My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1541: Great war!

Seeing that his steel claws broke little by little, and then began to break apart, Leopard Lei's eyes suddenly widened and he was frightened.

How could there be such a thing!

A major feature of their cheetah clan is that this arm can stretch out a steel thorn. The steel spikes also strengthen the arm, making it like a steel arm. Because of this kind of arm, the hunting ability is unmatched, becoming the largest hunting tribe. However, such a steel arm was broken!

"Ah!" After being surprised and astonished, Leopard Lei exhaled in pain. The cry was sharp, and seemed to resound through the mountains, and everyone present could hear it.

At this time, Tang Ye retracted the Overlord Halberd and slammed the Leopard Thunder again. Leopard Lei definitely couldn't stop it, was hit straight, and flew directly to the ground, knocking out a big hole, setting off a huge dust.

Tang Ye was floating in the air, a layer of flame shining around his body. Now that it is known that it possesses flame power, there is no need to hide it. Using such a force, even if Tang Ye's realm of strength did not improve, the power of his moves had been greatly improved. Therefore, Leopard Lei is not his opponent!

When this happened, the other cheetah tribe and the ape tribe who hadn't done anything were sluggish and stopped for a while, and still didn't make a move.

They were so surprised. Is there such a thing?

The human demon struck Leopard Lei, the most dazzling star of the day, to the ground, and Leopard Lei made a terrible cry!

The cheetah clan did not speak, but watched quietly. They think this kind of thing is too scary, how can it be done? Leopard Lei was the first to fall, so do they still have to fight?

But unlike the cheetah tribe, the ape tribe burst into unprecedented applause after being surprised. They cheered and jumped with excitement. If the Leopard Thunder are killed, what else can the Cheetah Clan fear?

Yuangang knows how to grasp this reality. The enemy is depressed, and his confidence is high. It is the time to rush to kill, so he screamed: "Come on, kill!"

Then, the monkey just jumped out and came to an ordinary cheetah clan boy, and with the basic diamond punch he had learned, he punched the cheetah clan boy **** the head.


The little cheetah clan didn't even have a chance to scream in pain, and fell to the ground with a headshot and died cruelly.

Now Yuangang's strength can completely fight against the elites of the Cheetah tribe. Because he not only learned King Kong Boxing, but also had an extra layer of armor and gloves made with the precious resources of the giant rhinoceros monsters. The power that he could exert was terrifying.

Simple, crude, and horrible will become synonymous with Sarugang!

"Kill!" Seeing this, the Ape Race suddenly increased their confidence. As the Ape just rushed out, he attacked the Cheetah Race.

Tang Ye's attack on Leopard Lei was like a thunderstorm, awakening the apes who were not confident enough in him with a huge sound, and sounded the sound of war drums. And Sarugang's shot is the effect of a rush. This is when morale is strongest. As a result, this rush was taken away from the beginning. From the result of the decisive battle of the generals, it seems to herald the result of the battle.

The Cheetah Clan had seen Tang Ye's power, but hadn't recovered much yet. Then I saw the strength of Yuangang again, and felt even more terrifying. Their morale and fighting will have been pulled to the lowest level!


At this moment, the big red bird also came to take part. It slapped its wings, then swooped down suddenly, crushing a large swath of trees. When the cheetah tribe stood facing each other, a turbulent flame was ejected from the mouth, with a fan shape of more than ten meters, directly burning several cheetah tribes.

The whole cheetah clan burned on fire, and the instant high temperature made them seriously injured and incapacitated. Then they fell to the ground and rolled, slowly disappearing in a scream of pain, and they all died, and their deaths were particularly miserable.

After Tang Ye killed Leopard Lei, the monkey had just headshot a cheetah clan, and then saw the big red bird slaughter several clansmen like this, the cheetah clan's heads rang and completely lost confidence in the battle. Even some timid people have the idea of ​​running away. They are not stupid, even if they can underestimate the ape clan, can Tang Ye underestimate it? And can this giant monster be underestimated?

The giant monster beast alone can make them pay a heavy price! If you want to defeat this giant monster, you must have three powerful characters, Leopard Thunder, Leopard Wind and Leopard Rain, but now Leopard Thunder has been killed. Although Leopard Thunder is still under the dirt pit, it may still be able to fight. However, after losing a pair of steel claws, how much combat power can he exert?

The person who once counted on the most cannot now be counted on. The cheetah clan seemed to have lost the backbone and didn't know what to do. Even Leopard Wind and Leopard Rain, his head is in a mess at this time. This situation is something they have never encountered before. They originally wanted Leopard Lei to command, but now that Leopard Lei is missing, they are very uncomfortable.

So, not everyone is suitable for leadership. Don't think that leading a group of people is easy. Most people are lazy, they like to be arranged, and then they are executed step by step. This can save worry and don't have to think too much. However, once no one arranges, he is easily lost, like a headless fly!

Leopard Yu realized that this situation was very critical now, and he could not let this kind of thing continue, otherwise the cheetah clan here would be in danger. So he forced himself to accept what was happening, and then took the lead in place of Leopard Lei, shouting in a low voice: "Don’t panic, everyone! We don’t need to do anything, we just need to hunt the enemy as usual! Everyone shows their usual strength. , Don’t ask for a breakthrough, hunt!"

"Kill!" Leopard Yu shouted again, which was an arrangement for many cheetah tribes.

Those cheetah clan originally didn't know what to do, but when they heard Leopard Yu, they felt they could only do so. As a result, many cheetah tribes came back to their senses and counterattacked Tang Ye, Big Red Bird, and those ape tribes!

The scene was not overwhelmed by Tang Ye's side. The Cheetah Clan showed its strength. Tang Ye can deal with it, Big Red Bird can deal with it, Ape Gang can deal with it, but those ordinary ape races may not be able to deal with it. Lost.

Leopard Rain is also an amazing character. His few simple words have made the Cheetah Clan display its power very well. That's right, at this time, as long as the Cheetah Clan exerts its usual strength, without being so brave and fearless, the Ape Clan can eat a turtle.

Because of the strength between the ape tribe and the cheetah tribe, there is a big gap. This power gap is a fundamental problem, and it won't be overshadowed by the morale of the ape race.

Tang Ye didn't expect that Leopard Yu had restored a lot of the fighting power of the Cheetah Clan with such a few words. In that case, he captured the thief first and captured the king, and he rushed to deal with Leopard Rain.

Killing Leopard Rain, these cheetah tribes will once again lose their backbone and panic again. However, at this time, Leopard Feng's expression was cold, and he issued a powerful wind to intercept Tang Ye.

This time, Leopard Wind and Leopard Yu will deal with Tang Ye together. They won't be careless, because they already know Tang Ye's strength!

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