My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1531: Point condition!

High spiritual consciousness means high wisdom. Then the big red bird has the ability to understand Tang Ye's words. Although it can't say it, it understands what Tang Ye means. If it reaches the height of the black snake in a heavy sky, even words can be said. However, such a height may be difficult to reach, because the black snake was left by the ancestors of the Long Family, from a distant age, and the cultivation base was gifted by the once Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds.

Tang Ye jumped out, indicating that he was not hostile, the big red bird understood, stopped screaming, and then lay down again, so as not to involve the wound so painful. After breathing again, it felt weaker, as if it was about to die.

Looking at it this way, it feels very pitiful. Tang Ye didn't have much sympathy for those alien races, but he had a lot more affection for these monsters. Probably because he got a lot of help from Monster Beasts along the way.

Tang Ye didn't care, looked at the big red bird and said, "You are injured, I can help you."

"Gegu..." The big red bird just yelled and didn't ignore it, probably because he felt that Tang Ye could not help it. It knew its injuries, and I was afraid that it would not survive, so it wanted to stay quietly.

Tang Ye probably knew what the big red bird meant after observing it. He didn't intend to fight. He was hurt too badly and was doomed to death, so why bother to make himself painful.

Tang Ye thought for a while, jumped back again, standing on the edge of the bird's nest. The big red bird glanced at him, no longer reacting fiercely as before, but moved his head, and then ignored it, lying still and waiting for death.

"What can I do to save you?" Tang Ye asked, looking at the big red bird.

The big red bird shook his head slightly, indicating that there was no way to save it, and it no longer had expectations. Then it looked in a direction far away, with unwilling eyes, probably because there was something in the direction that made it resentful.

Tang Ye looked over there, naturally a blurry moonlight, vaguely a high mountain, as if it had no end, as for the other things, I couldn't see clearly.

Tang Ye no longer pays attention to the situation over there, that can't help the big red bird. He looked back at the big red bird and said, "I know a secret technique that can probably restore some of your vitality. As for whether it can save your life, I'm not sure."

The big red bird glanced at Tang Ye, his eyes were the same as before, giving up and hopeless. It doesn't believe that Tang Ye has enough reasons, just take Tang Ye's identity as an example. What can an ape clan help it?

It is curious, how did an ape race come to its territory?

This stone mountain is its territory, so there are no powerful monsters in other places, only some powerful monsters are not interested in beasts.

Just dying, the big red bird didn't bother to care about the ape tribe's presence in its territory. It breathes more and more slowly, and its eyelids are getting heavier. When it closes, it's probably the time to die.

"Can I put my hands on you? I need to touch your body when I use this secret healing technique." Tang Ye insisted regardless of the big red bird's giving up.

The big red bird glanced at Tang Ye, without blinking his eyes, and didn't object to Tang Ye. But if Tang Ye dared to do something like an attack, it would make Tang Ye pay the price if he died desperately. Even if it had only one breath, it was more than enough to kill an ape race.

Tang Ye naturally didn't have any malice. He slowly put his hand on the big red bird. Seeing that the big red bird had no response, he knew that it had no objection, so he started to use the power of dead wood to spring back to the big red bird. If you lose your life, you will die very quickly. Now Tang Ye has not been able to comprehend the advanced skills of iron tree blossoming, and if he wants to save people, he must keep his vitality.

If he comprehend the description of the flowering of the iron tree after the dead wood in spring, he could save a creature that had almost lost all its vitality, but it was also very laborious. If you realize that Bodhi gave birth after the iron tree blooms, it is said to bring people back to life. Whether this is true or not, it is really unclear.

But in any case, withered trees in spring, iron trees blooming, and Bodhi giving birth to children are magic arts from the ancestral land, with the protection of the original power, it is definitely one of the most wonderful secret arts in the world.

The big red bird really didn't hold any hope for Tang Ye. How could this thing be obtained from an ape clan, so none of the words it said to Tang Ye was heard.

However, when Tang Ye activated the power of the dead wood to meet the spring, suddenly, it felt a cool sensation entering the body, and then the weak state was improved, the wound was not so painful, and the fatal serious injury became a normal serious injury. . Although they are all seriously injured, one is fatal and the other is not fatal.

If it is not fatal, isn't that the hope of life?

The big red bird was completely surprised, looking at Tang Ye, couldn't believe that this ape clan actually mastered such a magical healing technique!

"Gegu!" The big red bird yelled loudly as he watched Tang Ye. This time it was so powerful that it was no longer half-dead as before.

It was very surprised and equally excited, because it might not have to die after receiving Tang Ye's magical treatment. Originally thought it was destined to die, but it was unwilling to die. Now that it is saved, there is no need to die. How can it not be excited?

"Gegugegu!" The big red bird looked at Tang Ye and called out again.

Tang Ye looked at it and smiled. Although he didn't know what the big red bird wanted to express, he knew that the big red bird was excited. It seems that the effect is good. Tang Ye said to Dahongniao: "Can I save you like this? Then I will continue. However, your injury is too serious. Even if you can save your life, it will take a long time to recover from your injury. Being beaten in a big hole, it is a blessing not to die."

"Gegu..." The big red bird gave a soft cry, it naturally knew its own situation. However, if you can save your life now, you can slowly recover. This is its territory, and I am not afraid of being disturbed by others.

At this time, the big red bird regained some strength, his head shook, and then the sharp mouth faced the hole wound again, with a "puff", it spit out a ball of flame from its mouth. The flame fell on the wound of the hole and melted into the wound, and then saw that the wound of the hole healed a little bit, and the blood flowing out was no longer so much.

"This..." Tang Ye was stunned, and said, "Can you heal your wounds with flames?"

Although Tang Ye had guessed that Big Red Bird was a monster that was good at flames, it was quite magical to breathe flames to heal injuries. In addition, he thought of one thing. If flames can heal the big red bird, wouldn't it be better to combine the power of the flame and the dead wood in spring and then heal the big red bird's wound?

It can heal wounds and restore vitality, and the speed of recovery will be greatly accelerated!

"Gegu!" The big red bird let go of his guard against Tang Ye, just like the same kind, and made a sound to Tang Ye, meaning to answer Tang Ye, the flame can indeed heal his injuries, because it is a fire bird, and the flame is still Can be used as food too!

"Ha..." Tang Ye smiled upon seeing this, and said, "In this case, I will help you recover from your injury faster. But I should also talk about some conditions."

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