My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1415: Misty Swamp!

There is heavy fog all around, and the visible distance is less than five meters. This is a dangerous swamp. A cultivator of Yizhongtian will not easily set foot here because it is a forbidden place.

Misty Swamp!

The fog is only a feature that can be seen from the outside, because there is a fog that never dissipates all the year round. When entering inside, no matter what the strength of the cultivator, the visible distance is only five meters. On the basis of the formation of this obstacle, the most terrifying place in the swamp is that there are large and small poisons and cannibalistic sinking ground. The sinking ground has a huge gravitational force, just like an underground vortex, even if it has great strength, it can't pass it.

It is said that the reason for the formation of this misty swamp is that it was once a burial ground. In the past human race and alien race, countless corpses were thrown into the sky. It's like garbage. And a low-level place like Yizhongtian was treated as a garbage dump. In that war, both the dead and the foreign races had very high strength. Although their treasures were cleaned up, things that the upper realm couldn't appreciate could be treasures for Yizhongtian. Therefore, there are many treasures that the cultivators of the first heaven want.

However, the Misty Swamp has another function, which is to wipe out treasures. Here is the famous stagnant water, which is made of thousands of corpses buried that year. The stagnant water has a terrifying corrosive ability. Even a cultivator who came down from the upper realm and was thrown into the stagnant water would be turned into bones on the spot.

Therefore, this stagnant water was used by the alien race to obliterate the weapon of the human race's lord of ten thousand worlds. The influence of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds of the Human Race spreads all over the world, even if the statue, name, etc. are taboo, but if the alien mentioned it, it is still at least called the adult, otherwise it is disrespectful. If the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds is disrespectful, even if he was once the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds, there will still be remaining power, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Even those figures above the Eightfold Heaven had to call that adult. As Shana and Saya were afraid, the authority of that adult should not be challenged. Probably it was the horrible things that the adult had done, which will be remembered by future generations for thousands of years.

That's the real horror.

Tang Ye came to the Misty Swamp to get back the ancestral weapon that was banned by the foreign race and was corroded by the stagnant water, which was part of the Overlord Halberd.

Just like the dragon halberd in the ancestral land, these weapons can only be used by the dragon bloodline. Therefore, even though the Overlord Halberd contains infinite power and is obtained by a foreign race, it cannot be used by the foreign race. It is a waste product for them. However, such waste must be guarded against being used by the human race, so this waste must be disposed of.

It is a pity that the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms is too strong. Since the day of his fall, his divine tool and his will still exist for a long time. Therefore, there is still no way to destroy the weapons in the misty swamp.

However, the alien still insists on destroying it. In order to do this, they have dedicated staff responsible for this. From the very beginning, the giant ants that stayed in the first heaven. The giant ants are responsible for this because they can differentiate into a corrosive acid that is stronger than stagnant water. They are responsible for destroying that adult’s weapons, year after year, and even for thousands of years!

Specifically, let the queen destroy it. The queen ant lives in stagnant water and feeds on stagnant water, which can also strengthen the acid that it differentiates. And that adult's weapon was eaten by it and corroded in its stomach.

Therefore, if Tang Ye wants to retrieve the things and power of the ancestors, he must kill the queen of the giant ant tribe and obtain the relics of the ancestors from the queen's belly.

At this time, the giant ant clan didn't know that Tang Ye was coming to seize the remains of the Overlord Halberd. Next to a stinking black lake, several giant ants were eating.

They took a lot of food to the queen before sitting next to the black water lake to rest and eat. This black water lake is the famous backwater lake. Although the stench was so foul, they were used to eating food from the swamp.

In the form of the combination of humans and ants, a giant ant tribe is one meter in size and three to four meters in height. These are all male ants, and only a few guards can see the queen, but they are said to be very huge.

A giant ant tribe gnawed on a piece of stumped leg of an unknown monster. After taking a few bites, he said to his companions: "Don't you feel bored? Staying in this misty swamp all the time is to wipe out that adult's weapon. Our ancestors Isn’t it stupid to agree to this condition? It simply puts us in a cage."

"Don't say such things, or you will have to be short-sighted by the elders!" A giant ant tribe next to him answered: "You don't know the plan of the ancestor. We are obliterating the adult's weapon, waiting for the day when it is completed, Then we will get the power in this weapon. At that time, our entire ant race will be blessed. Not only will our strength be improved, but the quality of the entire tribe can also be improved, and we can even live directly in the Eighth Heaven and become a member of the Eighth Heaven."

"It's just fart!" The giant ant tribe who has opinions about this kind of thing hummed angrily. "Think about how long our tribe has stayed in this place where birds don't shit? Thousands of years? Even longer? So long. Time, our people are all involved in this matter, but is there any success? Not at all! If it succeeds, the problem is that it did not succeed. Okay, if it does not succeed now, it will do, then it will succeed in the future. The problem, will it succeed in the future. Do you think that the adult’s weapon can really be wiped out?"

"We went to the queen to deliver food. Did the queen ever say that the adult’s weapon is showing signs of damage? No! So, we have no hope in this matter! Since there is no hope, it is better to go to the outside world to have fun. Live. Don’t you know that our strength is at the level of an earth fairy! As long as you leave this misty swamp, you can do whatever you want in the first heaven!"

"What's so easy about the first heaven?" The same clan who argued with the giant ant tribe shook his head and said: "If your goal is only the first heaven, then it's too small. Our giant ant tribe, but came down from the fifth heaven. If not Because of the restrictions of the heavens, it will not degenerate to the realm of earth fairy."

The ill-tempered giant ants sneered, and continued: "One Heaven is really nothing good, so let's take a step back and say, if we are not doing this fruitless thing now for thousands of years, we will concentrate on cultivation. Our ancestors belonged to the fifth heaven, and now they cannot reach the eighth heaven, but should they also be the seventh heaven?"

"Seventh Heaven, there are also many tribes looking up to it!" The angry giant ant tribe said more and more angry.

The arguing giant ants thought about it, this was indeed a wiser way, and didn't argue. This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to argue.

There is also the third giant ant tribe who has not spoken shook his head and sighed: "You don't understand at all. I am afraid that this kind of thing is not what the ancestors wanted to do, but the people of the upper realm asked to do. We... No choice."

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