My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1529: There is another plan!

Weird! It's weird!

Leopard Huo saw that the flame hurricane he arranged was continuously rotating and shrinking, and began to cut to Tang Ye, but Tang Ye was unscathed!

Those flame sharp thorns or flame knives that cut towards Tang Ye, when they touched Tang Ye, they sank into Tang Ye's body, but Tang Ye was not injured, it felt like the flame was absorbed by Tang Ye!

Leopard Huo has never seen such a thing. It's not that he has never encountered a strong enemy. For example, when training with the older generation of masters in the clan, the flame cannot be used by the older generation of masters. That's because the older generation of masters has issued defensive power and the flames cannot break through. But, like Tang Ye, who absorbed the flames, it was the first time he saw him!

What exactly happened here?

The hurricane flame couldn't hurt Tang Ye, and the rising high temperature made Tang Ye even more useless. Under this circumstance, Leopard Fire's flame attack was completely ineffective to Tang Ye.

Leopard Huo was a little disheartened, and seemed to be desperate. He looked at Tang Ye with a little innocent eyes, but still had doubts, and wanted to know why this weird thing was.

Tang Ye knew his thoughts, shrugged, and smiled: "The reason why things are like this is very simple, because my flame power is stronger than you."


Hearing Tang Ye's words, Leopard Huo was immediately trapped. Is the flame power stronger than yourself?

What a joke!

how can that be? !

In this double heaven, in addition to the special skills of their own tribe, there are very few clansmen who practice other secret skills! Otherwise, how could their four little heavenly kings be so famous! In the second heaven, it should be said that under the strength of the gods, there are few tribes who can practice secret skills alone, because it is very good to be proficient in their own tribal special skills!

Only after reaching the realm of Heavenly Immortal and condensing the primordial soul body of divine consciousness, can you have more experience, higher talents and enlightenment, to study a unique secret technique. That's what kind of magic tricks like fire and ice. Therefore, other secret skills can be cultivated in the fairyland. It goes without saying that the weight of the four little kings in the cheetah clan is heavy! This directly affected the status of the cheetah clan, even if it was the giant rhino, the lord of the world, he did not dare to say that his giant rhino clan was the strongest. There are four little kings, and sooner or later their giant rhino clan will be suppressed.

That's why Leopard Lei will not only be the future patriarch of the Cheetah clan, but may also be the lord of the world!

As the current master of the world, Ju Xi would not be happy with such a statement. Because he also has a son. Then why isn't his son the next master of the world? Therefore, sometimes he is very hostile to the cheetah family. To say that Leopard Lei will be the next master of the world, it is simply despising his status as the master of the world, and slap him in the face! But he was helpless, who made the cheetah clan appear four geniuses. And the cheetah tribe is trying its best to cultivate these four little kings. Everyone knows that the future double heaven will definitely be the world of the cheetah tribe. In order to make the giant rhino family better in the future, the giant rhino can only turn one eye to the cheetah family.

Therefore, in such a position and expectation, as one of the four little kings, Leopard Huo has enough capital to be arrogant. However, now that his arrogance was defeated by Tang Ye, the score fell apart. He could not imagine that a Human Race, or a Human Race Demon, had better secret skills in flames than him!

This means that the guy in front of him is better than himself in terms of strength or the secret skills of cultivating alone!

In a moment, all arrogance, all self-confidence, were destroyed. The long-standing worldview has also collapsed. Leopard Fire completely lost the will to fight, like a dead dog.

Tang Ye didn't sympathize with this kind of "big young man" who fell down from a high cliff and couldn't stir up. He looked indifferent, looked at Leopard Fire, and said: "Now it's time for you to see, my flame power. "

As he said, Tang Ye raised his right hand and made a fist, suddenly whirring, the flame hurricane outside his body was diminishing a little. When I looked up, I saw a huge flame giant curving its body high, head facing the flame hurricane, sucking and engulfing the flame hurricane bit by bit, and then the flame hurricane was gone, there was only one more than the flame hurricane. I don't know how many mighty flame pythons are!

Chi Chi!

Although the flame python is formed by flames, it seems to be conscious and spit out a letter, which is as realistic as a real life python.

Leopard Huo couldn't help but look up even if he was disheartened by such a movement. The moment he saw the flame python, his eyes became more open, and he murmured in a crazy manner: "This is your flame power..."

The tone was very low, as if sighing softly, but this was a great admiration and desire for Tang Ye's flame power.

Why don't you have such a mighty power?

He really thinks about it, and he has such power!

However, in the next second, the head of the Fire Python suddenly rushed down and swallowed the leopard fire.

"Ah!" The terrifying heat and the pain of being swallowed made Leopard Huo, a master who is good at flames, suffer in the flames.

Although he can withstand high temperatures, the flames that Tang Ye emits are much higher than his limit. It's like he can withstand a high temperature of one hundred degrees, but Tang Ye's flame high temperature can be as high as two hundred degrees or even higher, so he can't bear it naturally.

This is proof that Tang Ye's flame power is much stronger than his!

After Leopard Fire exhaled painfully, Tang Ye retracted the Flame Python, and did not let the Flame Python turn the Leopard Fire into a pile of ashes, because he needed the Leopard Fire’s corpse to divert the attention of the Cheetah Clan, and then fight for the Ape Clan. More time to build defensive measures.

After the flame python disappeared, Leopard Fire fell from midair. He was naturally dead at this time, and his body was burned a lot. Although it was unsightly, he could still be distinguished. Then Tang Ye grabbed his corpse, jumped quickly, and headed to the opposite direction of the place where the apes were stationed.

After running far enough to disturb the judgment of the Cheetah Clan, Tang Ye threw Leopard Huo's body here. Then use the power of the flame to attack the surrounding area to forge a scene of fierce battle. This is also to confuse the cheetah clan, and make the cheetah clan think that the leopard fire died after fierce fighting. If the leopard fire died here, the cheetah clan would definitely investigate here first.

Tang Ye is not very familiar with the situation of the forest here, and may be entrenched with powerful monsters, so he forged a flame attack scene and left immediately, lest there really be a powerful monster appearing and drag him down.

There is also a favorable situation. When the Cheetah Clan came to investigate and encountered a powerful monster, he might think that the Leopard Fire was killed by the powerful monster, and the Cheetah clan would find the powerful monster to take revenge. When the time comes, the cheetah clan will be defeated by the powerful monster beast, so Tang Ye can come up with a plan of mantis catching cicada and oriole.

For this reason, Tang Ye felt that even if there was no powerful monster beast here, he would have to attract one. Moreover, he will use flames to attack that powerful monster. In this way, when the Cheetah Clan saw it, they believed that Leopard Fire had fought with powerful monsters.

For the next action, Tang Ye had a look, that is, looking for a powerful enough monster!

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