My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1413: Join a pit!

Originally, Tang Ye's plan was to first hide in the courtyard of Gou's Mansion and slowly develop. One was his own practice, and the other was to help Yang Liye and the others make a breakthrough in martial arts. This is also an experiment. If it succeeds, it can be extended to the whole human race, giving the human race a possibility.

However, what is happening right now is not a bad thing. If an agreement is reached with Master Gou, then Yang Liye and the others will be in a safer situation, so there is no longer any need to surreptitiously learn martial arts.

Regarding the weird scene of a cat, a dog and a person gathering together, several people did not deliberately mention it, and each understood in their hearts that it was a kind of taking what they needed. Although Tang Ye is a human race, he has powerful strength and is regarded as a "breaking pawn" and is needed by Master Gou. Although Black Friday is a cat clan, but cats and dogs are at odds, it is impossible for the old ghost to come to discuss, so let the Black Friday represent it, and finally the old ghost is to be shed.

There are no permanent enemies, only permanent benefits. This can probably explain the weirdness of the three people meeting together, even if they were still enemies just a moment ago.

"Then let's just talk about business." Tang Ye didn't want to spoil the secret conversation. Although the subordinates of the old Mao ghost in Heiwu are always worrying as a representative of the cat clan, it is better than nothing. He also guessed that this was going to deal with Old Mao Gui, so it is not impossible for Hei Wu to be promoted as the leader of the cat clan after getting rid of Old Mao Gui.

Master Gou nodded and said, "Now that the Green Hornet has arrived, although it is a trouble and crisis, it is also an opportunity. We can use this opportunity to get rid of Old Mao!"

Speaking of the Green Hornet, it is inevitable to focus on Tang Ye. Because the Green Hornet came to track down the hidden human race powerhouse, and this hidden human race powerhouse was Tang Ye.

Master Gou and Hei Wu looked at Tang Ye with strange eyes, probably wanting to ask Tang Ye how he feels.

Tang Ye felt funny, and twitched the corners of his mouth, not like a smile or a sneer. He felt that things were a little funny, and shrugged: "This is what I do. It can stimulate the Green Hornet so much. You don't need to care about me. As long as I can guarantee my own safety, I can cooperate with you at will. Of course, it’s not that there are no conditions. As for conditions or benefits, that is the last thing to talk about. What do you think?"

Tang Ye can always maintain such a calm and clear thoughts. Master Gou and Heiwu admire him. The two nodded and said, "Okay, then let's talk about how to solve the old ghost Mao."

Then a few people discussed the solution to Old Mao Gui. Having Black Friday as an internal response can reveal a lot of things about the old Mao. Then Tang Ye, the wanted human race powerhouse, can play a role of falsification, and through the Black Friday arrangement, fabricate the fact that "the old Mao ghost shields the human race powerhouse". In the end, Master Gou informed the Green Hornet, and then led troops to attack.

The general plan is that it will take a lot of effort to work out. At the moment, no matter how much it is said, they may be accidentally affected, so they decided to respond in real time, let Heiwu go back to observe the movements of Old Mao, report them at any time and discuss countermeasures.

Once the plan is negotiated, it is time to negotiate terms. Master Gou was surprising. He didn't ask for much. One is to let Darong Town not have the distinction of north and south, and to integrate and develop together. It is happy and harmonious. Don't fight cats and dogs at any time like now. However, the second thing is that he took a meaningful look at Tang Ye, and then didn't say anything specific. After all, he hoped that Tang Ye could mess around with the current situation. It was like a gamble. It was Tang Ye who won or lost.

Tang Ye didn't know Master Gou's plan. This is a kind of hope, isn't it weird that foreign races have hopes for human races? He really did not expect such a thing. Master Gou didn't say, he didn't know about Black Friday, so Tang Ye could only guess slowly.

Tang Ye must be suspicious, Master Gou has done so many things, he can't just ask for the prosperity and peace of Dayong Town. It's so great, it doesn't look like it.

Then there are the conditions for Black Friday. He demanded that on the day he took action against Old Mao, he could only kill Old Mao and his stubborn subordinates, and absolutely not harm the civilian cats. Then, an agreement must be signed to use the power of the Lord of the Worlds to ensure that the cat family will not be bullied in the future, and they must get along with each other in a friendly manner.

Tang Ye was puzzled, why each one had such a high level of consciousness. He didn't care, and put forward his own terms. It is to ensure the safety of the human race in Gou's mansion, not to insult casually, and to enjoy the same power as the cats and dogs.

Both Master Gou and Heiwu were surprised, why were they only asking for the people in Gou's mansion? Instead of the entire Darong Town?

Is Tang Ye selfish or something?

Faced with the doubts of Master Gou and Heiwu, Tang Ye sneered, and said, "If the people in Gou's Mansion cannot be guaranteed, then what about the entire Darong Town. The low-minded human thought has been going on for thousands of years. It can be said to be deeply rooted. Is it so easy to change?"

"If you ask for it in the whole city from the beginning, the impact is too great and it will definitely cause a sensation. But at this time, the sensation is not good for the human race, but will attract the attention of other alien races, especially the green bees and emcees. As a result, it is rare to strive for a little change, and it may be strangled. It will even affect the safety of the entire Dayong Town." Tang Ye's words analyzed the attitude of Dayong Town in the future.

Don't say anything, develop quietly, wait until you have capital, and then take a high profile!

Master Gou and Hei Wu both agreed with Tang Ye's statement, and after discussing them, they signed an agreement to take effect with the power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds' ruling.

The power of the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms remains in the Ten Thousand Realms, not just the Nine Heavens. After deciding and taking the oath with the power of the Lord of the Worlds, if you violate it, you will be punished by the power of the Lord of the Worlds. That power is like the will and fate of the ancestral land, and it is monitored at any time, and if it is violated, it will directly impose punishment. Just like system code creation, once the conditions are met, instructions are automatically generated and executed.

After the talk, several people went back and began to arrange to solve the problem of Old Ghost Mao.

In fact, with Heiwu as an internal response, it might not be necessary to use Tang Ye, a hidden human race powerhouse, to win over the Green Hornet, as long as Heiwu sets up a trap and then siege Old Mao Gui. It's just that now this matter is not as simple as dealing with Old Mao Gui, it has already involved the entire development of Dayong Town. And here, there is also Tang Ye undergoing test operations. Then, protecting the peace of Dayong Town is particularly important.

On the next day, Tang Ye continued to instruct Yang Liye and Yang Cailu to practice, and Master Gou completely "indulged" them. Even the dog guards who had been guarding the human slave yard were transferred away, and the big yard became a world with only human slaves. In this way, people have to discuss something, or practice martial arts, without having to cover up!

This is excellent news and the development environment that follows. So Tang Ye stepped up the training of Yang Liye and the others to see if they could develop "internal strength."

For now, things are progressing smoothly.

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