My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1423: Break through the air!

The black snake killed most of the Green Hornet who came, and then a small part was knocked on the neck by Tang Ye. This can be said to kill people and continue to hide their identity. But in fact, in the current situation, Tang Ye didn't believe he could continue to hide. It must have been recognized for such a big disturbance. So going east next will be very difficult.

Qing Yan, a powerful general sent by the Green Hornet tribe, was also crushed by the black snake without any suspense. The power of the black snake could despise the sky, and it was no surprise that Qing Yan was easily killed. This is a strong man with intermediate ability to disperse immortals. After he was seriously injured and landed on the ground, Tang Ye went over and killed him with a knife, and then took his spiritual core.

This scene was shuddered in the eyes of Old Mao Mao. Even if it is fierce and violent, it will not take the spiritual core of the companion as a training resource in this way. This method is only used for monsters.

But Tang Ye didn't feel cruel. The attitude in this world is like this, for alien races, human races and monsters can treat them like livestock. Therefore, for Tang Ye, foreign races can be treated like livestock. What's more, they are indeed the appearance of beasts tending to be humanized, and they still bear beasts' heads.

For those of the Virgin, what is the difference between you and a foreign race? You say that foreign races are evil, but aren’t you also evil?

You are not qualified to judge anything!

Ha... Tang Ye would only dismiss this kind of theory. Because he didn't say that he was a good man, let alone a Virgin, nor did he represent justice. For the enemy, they want to kill him, he will not be merciless.

However, he said to live a kinder life, which is true. For example, among alien races, those innocent people who live outside of disputes, he will never move.

If it is a hatred madman, regardless of the good and evil of the foreign race, he would just swipe the butcher knife when he saw the foreign race, but Tang Ye was not like that.

After solving Qingyan, Tang Ye walked back to Old Ghost Mao. Old Ghost Mao was extremely angry with Tang Ye, but he was not afraid of being killed by Tang Ye, and shouted: "Damn human race! When do you think you can be rampant, you will soon be broken into pieces!"

Tang Ye stood and looked down at Old Ghost Mao, with a cold expression, and said, "I want you to live and let you see when I can be rampant. However, I don't kill you, and others will kill you. What's interesting is that I want The people who killed you are your subordinates, your people."

"You... it's impossible!" Mao yelled, then smiled disdainfully, and hummed: "You think I don't know their temperament, cowardly and cowardly, so I can only obey them! I dare not betray me, absolutely dare not!"

Old Ghost Mao is very confident in the prestige he has established, dominance and hegemony, the shadow of fear, he believes that he absolutely controls the cats.

Tang Ye smiled, looked forward with a playful look, then looked back at Old Ghost Mao, and said, "Then I will see if it is the case."

At this time, two people rushed to the front, one is Master Gou, and the other is Cat Clan Heiwu.

Old Ghost Mao couldn't help but tremble when he saw Hei Wu. Hei Wu and Master Gou stood together, and there was eye contact with Tang Ye. He was not stupid, and naturally understood that Hei Wu had betrayed him!

"Heiwu, you **** it!" Old Mao angrily shouted at Heiwu, his face grim.

Hei Wu looked at Old Ghost Mao without any guilt and said, "You are damned too."

"Do you dare?!" Mao old ghost roared.

Black Five looked firm and shouted: "Not only I dare, but they all dare!"

After drinking on Black Five, whoosh, one by one the cat clan jumped behind Black Five, some of them were still injured, probably because the old Mao Devil asked to deal with the Black Snake just now, but was not killed by the Black Snake, and then was killed by the Black Five. Persuaded to come back.

This will be the end of an era, and they will get rid of the tyrannical fear of Old Mao.

Old Ghost Mao saw the cat clan jumping down, with a look in his eyes that determined to sanction him, and found it very ridiculous. He actually has today?

He was extremely unwilling, his hideous complexion remained unchanged, and said to the cat tribes: "You will regret it! In this world, only the strong can survive! Your current choice is how cowardly. One day, facing another race You will have no resistance to the attack!"

Black Friday didn't want Old Ghost Mao to mess up people's hearts here, so he went straight to the previous one, held down Old Ghost Mao's head, and shouted: "We will live better than now!"


After drinking, Heiwu pressed Mao's head and twisted his head. Mao's neck was misplaced and he died very simply.

Hei Wu let go of Old Mao Gui, and Old Mao fell to the ground without a life. Hei Wu said to the cat tribes again: "From today on, we will be the masters, and we no longer have to live under the cruel shadow of Old Mao. !"

Those cat tribes are still a little dumbfounded. This is a big deal. Kill the old ghost Mao and be your own master? It's like a great revolution won... "Okay!" A cat clan reacted and responded excitedly. Then the cats responded one after another, calling out "OK".

Tang Ye both praised and worried about this situation. Although Old Mao Gui has been killed now, the situation in the cat clan will not be so easy to settle, and it will definitely be more chaotic in the next period of time. It all depends on Black Friday's ability, but with his ability, there is probably no problem.

Tang Ye looked at Master Gou again, and the two nodded each, making eye contact, tacitly. I have made an agreement before and swear by the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds, then in the future, the safety and environmental treatment of the human race in Dayong Town will be changed.


At this moment, suddenly, the huge head of Black Snake appeared behind Tang Ye, and those scarlet eyes were staring at Master Gou and Hei Wu.

Those cat tribes had just experienced the fear brought by the black snake, and their legs were so frightened that they thought the black snake was going to kill them.

Master Gou and Heiwu were equally grim.

But at this moment Tang Ye waved his hand, and the black snake stepped back. This shocked everyone. What does this mean? Means this giant black snake listened to Tang Ye?


The foreign races looked at Tang Ye, but they were speechless.

So, can this human race determine their life and death, and the life and death of all alien races in the first world?

Many aliens do not doubt this matter. Because the Big Mac Black Snake was too terrifying, the power it showed was enough to convince them that no one in Yizhongtian could stop it, even the power of the emcee!

Unless the power above the double heaven comes down to deal with the black snake, will they come down?

Tang Ye didn't want to use Black Snake's business to do something, such as showing his strength and dominance, and asking Master Gou and Heiwu how to do. He did everything in accordance with the agreement he had made with Master Gou and Heiwu. He wants to keep a low profile. Although he can't keep a low profile, Dayong Town needs to keep a low profile.

However, as long as he is there, Dayong Town cannot keep a low profile, so he wants to leave.

He told Master Gou and Hei Wu about this. Master Gou and Hei Wu expressed their understanding and had no objection.

Spend some more time arranging things for the human companions. At night, Tang Ye sat on Black Snake's head and headed east.

The black snake's goal is to connect the gate of the second heaven, which will be blocked there.

Tang Ye's goal was to recover the power of the ancestors.

At the same time, a blue-haired Saya came through the air, crossing the gates one after another.

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