My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1406: The one to kill!

The space jump was far more powerful than Tang Ye had imagined, even in Nine Heavens. This is very magical and very scary. Those Green Hornets did not see Tang Ye's trick, otherwise they would definitely exclaim, "True Fairy"

Yes, the trick of space jump is actually learned only to reach the true fairy strength.

Sanxian, Earthxian, Tianxian, and true immortal are separated by several realms. For the lower-level Green Hornet clan with the power of San Xian, it is an unreachable existence.

Even to all the cultivators in Yizhongtian, they are distant existences!

Don't ignore the magical method of the ancestral land. There are many things that are truly magical to Jiuzhongtian. Including the dead trees that Tang Ye will now meet in Spring. Of course, there are not so few people who know the dead wood to meet the spring in Jiuzhongtian. After all, in a world dominated by cultivating immortals, it is normal to give birth to more wonderful people.

Even here, there are some people who have realized the magic method of flowering iron trees. However, fewer people realize that Bodhi has children. After all, that is a wonderful way to resurrect from the dead, affecting the precepts of life and death, and it is also a great blow to the book of destiny. So this trick, except for one or two people who realize that Bodhi gives birth to children, no one else understands it.

But even if Tang Ye only knows how to meet spring with dead trees, it is very powerful. In addition, Tang Ye also mastered the secret technique of transforming demons. In fact, the demons were extremely powerful tribes, at the top of the Jiuzhongtian. The eighth and ninth days are their active world!

Tang Ye used the magical moves of space jumping to successfully bring the herd of beasts and the gathered green bees into a melee. The herd of beasts does not allow others to run wild in their territory. The Green Hornet has its own pride. Seeing that it is not a terrible tide of beasts, they fight with the beasts, thinking about killing these beasts, and then slowly deal with them. Tang Ye!

Anyway, Tang Ye is in this forest, they are not afraid that Tang Ye can escape!

Tang Ye was indeed still in this forest, but he was hiding in a hidden place watching the melee between the herd and the green bee tribe. This forest is so big, there are more than ten million monsters. The Green Hornet's such vigorous fighting will inevitably attract more and more monsters. When the time comes, the Green Hornet can't deal with it at all, and they will definitely have to retreat.

Sure enough, everything was as expected by Tang Ye, with more and more monsters, even if they were not very advanced, it caused the Green Hornet tribe to be quite a headache. The Green Hornet clan slowly fell into a disadvantaged position. They flew up, and they couldn't help but be afraid to see the monsters pouring around the forest. Now they have lost a third of their companions, and although the monster beasts have also been killed by them a lot, the monster beasts are constantly replenished, and the power is stronger. As a result, the Green Hornet had to retreat.

"Damn it!" A member of the green bee clan was a member of the management level, and he cursed a few words about this situation. He felt that this was again by Tang Yeyin. Because they didn't see Tang Ye's face at all, so they didn't know who the hidden human power was. Even if they wanted to, they didn't know what they looked like. This was not easy.

After the Green Hornet clan retreated, the monster beasts also dispersed, leaving a post-war field. There are piles of corpses of monsters and green bees here. After confirming his safety, Tang Ye came out of the dark and looked at the corpses, not afraid, but started to collect spiritual cores from these corpses!

This was Tang Ye's initial purpose. Since the spiritual core is lacking, then enough spiritual cores must be collected to maintain cultivation. If he wants to collect it himself, it must be very slow. Either buy it in Dayong Town, but can he afford it by himself? Will definitely be suspected. And if you go hunting in the forest, you don't know if you have to collect the year of the monkey, and you will definitely not be able to keep up with the progress of cultivation.

At the moment, using the collision between the herd and the green bee tribe, so many died, the spiritual core he can collect is enough for him to use for a long time!

In fact, there are other Green Hornets guarding outside the forest. Once suspicious people develop, they will interrogate them. Regarding the commotion in the forest, they didn't really see it like the alien race flying in the sky, so when Tang Ye rushed out, they were overjoyed, thinking that they had found the hidden human master!

This human race that shamed their entire tribe was already the person they had to arrest, and gave unimaginable rewards from above, and they would definitely not miss it.

Regardless of whether the human race in front is the wanted hidden master or not, he still has to seize and question. However, they felt curious, how could this human race run so fast?

Can't let this human race go away!

So several green bees immediately stopped Tang Ye, and one shouted: "Stop, humble human race, you have been arrested!"

Tang Ye rolled his eyes when he heard this. The humble human race, just like the name of the ancient times, opening your mouth and closing your mouth is humble, small, noble... good second.

Tang Ye didn't want to stop and wait for death. A group of monsters followed, as if a tide of beasts had formed, who was not afraid. Facing the tide of beasts, even a cultivator one level higher than the beasts must be afraid.

However, Tang Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of an idea to solve the shortage of spiritual cores!

So he stopped, and fell in front of a few Green Hornets before the monster group could catch up, and said, "A few more death seekers, just because you want to kill me? Huh, go back and practice for a few more years. Come on! But... there is no chance, because you will die in my hands! I tell you, the human race... will eventually rise!"

"You..." When several Qingfeng tribes heard Tang Ye's words, they were greatly surprised, then furious, and then laughed again, very happy, and felt very lucky.

Because Tang Ye's words were enough to explain that he was the strong hidden human race who killed their Green Hornet tribe. In this case, as long as they caught Tang Ye, they would have done a great job!

"You are the hateful human being who killed many of our brothers and humiliated us Green Hornet. Damn, you have to pay the price today!" The Green Hornet who shouted to Tang Ye shouted at the beginning.

Tang Ye laughed, very provocative and playful, and said, "Just rely on you? Have you forgotten, how many of your brothers died in my hands?"

"Huh. You are not enough to stuff my teeth, I can eat you all in one bite!" Tang Ye deliberately made a very provocative and confident look.

"You arrogant human race, looking for death!" The green bee tribe who spoke was furious and flew directly to attack Tang Ye.

However, Tang Ye suddenly exerted force, hitting the bull in a gap, and repelling the green bee tribe. After receiving such a punch, the Green Hornet almost suffocated and felt dying. He was panicked, but he didn't expect Tang Ye to be so powerful!

However, he thought he would die, not that it was true. At this moment, Tang Ye swept over and got behind him. Because he was beaten back, his body was still in pain, and his upside-down state could not be reversed in time. The few companions behind him unexpectedly did this by Tang Ye. Therefore, Tang Ye punched his body and pulled out the spiritual core.

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