My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1397: Cat and dog dispute!

Since Master Gou can be the master of half of this Darong Town, he is definitely not too stupid. In addition, the wanted message sent from above, and Tang Ye happened to appear at that time, and Go Ping happened after he appeared. No matter how stupid Master Gou was, he would doubt something.

Therefore, Tang Ye's situation was not as safe as he thought.

However, Master Gou didn't seem to plan to investigate Tang Ye immediately, or take action against Tang Ye.

The yellow-haired dog-head guard understood who Master Gou was referring to, and asked Master Gou: "Master means that the new human subordinate has a problem? But, in order to get the master's acceptance, didn't he back down and plead. This is a huge humiliation. If the human race has any resistance, how can it endure losing all dignity?"

Master Gou sneered, and said, "There is such a saying among the human races, and if you can't bear it, you will make big plans."

"That's still Xiao Ren?" The guard was very surprised and shook his head: "Our dog clan can be tolerated, but if we are treated like that, it will be unbearable!"

Master Gou glanced at the guards and hummed, "Human races are not that simple! As long as they are willing to use their brains, many things can easily surpass us! Their patience, their outbreak, is the fear that once dominated us!"

The guard couldn't help rolling his eyes at what Master Gou said. Human race really needs to be so powerful. After thousands of years, why can't there be any storms?

In short, the guards of the yellow-haired dog are very disdainful of the subordinates of the human race, even if they listen to Master Gou's teaching on the surface, they are dismissive and scornful.

But who is Master Gou? He could tell the thoughts of the yellow-haired dog guard at a glance. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Gou Lang, I know what you think. I tell you, I will pretend not to receive the wanted human race. You understand what I mean? So, What to do, you weigh it yourself."

The guard Gou Lang is probably the confidant of Master Gou, and he speaks more casually with Master Gou. Master Gou's words surprised him and said hurriedly, "Master, what are you... you want to protect the person who might be looking for?"

Master Gou did not nod directly, but looked at Gou Lang's expression a little deeper, and said, "I ask you, how valuable are we to the upper side? For example, when we arrive in the city of Sacred Seal?"

"Holy Seal City?" Gou Lang was surprised for a while, wondering why Master Gou suddenly mentioned this sacred and prosperous place.

Holy Seal City, it was one of the cities where the crusade against the holy war had taken place, leaving behind a terrible curse seal that could kill the Lord of the Worlds!

Only the noble alien races can stay in places like Shengyin City. Dog tribes like them, when they get there, their status and status are actually the same as the status of the human race among them now.

Dayong Town is a rather remote place, still in the heavens. The alien race here is incomparable with other alien at all, Dayong Town is very small, like a corner of the sea.

Master Gou sneered: "For the Human Race, we have nothing to laugh at. Because what happened to the Human Race may also happen to us. Therefore, for the Human Race, I have never used any means, just let them fend for themselves. ."

Gou Lang really couldn't understand what Master Gou was thinking or what he was going to do. He scratched his head and had a headache.

Master Gou sneered and said, "Watching the show. For Humans, they have their numbness. For us, we also have our numbness. Since we don't plan to struggle anymore, let someone else do it for us. Let's just watch them. It’s just looking at myself. It’s a bit self-deceiving, but it makes me interested. Life is already like this. It’s not bad to be a little fun."

Now Gou Lang really had to roll his eyes. What does Master Gou want to do?

Master Gou ignored Gou Lang, waved his hand, looked at the sky outside, and said: "When such a human race appears, how long will it be able to struggle? If they succeed, will it be our success? Their failure will Is it our failure?"

"Master, what are you thinking?!" Goulang was angry and couldn't bear the inexplicable things that Master Gou kept saying there, so he stared and asked, not afraid of being punished, he seemed to be patient.

Master Gou stared at Gou Lang and did not speak for a long time. This made Gou Lang a little flustered. He thought Master Gou was angry and couldn't help but apologize, "Yes, sorry Master, I was impatient for a while, I just care too much about Master's afterlife! "

Master Gou sneered and snorted: "Dog stuff!"


Gou Lang was speechless. In Dayong Town, no one dared to curse like this. They are originally dog ​​tribes, and scolding dogs means scolding them. This is a very taboo behavior.

As for not cursing others, you can't curse yourself.

Master Gou snorted softly, "I just... don't want to be used by foreign races to scold dogs..."

Master Gou felt that the fate of their dog race was only one step away from the fate of the human race, so he was not reconciled!

Master Gou doesn’t need Gou Lang’s simple mind to think about things, and said, “Don’t talk about this, but I mean you have to understand, that is, don’t take care of the subordinates of the human race during this period, as long as they do their work well. ."

"Okay." Gou Lang smiled, he really didn't want to worry about so many things. He always felt that Master Gou was calculating, it was too complicated and too troublesome, he didn't like this kind of thing.

Master Gou sighed, looking a little annoyed, and said: "Don't talk about the human race, let's talk about the old ghost Mao. Recently, have they got any magic weapon, clamoring to attack us and become the city's Complete master?"

Gou Lang nodded and said: "There is such a thing, I don't know if it is true or not. Last time Old Ghost said the same, but it turned out to be no fart, and he will scare people.

Master Gou glanced at Gou Lang. Gou Lang thought he had made a mistake, and changed his words: "Yes, they will scare our dogs. They are just cats!"

Master Gou was green on his forehead, really wanting to kill this idiot with a stick. After cultivating this dog, how can you give him the position of boss of the dog clan in the future?

"Since I don't know if it's true or not, then check it out!" Master Gou reprimanded Gou Lang, and said angrily: "I was out of the city before to deal with this matter. Dozens of our companions were injured, and the injuries were very serious. It’s strange, it’s not like the power on Mao’s side. But they said it was indeed done by Mao’s men. I was thinking, on Mao’s side, did he really get any mysterious power?"

Gou Lang frowned, looking a little nervous, and said, "Master, why bother to kill Old Man Mao directly, he is already a sick cat!"

"Fart, he may also be a tiger, if impulsively, if we are expelled from Dayong Town, we will really be like that human race!" Master Gou said angrily.

The cats and dogs in Dayong Town fought more fiercely.

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