My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1499: Handy!

Tang Ye went into a state of secretly observing again, and started to take action after finding out the situation of the Master Yi Rong mentioned by the Sharptoothed Rat Race. He caught a bad guy from a foreign race, anyway, the kind who wouldn't be guilty for killing him. In fact, along the way, there were many innocents among the aliens who murdered. Black is black, there is no need to wash white. However, under avoidable circumstances, he will not take the initiative to kill innocent people.

It can also be regarded as deep in the heart, or the essence in the bones, after all, is kind.

Tang Ye prepared everything and calculated everything, and sneaked into the shop of Master Yi Rong. This is the night, and there are no other guys in the shop. Master Yi Rong is a greedy guy who wants to settle accounts by himself. Tang Ye observed him before knowing that he probably belonged to the chameleon tribe, no wonder he had exquisite disguise.

Master Yi Rong counted the money on the second floor, and Tang Ye made a move on the first floor.

"Who?!" After Master Yi Rong noticed the movement, he came out on alert, put away his money, and went downstairs to see the situation. As a result, Tang Ye, who was hidden in the darkness, made a muffled sound, and his head became dizzy, and then he was **** by Tang Ye.

Being awakened by a basin of cold water, Master Yi Rong woke up and found himself **** by the five flowers. As a practitioner of a fairyland, although he abandoned his spiritual life and lived a comfortable business life, there was no problem breaking away from the ordinary rope. It's just that it was not an ordinary rope that helped him, and he couldn't get rid of it after being imprisoned with a secret technique.

Not everyone is a powerful practitioner. This is a social world. Some people originally practiced, but suddenly got bored, or broke through hopelessness, they would give up and lead a normal life. Then, the offspring of these people were born, and some chose not to practice, but to live a normal life. These are what we usually see, ordinary people, businessmen, etc.

Master Yi Rong belongs to this kind of alien people, so the strength is not very strong, the lower-level earth fairy, or even lower. To say that without the strength of the fairyland, how can one live in the second heaven. This is not a problem, no matter which heaven it is, there are no too strict restrictions. Once you arrive, you can live. They did not use their strength to break through, but were born as offspring. Their kind of aliens can live in the second heaven, but they have no right to speak, and then they cannot break through to the third heaven.

"Who? Who is it?!" Master Yi Rong was very angry, and shouted gloomily.

On the surface, he is an ordinary tailor shop owner with no status, but secretly he is a master of disguise who serves many forces. He is favored by several big figures, and everyone on the road knows that, so his status is still very high. So his temper is still very grumpy. Now someone yin him, he wants to cut him off.

This time Tang Ye didn't need to hide in the dark, because Master Yi Rong was required to help him to change his appearance. However, he didn't come out immediately, hiding in the dark first, creating a kind of mystery, and making it easier for Master Yi Rong to give in. He was sitting on the dark side, Master Yi Rong was tied to the light.

"Don't yell, or you will die." Tang Ye first said.

Master Yi Rong squinted his eyes, gloomy and old-fashioned, much more advanced than that fang rat race. But it didn't affect Tang Ye, so Tang Ye still used the method. There is only one ending, this Master Yi Rong will die. The perfect thing is that Tang Ye accomplished the purpose of disguising. If it doesn't work, he will look for a second alien who is disguised. Therefore, he would not care too much about Master Yi Rong.

"What do you want?!" Master Yi Rong asked Tang Ye in a cold voice.

So he is a lot more advanced than the fang rat race. He didn't ask who Tang Ye was at all, nor did he report his status as a black and white to frighten Tang Ye. He knew very well that at this time, Tang Ye kidnapped him in this way, he must have been investigated. Then know his situation. If he dared to attack him in this way, he would definitely not be restricted by his identity.

Tang Ye hid in the darkness and sneered at Master Yi Rong, "I want you to help me change my appearance."

When Master Yi Rong heard this, he took it for granted that Tang Ye was for this purpose. After investigating him, he knew that his other identity was Master Yi Rong. It's not surprising to find him to disguise. After knowing Tang Ye's purpose, he became less angry about Tang Ye's kidnapping him. Because he knows very well that most of the people who find him are desperadoes. How polite desperadoes can count on, they are all rough guys!

"I understand your request. But, brother, you must understand the rules of the road. Since you asked me to do this, as long as the gold is enough, I will help you. But you tied me up, yes Isn't it right?" Master Yi Rong was quite polite, and said calmly to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye was stunned. It seems that Master Yi Rong is really an old fried dough stick. He is very clear about the things on the Tao, and he is indeed a Taoist. But Tang Ye didn't come to talk to him slowly about this matter, and he smiled and said, "What you said makes sense, but if you know who I am, you will think it is very necessary for me to do so."

"Oh?" Master Yi Rong suddenly became interested in Tang Ye, looking in the direction of Tang Ye's voice, it was still dark.

Tang Ye was silent for a while, and then slowly walked out of the darkness, with a provocative and ironic smile on the corner of his mouth, staring at Master Yi Rong, and said, "How?"

"You, you..." Master Yi Rong was shocked when he saw Tang Ye's appearance, then his expression sank fiercely, and he shouted, "Human race!"

Tang Ye has become accustomed to the alien’s prejudice against the human race, so she has no idea about the change of Master Yi Rong’s attitude. She still plays with the taste: "I don’t care what you think. You already know what I want. Then, do you want to do it for me? ?"

"No!" Master Yi Rong was very determined, and said: "Since it is a human race, it must be the human demon from the first heaven. Your wanted order has already come down. If I helped you and was discovered by the boss, even if there is Nine lives will not survive!"

"Then you don't let the people above know." Tang Ye smiled.

"Simply speaking!" Master Yi Rong said coldly.

Tang Ye shrugged and said, "You have been hiding this way. You haven't been spotted for so many years. Could it be that you will be afraid of being spotted once you help me change my body?"

Master Yi Rong stared at Tang Ye with a sneer: "Can't you see it? I don't help you because you are Human Race. Human Race, are you qualified to let me help? I am so humble and want to succumb to Human Race? "

"Really?" Tang Ye completely expected Master Yi Rong to say this. He sneered and joked, then dragged out the inexcusable alien race he had previously caught, and then condensed a group of green spirit fire into the alien race.

Tang Ye said to Master Yi Rong: "This is a kind of flame that I control. When this flame is integrated, my life will be mine. Look at this guy, if I want him to lose an arm, he has to lose an arm. "

With that, Tang Ye waved his hand gently, and the alien's arm was burned, and the alien was in pain. This was an arm that was burned, and it was burned to ashes.

Tang Ye has done these things with ease. Master Yi Rong looked pale after seeing it. This human demon is really cruel and terrible!

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