My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1456: Harvest!

The giant ant tribe living in the stagnant lake received information from the tribesmen stationed on the edge of the misty swamp, and there was no more news from them. The information they received only stayed on the simple matter of finding traces of the human race. The specific situation is unknown.

This makes a considerable part of them still hold a contemptuous attitude. Terran traces? It's not that those two guys got it wrong! Or even if the human race has entered the misty swamp, what about the trivial human race can threaten them?

The giant ant who thought that the human race was not simple, naturally offered his own opinions, but his opinions were drowned in contemptuous laughter. The only thing they were afraid of was the black snake that was said to be entrenched in the high mountains of the gate of the world. Since there is no trace of the black snake, are you afraid of a ball?

The human demon without the black snake as a support is a fart demon!

Therefore, in this contempt, the giant ant clan chief only decided to send five giant ant clan to the misty swamp to find out. The five giant ant people are of great weight, they are the strength of the earth immortal level, and the five earth immortals are super strong lineups in the first heaven. Even the big emcee must be afraid!

However, if these five immortal lineups enter the misty swamp and are stopped by the danger of the misty swamp, and Tang Ye can use the danger of the misty swamp, they will become less terrible.

Tang Ye stayed where the two giant ants were stationed, the purpose was to wait for the giant ants to come. He didn't believe that if the two clansmen were eliminated, there would be no movement from the giant ant tribe. After waiting for two days, he finally waited until there was movement in front of him. To his surprise, there are actually five giant ants.

This will be a bumper harvest for him, but it is also a risk. If it is killed by five giant ants, it will be over. But adventure is still needed. He quickly made a decision to divide the snake group into three parts, make sounds from three directions, and let the five giant ants chase separately.

Five are divided into three parts, and there will be two at most. The two giant ant tribesmen, with the help of the snakes, took advantage of the misty swamp, and it was not difficult to deal with them.

Tang Ye looked forward to it very much. After killing these five giant ant tribes and getting five earth fairy cores, he broke through to the eighth grid of the superior Sanxian. Then, with the budget, there are more than a dozen Earth fairy cores to break through to the strength of the Earth fairy.

After the five giant ants entered the misty swamp, they walked towards the camp where they usually stayed. In fact, they are on duty in reincarnation, mainly to see what emergencies in the misty swamp, and then report back. After all, there are still many unknown things in the Misty Swamp. Their camp is not far from the stagnant lake, just on the edge of the misty swamp, and there is no need to send too many people on duty.

The five giant ant people's attitude towards the human race is contemptuous, so they who came out to trace the human race's traces also had a casual and relaxed attitude, chatting and laughing. A giant ant clan said: "Isn't this very funny, the trace of the messenger clan requires the five of us, really...I don't know what the patriarch thinks, hey."

"So, let's take a look at the camp, no matter if he has humans. This misty swamp is not a casual walk, there is no danger and you don't want to stay, birds don't shit." A giant ant tribe answered Tao.

The other also answered, "But, what if there are really humans?"

"What about the human race?" The giant ant tribe man disdainfully said: "Even if the human race breaks into the misty swamp, even if this human tribe did not die in the misty swamp, can it have any effect on our giant ant tribe? We are the land Immortal strength, a trivial human race, how can it withstand us?"

"That's right, just come out and have fun, maybe you can find something good in the misty swamp." Since everyone has this idea, the giant ant tribe who haven't spoken are too lazy to think, follow the public, Don't care about the human race.

Tang Ye listened, and several giant ant people spoke very loudly. He heard it. He sighed, then laughed. In the past, he did not like to be looked down upon by these aliens. But now, he hopes so. Because the alien race's contempt for the human race is an advantage for him. These alien races always look down on the human race, so they will relax their vigilance, which makes it easier to deal with a lot.

After Tang Ye smiled, he gestured to the group of snakes, and then the group of snakes was divided into three parts, each making sounds to attract the five giant ant tribes. At the same time, Tang Ye swiftly moved out, allowing the five giant ant tribes to see an outline, imagining what happened to the human race, and becoming the trace of the human race they were investigating, further stimulating them to chase.

"What's the sound?" A giant ant tribe asked puzzled.

"Look over there!" a giant ant tribe drank out.

A few giant ant people looked and saw a vague shadow, but the shadow was uncertain and did not know which direction it was heading. At the same time, there are obvious sounds in three directions.

Faced with this situation, the five giant ants looked at each other and immediately made a decision. One of them was probably stronger, and said, "I'm enough alone, and you will act separately."

The five giant ant tribes made a decision quite quickly, and they immediately acted, one chasing the middle direction, the other four in groups of two, chasing in the other two directions.

The action is very fast and the efficiency seems quite high. However, their actions like this are all in Tang Ye's plan.

If you fall into the trap, the higher the efficiency, the faster you sometimes fail.

Soon I heard a painful cry of "Ah!" from the central direction. This was the direction where Tang Ye disappeared and the direction that the giant ant tribe alone was chasing.

There was a big snake next to Tang Ye, but the big snake didn't need to be dispatched, because the giant ant tribe who was chasing him was overwhelmed by snakes. The snakes bounced, one after another, entangled and bitten the giant ants.

Although the giant ants are powerful, they are suddenly attacked by a group of poisonous snakes. Even if they smash a lot of poisonous snakes, they are still entangled and bitten by many poisonous snakes. The poison of these poisonous snakes is no joke. On the side of the ancestral world, a poisonous snake can put an elephant down in one bite. Here, there are also poisonous snakes with a single bite, which can bring down the giant ants, including some other high-powered practitioners.

After being exposed to the poison, the giant ant tribe's actions were obviously slower and weak. At this time, Tang Ye went over and stabbed in, the white knife went in, and the light green knife came out, directly stabbing the giant ant tribe's vitals.

The giant ant cried out in pain, and he saw Tang Ye's face before he died. Sure enough... Terran!

how could be? How can Human Race do such a thing?

When the giant ant tribe was shocked, there was also something that made him want to be a ghost and come back to kill Tang Ye, that is, Tang Ye punched him into his body and took out his spiritual core.

This is too vicious!

There is no dead body!

"You..." The giant ants died unwillingly.

Tang Ye didn't care about him at all, because there were still four giant ants waiting to harvest!

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