My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1474: Strong enemy again!

Shana's spatial movement is effortless, that is, her ability is only a small part. Therefore, not only Saya’s power makes people jealous, but Shana’s is the same. It is even said that Shana, who can be used as a prophetic sacrifice, is stronger than her sister Saya.

Don't ignore this "greenhouse flower" protected by Saya in his palm, she may be the most powerful and deadly.

Shana is floating outside the house of astrology, her blue hair is longer than her legs, which reminds people of some legends. The power of the witch can be estimated from her hair, the longer the hair, the stronger the power. At that length, it is extremely scary. Except for her thick blue long hair, Shana's dress is simple, but it can't hide her delicate figure and appearance. It's just that compared with Saye, there is still youthfulness and childishness, without mature charm.

Shana looked at Nu Enchong, nodded lightly, and said, "Wang."

In any case, the king is always the most powerful person here. Even if the astrological house is independent from the outside, you can ignore the king's power, but you must show respect. Shana herself is also the kind of soft temper, not as cold and arrogant as Saya.

Nu Enchung keeps smiling, looks generous, and has a handsome character, which is the type that girls like. But don't see him so gentle, in fact, the power is very strong, otherwise he would not be able to sit on the position of the eighth heaven.

Nu Enchong looked at Shana with a smile, and said, "Sister Shana, now we are telling about the human demon. According to the report, this human demon can activate the power of that adult, not to be underestimated. If it is not I don’t care much about the tribe. But this human tribe...he..."

Nu Enchong said with a sneer, and his tone seemed to be a little bit of disdain and ridicule, as if he would feel ridiculous when he mentioned Human Race. Although this was a big commotion caused by the human race, he also said that he should be careful and not underestimate when he speaks, but in fact the expression does not put the human race in his eyes, and said to Shana: "You know that the human race treats our heavenly race. The resentment of Saya is the greatest. If the Human race wants revenge, it must be the most eager to find our Celestial race. The Human race can be underestimated, but the adult should not be underestimated. I think Saya's expression was not right when he left, so I wonder if it is right. It has something to do with this human demon. If so, I will send a group of people to the lower realm to solve this human."

Shana nodded lightly, no longer concealing the matter, and said: "My sister went to the lower realm because of this human demon. It seems that this human demon has grown too fast and brought too many killings. ..."

With that, Shana's expression was lower, as if silently mourning for those who were killed, with a look of compassion. She is kind-hearted, stands on the standpoint of a foreign race, and considers the foreign race.

Shana continued: "This human demon must be stopped, otherwise there will be more killings and destructions. My sister is now rushing to the lower realm, but the restrictions of the realm gate will take some time. Now the human demon grows very fast and is taking Once he got a copy of that adult’s weapon fragments, he possessed terrible power, and the entire First Heaven could do nothing about him. When he went to the Second Heaven, it would be difficult to deal with if he obtains the Second Heaven’s weapon fragments again. You know, how terrifying the power of that lord is. It is the power that once dominated the world and made the world live in fear. Even though our heavenly clan united with other tribes to deal with that adult, there are big and small. The trap failed to eliminate the adult. The human race from the ancestral land is a race from the origin of the world, and has received the gift of the ancient true god, which is not comparable to us.

Shana said, feeling helpless. Many people say that the races they evolved later, such as the Angel Race and the Celestial Race, are very good races, and they are inherently stronger than the Human Race. However, after so many things, the result is very funny, that is, the human race, who had no advantage at the beginning and seemed destined to lose, can always reverse and win back.

Therefore, Human Race is good at creating, creating novel things, creating... miracles.

Miracle, isn't that a gift?

Nu En Chong smiled after hearing Shana's words. Despite this, he still couldn't stand up to the human race. He is a king, standing under the eighth heaven, in the highest position of power, how can he make a fuss about the lowest human race?

That would be shameful.

Nu Enchong smiled at Shana and said, "Sister Shana, don't worry about this. Now that the adult’s weapon fragment is activated, we don’t take it, and the other world masters will take it too. Could one only start on the first day of the day? Can the human race defeat so many world masters? Can it still beat me to the eighth heaven?"

Nu Enchung still didn't pay much attention to the human demon, and he made an understatement, and then smiled: "Even if those world masters can't stop this human race, Saya can always succeed. Your sister's strength, you know very well. I am afraid that except for Kunou Those world immortals in the sky, under the eighth heaven, no one can help her."

For Nu Enchong, such an overestimation of the human demon is ridiculous. The human race that Saya can't deal with? Is it possible?

If Saya can't deal with it, then he can't deal with it. Will there be such a human race?

Shana lightly shook her head at Nu Enchong who despised the human race, and said, "Sister, going down from the eighth heaven, to pass through the gates of the world can't be so fast. Now I worry that the human demons will grow up before my sister arrives An unstoppable point. What I foresee is endless killing and destruction. This...what if the human demon succeeded?"

Nu En Chong squinted slightly. If this is said from someone else's mouth, he will treat it as a joke. But from Shana's mouth, it was different. As a prophetic sacrifice to the heavens, any prophetic illusion will not be unreasonable. Is that Human Race Demon really a threat?

After being silent for a while, Nu Enchong said to Shana: "If this is the case, then I will send two more people to the lower realm, and I will definitely get rid of the human demon."

Nu Enchong paused for a while, calculating something, and said: "According to the time to pass through the gate of the world, it will be about two months later. At that time, the human demon can reach the second heaven at most. Then, let this Human race demons are strangled in the second heaven. This is a great glory for the human race. With them, they can reach the second heaven. They...that is, the lower creatures that are only worth living in the first heaven. "

Shana opened her mouth slightly when she heard what Nu Enchung said, but stopped talking. Unlike other tribes, she did not underestimate the human race, nor did she feel that the human race was lowly. She respects every creature. But in dealing with the human race, she could not get rid of her mission and responsibilities, and she became the biggest accomplice in killing the human race. So her heart has always been contradictory. This is a kind of suffering, a kind of torture. How to get rid of this kind of suffering and torture is to simply stand on the stand of your own tribe to escape, and feel that you have to do that for the tribe!

At this time, Tang Ye was still dealing with the giant ants in the Dead Water Lake, but everything was crushed. What he has to do is to let the people live with their heads high and their chests high!

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