlord Halberd makes people do not want to come close and fight. The attack distance of the halberd is also longer than under normal circumstances, so they often swept Tang Ye's halberd before they got close to Tang Ye, and they were forced to withdraw.

Therefore, with the tribal skills of the Cheetah tribe, they are also suppressed and very passive. And if they want to rely on the power of two people to consume Tang Ye’s power alone and fight a war of attrition, they find that Tang Ye seems to have a steady flow of power, and they all feel that the consumption is huge, but Tang Ye is still the same. At the beginning, the fighting was very vigorous.

Leopard Feng and Leopard Yu could not see a trace of hope that would kill Tang Ye. It is useless to contain Tang Ye alone, it must be to kill Tang Ye, otherwise it will not be able to reverse the current decline of the Cheetah Clan.

On the other side, the big red bird seemed to be tired of slowly killing the cheetah clan, and suddenly flapped its wings. There was a strong wind around it, and the cheetah clan couldn't get close at all. Those tall trees were broken, and the cheetah tribe could be injured if they fell. Flying up to a certain distance, it is difficult for the cheetah clan to get it, and the big red bird suddenly breathed fire. The flames were hot, and the trees instantly burned. The cheetah clan was also seriously injured by the burning, making it difficult to fight again.

This time, the big red bird was not for fire breathing. It continued to breathe fire and burned large tracts of woods. This caused the cheetah clan to fall into a sea of ​​flames. Where there is still the mind to fight, it is too late to escape.

However, the big red bird breathed fire like this, which caused the forest to catch fire. While it could deal with the cheetah tribe, it also affected the ape tribe. Some apes were also burned. But Big Red Bird doesn't care about this. It only cares about Tang Ye's situation, cheetah tribe, ape tribe, etc., it doesn't care if it's dead. It wanted Tang Ye's pure flame to help it break through in cultivation.

The big red bird that Tang Ye saw playing like this was a little helpless. But no wonder the big red bird. In this forest, if you want to display the real strength of the big red bird, this kind of thing will definitely happen. Fortunately, the big red bird specifically targeted the cheetah tribe, so the loss of the cheetah tribe is far greater than that of the ape tribe. Judging from the current situation, the cheetah clan is already losing ground. For this reason, the existence of the ape tribe has little effect. Apegang is still very useful, but ordinary ape clan is useless. Besides, they have run out of bows and traps.

For this reason Tang Ye shouted to them, "You can retreat, Ape Gang Ape Fate stays, you go back!"

Ape understood Tang Ye's meaning as soon as he saw it, and ordered to the ape races: "You all go back, and the rest will be handed over to me and Yuan Ye... to us!"

Tang Ye is not an ape clan, so it becomes wrong to call Ape Ye. As soon as Ape doesn't know how to call it, he just talks about us. In any case, he regarded Tang Ye as his own.

After Tang Ye and Yuan Gang drank lowly, and saw the raging flames, those ape races no longer hesitated and retreated one after another. At this time, staying on the battlefield would drag Tang Ye and Yuan Gang. They knew this very well, so they simply retreated.

Some cheetah tribes were unwilling to see the retreating ape tribe and immediately chased them. However, they ignored the flames, and some were swallowed and drowned by the flames. Some of them were thrown head-on by the ape, knocking back with punch after punch, or knocking to the ground, or even being killed directly.

The big red bird saw the apes retreat and breathed fire even more presumptuously. Although it doesn't care about those ape races, it knows that Tang Ye cares about those ape races, so it has to take care of Tang Ye's feelings. Now that the ape race is gone, it has no worries at all, and it breathes fire frantically, trying to kill the cheetah race without leaving a piece of armor, so it can have a good time.

"Sorry!" Seeing that not most of the cheetah clan was surrounded by flames, there were constant wailing and wailing sounds, and the Leopard Wind and Leopard Rain that contained Tang Ye were greatly worried. Even if they don't want to bear it, the real problem is that their cheetah clan has already lost. Now they couldn't kill Tang Ye and Big Red Bird at all. Moreover, this defeat will continue until they are completely defeated. If this continues, the entire army may be wiped out. Therefore, if you want to avoid the collapse of the entire army, you must retreat immediately.

Or, run away.

"Retreat, everyone quickly retreat!" Leopard Yu gave up dealing with Tang Ye, jumped onto a big tree, and shouted at the cheetah clan surrounded by the sea of ​​flames, "I'll clear the way for you, retreat immediately!"

After drinking, Leopard Rain launched the rainwater secret technique, which gave birth to a huge stream of water out of thin air, and the stream fell under the sea of ​​fire, separating the flames on both sides, forming a road. The cheetah clan met and rushed over immediately, everyone wanted to escape. However, if there is no organization or discipline, there is no order. Escape without order will only fall into greater chaos.

"Don't fight over one by one, come one by one!" Leopard Yu shouted angrily, very angry with the behavior of the cheetah clan.

Leopard Yu was angry for another reason. That's when he realized that their cheetah clan, a terrifying hunting clan, in fact, there are too many mobs. In the final analysis, other tribes are afraid of the cheetah clan, and many think that they are afraid just by hearing the cheetah clan and they don't want to fight, so they always lose to the cheetah clan. And if they can rise up like the apes, they will certainly not lose so easily, and even win.

Because the cheetah family is not worth fearing at all!


Leopard Yu suddenly felt that it was not that the ape clan was too strong, it was not that Tang Ye was too strong, but that they were too weak, they themselves were very weak!

The cheetah family has always been exaggerated!

Leopard Yu was angry with his tribe because he felt that when his tribe looked down on others and laughed at others, his tribe was the most ridiculous.

So as a member of the cheetah clan, he is also ridiculous.


Leopard Yu's anger reminded that none of the cheetah tribes had become orderly at all. They were still scrambling to get ahead, and the chaos became greater without any relief.

Leopard Yu didn't bother to remind him, his expression suddenly became cold, as if he wanted to abandon these people and leave by himself. He did have this idea, it was meaningless to save these stupid tribesmen, but it would drag him down.

Leopard Yu decided to take Leopard Wind and go together, keeping two of them, it was much more useful than keeping dozens of people!

However, just when Leopard Rain wanted to retreat, a group of flames hit the cheetah tribes under him who were scrambling to retreat. At this time, the cheetah tribes were chaotic and gathered together. A ball of flame fell, and they were all hit and burned. Into black charcoal.

This flame is strong enough, even stronger than the big red bird.

Leopard Yu was still very unbearable and angry when he saw his tribe being killed by a large group of flames. It was Tang Ye who looked at the flame.

"You!" Leopard Yu glared at Tang Ye and drank, endlessly angry, but didn't know what to say.

Tang Ye, the human demon, what can he say about killing their people? For a long time, this human race demon killed foreign races without blinking their eyes. To blame, I am not strong enough to kill him!

Tang Ye also looked at Leopard Yu, and said coldly: "No one is allowed to leave."

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