My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1405: Beast tide!

Tang Ye walked back to the backyard with a pensive expression, thinking about what Master Gou meant. Observing Master Gou's reaction, he was very sure that Master Gou was a cunning old fox!

There is no doubt that the current contest with Master Gou is seven points for acting, and the other three points are true or false.

Fuck, Tang Ye is very speechless, life is really not easy in such a small place with such complicated guys. I thought that when I got to this kind of place, everything was fighting and killing. Unexpectedly, he would have to play this kind of mental contest.

Probably he was not good enough, if he was good enough, he would directly destroy this city, seize one city, and then advance to the next city, as long as he took the entire Heavenly Layer.

Ha... Tang Ye smiled when he thought about it. How can it be so easy, there are two heavens above the first heaven, then the third heaven, the fourth heaven, and the nine heavens.

Damn, Tang Ye sighed, the journey is long.

But he discovered one thing. After arriving at Jiuzhongtian, nourished by the abundant spiritual energy here, people seem to look younger. Is this a sign of immortality?

Just kidding, immortality is impossible, it's true to extend life and slow down aging. People who have succeeded in cultivating immortals are fine for hundreds of years. It is said that after Xuanxian, there is no problem living for thousands of years. And young looks have their own magic. It's okay to say immortality.

Tang Ye sighed again. He doesn't need to be immortal. It would be nice to go back and see his confidante again. If you can't get it, one day you will go back, and your own woman will be in the loess a long time ago. I am afraid that she will become Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng... Grandpa. He at least has a son and a daughter. The son is in Guwu Jianghu, and the daughter is in the big world, although the daughter has not yet been born.

It's a pity to think about it. I didn't grow up with my son well, I didn't even see my daughter when he was born, and didn't take the name. Is it really worth giving up so much for the so-called human affairs?

Occasionally... Tang Ye ran into Yang Cailu who was working hard to practice hard Tai Chi.

Yang Cailu showed a curious face and looked at Tang Ye and said, "Big Brother Tang, what's the matter with you, you are out of your mind!"

Tang Ye laughed and said, "It's okay."

Yang Cailu was still very worried, and asked, "Is the master embarrassing you? What can I do?"

Yang Liye and Zhu Dazhuang also came over and looked at Tang Ye worriedly, expressing concern. After all, he was summoned by Master Gou, and when a human descendant encountered such a thing, he was actually unhappy. When it comes to rewards, no one gives such a reward to the next person, it is mostly punishment.

Tang Ye was very grateful for everyone's concern, and then repeatedly emphasized that it was okay. The people reluctantly listened to his words and continued to practice. Yang Cailu looked at Tang Ye more, thinking about Tang Ye more.

Tang Ye saw that it was still early, and Master Gou had already been asked to talk, probably there would be nothing more, so he planned to visit the eastern forest.

According to the previous horseman's intelligence, the mysterious power obtained by the cat tribe comes from the eastern forest, and the mysterious power needs the human race to activate, so Tang Ye guessed that this power was left by the human ancestors. Since it belonged to the ancestors of the Human Race, if the Human Race got it, it would definitely be of great use, and Tang Ye didn't want to miss it.

It is not realistic to run to the cat clan to snatch. Gou Lang went there just to inquire and was beaten to death. If he went to grab him, he would not be cut off. Having played several cat tribes does not mean that we have played more cat tribes together, or those strong cat tribes, such as the one who severely injured Goulang.

In the eastern forest, Tang Ye also paid attention to one thing, that is, the green bee clan patrolling back and forth. Last time he escaped from the forest with the help of the iron cone python, leaving behind the crazy green bees. The green bee tribe serves for the emcee of the first heaven, forming a very wide network, where there is a problem, it can be reported to the emcee soon.

But this is also the reason why they made themselves a laughing stock. They reported Tang Ye's affairs, but they walked out the news, and then other alien races knew that a human race had appeared, killed a lot of green bee tribes, and played the green bee tribe around. After being laughed at, the Green Hornet boss was very angry and vowed to catch Tang Ye and wash away the shame.

This is also the request of the emcee. Hidden Terran masters must not be kept!

Compared with other alien races, the emcee in charge of a realm seems to be less tolerant of human races. There must be many reasons.

From afar, Tang Ye saw the green bees flying back and forth over the forest with big green eyes, each holding a long triangular fork, carefully searching the forest below.

Before Tang Ye left, he was on the other side of the forest, but now on the other side, they are all quite far away. This forest is huge, so there are still many secrets hidden. The mysterious power discovered by the cat tribe is in this forest!

The forest is so big, there are always places that cannot be inspected. Finding an opportunity, Tang Ye quickly dived in, looking for the site of the human ancestors discovered by the cat tribe.

Going deeper and avoiding the green bee tribe above, Tang Ye's walk became more and more difficult, because the trees became more luxuriant, just like a green wall. There are also dormant monsters, and those who have been able to fight are okay. If they can't, they will be chased and killed by the monsters. When it attracts the attention of the Green Hornet Clan in the sky, there is no such thing as the relics of the human ancestors.

Tang Ye just encountered this kind of thing, so he had to give up looking for the relics of human ancestors, first went to some places outside the forest, hunted down weaker monsters, obtained spiritual cores, and maintained the needs of daily cultivation.

Cultivating in the forest, the aura of the forest was so abundant that it almost caught up with the concentration of the spiritual core, so after hunting the monster beast to obtain a similar spiritual core, Tang Ye sat cross-legged in the forest to practice the diamond formula.

He didn't know that after he cultivated in this way, the aura within a few kilometers quickly gathered and poured into his body. And this caused a strong commotion among the beasts in the range and the monster beasts.

Even if they are monsters, they have never seen aura so fast. This is definitely going to happen! The daring monster came to look, but the timid hided.

After Tang Ye finished his cultivation, he opened his eyes and was startled. Because dozens of pairs of monsters stared at him!

But this is not the worst. The worst is that the Green Hornet patrolling in the sky discovered the abnormality below and is rushing down.

Tang Ye was speechless. If discovered by the Green Hornet, it would be difficult for him to enter the forest and investigate slowly, so he turned around and ran away.

Those monster beasts felt strange. At first, they were taken aback. Then some powerful monsters became angry and felt that they were being teased by Tang Ye. They thought they were going to fight, but they ran away, **** human race!

So the Monster Beast ran after Tang Ye. The picture was quite shocking for a while, a group of ferocious monsters chasing Tang Ye and a human race, the monsters still gathered more and more, running in the forest, like a tide of beasts!

The animal tide is terrible, especially the large-scale animal tide. There was a wave of beasts. In an instant, a city was trampled down, and all the lives in the city were killed.

It's funny, the Green Hornet who had been chasing in the air thought that there was a beast wave underneath, and didn't dare to chase it anymore. In this way, as long as he gets rid of those monsters, Tang Ye no longer has to worry about revealing his identity.

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