My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1394: The death of the queen!

Standing on the Tongtian Building, Murong Huansha looked habitually arrogant and cold. Mu Yue stood behind him, standing very dignified, like a personal assistant.

But who would have thought that these two women were in a relationship with a man sharing the same bed. Of course, those things behind are people’s private lives, and they can play whatever they like. It can’t be said that a woman who is dignified and beautiful can’t be coquettish in bed...

It is rare to see that Murong Huansha is not burying his head in dealing with affairs. This is an ambitious woman who once said that she would become the first woman in this land. In fact, in terms of wealth, she almost did it. Especially under the influence of Tang Ye's relationship, she got a relationship with Red Wall, and the business empire expanded rapidly from Yanjing to the whole country and even abroad.

Murong Huansha's goal is probably to create an umbrella company like in the movie "Resident Evil". Or the kind of Xinqiao Group in "Bloodrunner", which truly spreads all over the world and dominates everything.

But now, Murong Huansha feels a little weak, or she has a deep understanding of her limitations.

"Xiaoyue, are you willing now?" Standing on the highest building in the city, looking down on the city, Murong Huansha suddenly asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was taken aback, wondering what Murong Huansha meant. When staying next to Murong Huansha, she prefers to be an executor rather than a decision maker. Therefore, it is usually Murong Huansha who decides and she does it. If Murong Huansha let her decide, she would be a little uncomfortable.

This is a very different kind of loyalty.

Murong Huansha beckoned, Mu Yue understood, walked over, and Murong Huansha stood side by side.

Murong Huansha looked a little cold, as if he didn't care much about the world, and even felt like he wanted to play with the world. Only a woman with a temperament like Murong Huansha can show this kind of aura of disdain for the world.

Even Sima Puyu couldn't match it. What's more, now Sima Puyu has changed, and he no longer thinks about fighting with Murong Huansha. The so-called "South Murong North Sima" is just a boast of good things. The current Sima Puyu wants to give birth to a daughter.

Mu Yue glanced at Murong Huansha, and wanted to say something, but did not say. She was with Murong Huansha almost day and night. She probably knew what Murong Huansha thought about. Sometimes, some of her thoughts are different from those of Murong Huansha. But she never interfered with Murong Huansha, so she tried to keep silent.

Murong Huansha understood Mu Yue's character, and did not want to force her, and said, "Now the world has changed. Although money can still play a huge role, it is probably useless in the face of certain forces."

Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible. This sentence illustrates the importance of money and makes people want to get money in every possible way. The reality is indeed the case. But for people like Murong Huansha, money is just a long list of numbers. Although these figures helped her build an empire, what she sees now is things that money cannot help her.

This limitation of money is what Murong Huansha is worried about at this time.

Now Mu Yue understood what Murong Huansha wanted to say, thought for a while, and said: "Those power...not everyone can have it. Miss, I don't think we need..."

"Necessary." Murong Huansha nodded firmly.

Mu Yue's mouth opened, and after all, he said nothing to refute.

Murong Huansha is strong and stubborn.

She looked at the city that seemed to be able to be held with one hand, and said with a firm expression: "We have secretly developed some weapons against vampires, which are indeed effective. However, besides vampires, there are more magical powers. We cannot Make sure that those weapons are useful for all these forces. And what happened to our company these days illustrates a problem. We...are targeted by certain forces. If we can’t deal with them, we’re in danger.”

Mu Yue's expression became solemn. What Murong Huansha said happened some time ago. In the article, it was solved, but many mysterious and strange forces have been born in this world. The vampire that sneaked in, or the native ghost sprite, was still threatening. And against them, exorcists, or those with abilities in Dragon Totem, can do it. However, Murong Huansha are just ordinary people who hold wealth, they can't do it!

Therefore, having mastered huge wealth is still greatly restricted in that respect, relying on the protection of others and the protection of weapons. Of course, if you can create a battle armor like Iron Man, and she becomes a super hero whose "rich people rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation", then there is no problem.

She seems to be able to do this.

However, she does not have so much time to slowly research and manufacture. Moreover, her wisdom is business wisdom, not research and development wisdom.

Being controlled by others is what Murong Huansha hates most.

She doesn't want to be the queen who can't dominate everything and do whatever she wants!

Mu Yue comforted Murong Huansha and said: "We have invested enough funds for research and development, and then we will be able to arm ourselves with science and technology, don't worry about those supernaturalists!"

"Moreover, we are searching for mythological sites around the world. If we can dig out the gods and use the equipment made by the gods, the power will not be worse than those with supernatural powers!" Mu Yue mentioned this secret project, hoping to comfort Murong. Huansha.

Therefore, Murong Huansha and Mu Yue were not idle during this period, nor were they purely doing business. Searching for mythological sites, looking for divine objects, using divine power to build weapons... this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can do.

It's just that in most of the movies, people who do this, or companies or groups, seem to be villains.

Mu Yue's mention of this made Murong Huansha feel better. If she can also use her supernatural powers, then she will have a lot of mental balance. At the same time, it is more in line with her ambition to master technology and supernatural power.

"I really admire it." Suddenly, a voice rang out of them.

Murong Huansha and Mu Yue both looked stern and stared in midair.

A person slowly fell in the air, in a suit and leather shoes, looking at a gentleman.

His face is familiar, Xu Wuming.

Murong Huansha and Mu Yue regarded him as those with supernatural powers who wanted to disadvantage them. It must be a supernatural person, after all, it can fall from the sky. Moreover, he is still a very powerful ability.

They didn't expect that staying on the top floor of the Tongtian Building, with heavy defenses set up below, was still unsafe.

The main reason is that some people with supernatural powers are so terrible that they appear silently on top of a hundred-story building.

Therefore, Murong Huansha said that she is now very restrictive, and she can't deal with these superpowers even if she has money. Just like the current situation, how do two weak women deal with Xu Wuming?

Xu Wuming looked at Murong Huansha, sneered, and then flicked at Murong Huansha's heart, and a force of force passed through Murong Huansha's heart.

For a moment, there was no feeling.

Murong Huansha looked down at the blood-stained heart, and knew that death was coming.

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