My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1425: From the Holy Land?

Tang Ye has gone east. Because the gate of the first heaven was also to the east, the black snake followed. Their advance constitutes an extremely spectacular landscape.

Wherever you go, if you encounter bullying, you will be bloodied.

Somewhere outside the town, a wealthy gentry alien was whipping several human races because they were not working diligently in the field. However, several human races are already tired and almost unable to stand, how can they work diligently. Human races are making cattle and horses, while alien races are squeezing their last strength.

"Give me a good job. If you can't handle this piece of land well today, it will be nice to you!" the supervising alien scolded several human races, sarcastic and arrogant.

Several human races dared not speak. However, this fell into the eyes of the supervising alien, and it provoked a burst of anger from the supervising alien. The supervising foreign race directly raised a cold whip to several human races, cursing: "You have a lot of opinions? What are you guys, dare to have opinions with Lao Tzu?"

Pop, pop!

After a few more lashes, several human races couldn't bear the pain and fell directly to the ground, pitifully begging for mercy, and then they were beaten to death.

However, the more you beg for mercy, the happier the supervising aliens, and the better they played. This kind of abuse is like this. If the other party begs for mercy, he will fight harder, as if it is a bit of a challenge and a pleasure to conquer. But if the opponent is stubborn, they will also fight harder. Who will tell you not to bow your head and be obedient?

Those who are tortured and abused are always sad.

Supervising the alien races can get up and running, and several human races beg for mercy, but they are even more desperate. The supervising alien laughed and said: "Why, don't you even pray for it? Don't you always believe that you have your own holy place? Then pray, pray that your companions in the holy place will save you, hahaha..."

The supervising alien smiled arrogantly, and did not forget to continue to flog several human races, the more they beat them, the more vigorous they were.

Several human races felt like they were going to die. But they still did not show the expression of prayer. Because it is useless, there will be no companions to rescue them. The Holy Land is nothing but a legend. In the past, they have witnessed many of their companions die like this, but now it's just their turn.

The supervising alien showed a contemptuous smile, and then wanted to continue the whipping, but suddenly there was a huge noise in front of him, like the trees were constantly being broken, something huge pressed against them.

Such a big commotion made everyone look over there.


Suddenly, the sky over there rushed out a black shadow, covering most of the field. Everyone is instinctively afraid and forgot to avoid it. After they saw that the shadow was formed by a huge black snake, they were even more stunned by fear.

Why is there such a big snake? !

The black snake swooped down, but didn't hit the ground, so it didn't hurt anyone. The huge head of the black snake stayed very close to the ground, and the people and foreign races on the ground saw it really. They saw that there was a person on the black snake's head!

This scene makes everyone know why. Why is there a human race on the giant snake?

Does Terran use the giant snake as a mount?

How can this be!

No one believes in such a thing. Human races are cows and horses, and when other people's playthings are about the same, how can they have such a giant snake mount!

Moreover, in this low-level world on the first day of the world, the mounts are at most ordinary tigers, and only the master of ceremonies has it. A giant snake like this, I'm afraid it takes at least five heavens to have it!

Regardless of what the people on the ground and the foreign race thought, Tang Ye realized that it was the human race being bullied by the foreign race at a glance. He has seen too many such things all the way east. He was already numb, and he didn't bother to ask why the foreign race treated the human race this way. Therefore, he directly waved his hand to let the black snake smash it down and get rid of the alien race!

If it is inconvenient to have a black snake, Tang Ye jumped down and did it herself. In the process of going east on this road, he practiced and was assisted by the black snake. He had successfully broken through to the realm of intermediate Sanxian strength and was sprinting to the upper Sanxian. The strongest person in Yizhong, the master of ceremonies sitting in town, is the strength of the superior Sanxian, at most close to the Earthxian. When you arrive at Dixian, you can go to the second heaven. Tang Ye had to break through to the superior Sanxian to deal with the enemy of the first heaven.

However, according to Black Snake, the Celestial Clan will come to the first heaven to kill him, so even the higher-level Sanxian is useless. Therefore, he must quickly reclaim the power of his ancestors. Only with the shelter of the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms can one survive longer. Only by surviving long can you become stronger and deal with everything.

The black snake suddenly smashed down and killed several aliens who were on the other side who were overseeing the work of the human race. It was smashed into flesh in an instant, and everyone was stunned when this scene happened.

The black snake wants to kill them!

"Ah, help, run away!" This farm immediately became turbulent and chaotic, and both humans and foreigners fled.

To them, the black snake is a ferocious monster, no matter who it is, it will kill it, and it will only bring destruction and destruction.

The Black Snake just did things according to Tang Ye's will, bang bang bang, smashing his head, and aimed at those supervising alien races with cold whips.

Slowly, they began to discover that the black snake killed only the alien race, and the human race was fine.

Human Race discovered this and felt curious. Don't run away boldly, looking at Tang Ye on the black snake's head. Terrans, their companions. Can't help thinking, this black snake belongs to that person, belongs to his companion, and is here to save himself!

At this moment they were so excited. Does the human race really have a holy land, and the holy land really has a powerful human race that can deal with alien races and save their companions? !

Able to ride a giant snake, must be a god-man. It must have come from the Holy Land!

"It was the adults from the Holy Land who saved us!" The Human Race who had that thought exclaimed, spreading this thought and emotion to other Human Races.

Other human races originally had panic and fleeing for their lives, but after being reminded, it was discovered that the black snake really only killed alien races, not them. They also got excited suddenly, stopped running away, looked up at the ferocious black snake, and killed those alien races who cruelly abused them!

An excitement of revenge, a **** infection, and even made some people use hoes to fight foreign races.

The alien race also realized that the black snake only killed them, but could not accept the fact that the human race came with the black snake. How could Human Race have such a strong ability!

The black snake continued to crush and kill those alien races, and it was about to kill the ferocious alien race that had just whipped several human races. This supervising alien was very angry, and didn't believe that there would be such a thing as a human counterattack. But the facts are in front of him, he has to accept. He wants to save his life. Only by saving his life can he avenge these **** human races. But how to save lives? In front of such a fierce giant snake, there is no way at all.

Suddenly, Supervising Alien thought of a way. He quickly went over to grab a human race as his shield, and the black snake didn't suppress it after seeing it.

This trick really works!

Hehe... Supervisor Alien laughed.

However, at this moment he saw the person standing on the head of the black snake jumping down towards him. He was surprised, is this human race going to kill himself? However, he did not dare to have his companion as a shield!

"If you dare to approach me, I will kill him!" Supervising the alien cried angrily at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye's expression remained unchanged, and she continued to charge.

The supervising foreign race was furious and wanted to kill the human race in his hand and grab another one to tell Tang Ye that he really dared to kill the human race!

However, he suddenly saw that Tang Ye rushing towards him disappeared!

In the next second, Tang Ye appeared behind him, swiping a sharp knife, and cut off his arm holding a person.

The blood splattered and the pain came.

"Ah!" The supervising alien exclaimed painfully, turning around to see Tang Ye with a cold expression, he couldn't help being frightened.

How could this human race have such a strong power?

Does it really come from the Holy Land?

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