My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1401: Ancestral power!

After seeing Tang Ye clearly, several cat clan thought about it, and when they came back to their senses, they thought it was funny. Was actually blocked by a human race?

It was another contempt for Human Race, so much so that they forgot that one of their companions was killed by Tang Ye. When they reacted to this incident, they were furious. The Terran dare to kill his companions?

"You!" A cat clan was furious at Tang Ye, pointing at Tang Ye without knowing how to scold him.

"It's Goufu's dog minion!" At this moment, the little cat clan leader who was bitten in a leg drank out, "Just kill it directly, don't worry about it. There are other ways to deal with dog minions?"

But no, for them, if the human slaves rebelled against them, they would just kill them. Why bother about other things?

It's just a cheap life for the mere human race, not to mention that it's Gou Fu's side, and the cat people don't care. So several cat people showed hideous expressions and wanted to torture Tang Ye, because they wanted to vent their emotions.

Tang Ye squinted his eyes, then swished as fast as lightning, and rushed to a cat clan attacking him, his fist suddenly turned into flames, and the cat clan jumped. In the cat clan's astonishment and astonishment, Tang Ye pursued a second attack and punched the cat clan guard's face.


Immediately, there was a painful cry from the cat guard, and when he looked at him, his nose collapsed and his entire face was deformed. As for the cat guard, he rolled his eyes, passed out, and hadn't died yet, but he looked like he was going to die. It seemed that he couldn't live anymore. Tang Ye's hands were deadly.

Kill the enemy with one move!

This is simple and rude. After hiding in the dark and observing for a while, he found that several cat clan guards are of average strength. Within the range that he can deal with, even if he deals with ten at the same time, he is sure to win, but he has to suffer some injuries and fight. Some. But now, the cat clan guard had been injured most of by Gou Lang's "Wolfing" ban, only a few remained, and Tang Ye had no problem dealing with it.

His amazing performance made a few cats who looked down upon him dumbfounded. They couldn't believe that this was something a human subordinate could do, and they killed them with bare hands!

They were surprised and surprised, but Tang Ye did not feel any softness when he started. The three or four cat clan guards who were only alive after being "turned into a wolf" by Gou Lang were dealt with by Tang Ye.

Tang Ye walked towards the little boss, his expression indifferent, turning him into that very ruthless and cruel.

The little boss was very scared. He saw Tang Ye's greatness, and it could be said that he was not inferior to Golang at all! And now that he had been bitten by a leg, he couldn't be Tang Ye's opponent, he knew he would be killed by Tang Ye!

"No, don't kill me!" The little chief begged Tang Ye for mercy in fear, without the arrogance and pride of scorning the human race. After all, survival is the biggest conviction of these little people.

They are just small people. They are too far-sighted and fearful.

Tang Ye acted very fast. Before the little chief was panicked, she strangled the little chief to avoid the little chief yelling out or sending out any signals. After all, this place is still a cat clan's territory, so letting other cat clan know that it is very troublesome.

"I ask you, the mysterious power found by your cat tribe needs to be activated by the human race. Is this power left by the ancestors of the human race?" Tang Ye asked the little leader.

He wanted to investigate the mysterious power of the cat tribe mentioned by the groom before, because he was very interested in the power that the human race could spur. As a human race, that kind of power is easy to get. Now he and the human race he secretly organized, need strength very much!

The little chief was questioned by Tang Ye, probably because Tang Ye didn't kill him right away, but instead let him relax a little bit. He looked at Tang Ye and realized something terrible. This human race actually knows the existence of mysterious power? Who is this human race and how does it know such secrets!

"Who, who are you?!" The little boss was very curious about this. It is a rare thing for the Human Race to have such a great strength, and it is so clear about the Cat Race secrets that it is impossible to believe it.

Tang Ye's face was sullen and vicious, and he shouted in a low voice: "It doesn't matter who I am. Tell me honestly what I just asked, otherwise you will die!"

The little cat clan leader looked at Tang Ye with a cold eye. After slowly getting over, he recovered a bit of reason and overcome some fears, thinking that Tang Ye cares so much about mysterious powers and will definitely not kill him easily. He demanded and threatened, and said to Tang Ye: "If you want to know about the mysterious power, let me go immediately, otherwise you will never want to know!"

Tang Ye frowned slightly and said, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" The little head leader snorted coldly, curling his head and making up his mind.

Tang Ye suddenly sneered at him, then punched him down, breaking his other leg.


Tang Ye looked at him and said blankly: "Since you don't want to say it, then I don't need you to say it. It's just that you are not so easy to get rid of. First of all, you will become a handicapped, all limbs will be interrupted, then It’s a painful experience for a while. Then, I will throw the disabled you to the dog clan's turf, and it is the wild dog clan who is prone to mania!"

"In this case..." Tang Ye pretended to tremble, saying that he couldn't bear that kind of thing, and said: "You will definitely be torn by the dog clan!"

"You..." The little head was extremely angry, and he didn't expect Tang Ye to be so cruel. The Human Race can think of such a terrible torture method, if they are foreign races, they will directly kill and happily!

Seeing Tang Ye's behavior, the cat clan leader finally remembered some rumors about the human clan. They are clever and cunning, have terrible explosive ability, can always think of many terrible things, and put them into action, so we were once dominated by them, and the fear we lived under their dominance lasted tens of thousands of years! Future generations must beware of the human race, and they must not be revived!

Those are some records among the alien races. Because the Human race hasn't turned over and become the master for too long, so after the birth of the alien race, they dismissed the matter of the human race and didn't take it seriously. The past ten thousand years have faded from generation to generation, and they really don't care about Human Race.

Just like the people on the ancestral land, are they afraid of a chicken?

Those little animals can hardly hurt themselves! Similar to this concept from a sensible time, it is really hard for the alien race to imagine that the human race will kill them in turn!

To remember the terrible human race, only before facing death. The fear of death reminded them of human rumors. This is a reason for self-comfort, otherwise wouldn't it be unreasonable to be killed by the human race?

Tang Ye coldly snorted to the little cat clan leader again: "It seems that you really don't want to say, then I will send you a ride, so as not to be disabled and live too painful."

"You..." The little boss really hates Tang Ye. If it's just that kind of injury, he can slowly repair it with spiritual power.

Procrastination is useless!

The little head is very helpless, and indeed the human head is very useful.

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