My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1387: I don't recognize it!

Li Taiyi felt that Tang Ye was too ignorant. Don't want to die a second time in front of yourself?

This is not a matter of choice at all.

If you want to die, you must die!

Li Taiyi remembered what happened back then. He had just comprehended the way of heaven, and knew that Xiang Daoshan's way of heaven, towards the whole world, he couldn't grasp it alone, so he returned to the profound realm, and took the opportunity of Xiang Daoshan's way of heaven to comprehend the way of the profound realm. He had to control the profound realm first. But at this moment, an outside mortal can actually come to the profound realm by himself, showing that his strength is quite terrifying.

This person is Tang Ye's previous life, a king.

This incident shocked the Profound Realm. After all, someone from the outside world who can come to the Profound Realm uninvited is too rare, and I haven't seen it once in hundreds of years. Everyone in the Profound Realm went to see the prince, wanting to see who the prince was and what he wanted to do.

What the prince did angered the gatekeeper.

He wants to kill Lee Taiyi!

Don't say why, just kill!

When Li Taiyi thought of this, she felt quite comfortable, and smiled: "You wanted to kill me, but you didn't succeed. Then you can't blame me. It's ridiculous, it's always you."

Tang Ye had already remembered what happened at that time, but there was another problem. He himself didn't know why he wanted to kill Li Taiyi. This makes him a little embarrassed now, yes, he is going to kill others, but he is not strong enough to be killed by others. Who is the blame?

Fortunately, Tang Ye could see these things, shrugged and smiled at Li Taiyi: "Yes, it's really embarrassing. But I'm curious, why should I kill you? I have hatred with you?"

Since he didn't know, then Li Taiyi might know. Tang Ye was very curious about what happened back then, maybe there are more secrets.

There is no need for Li Taiyi to hide, and shook his head and said: "I don't know. I just came back from Xiang Daoshan, and then you appeared in the Profound Realm. It was really unexpected. Then you shot me, without a reason, I just I have to kill you."

With that, Mrs. Li glanced at Tang Ye and said, "Why are you killing me now? Past and present, there is always something related."

Tang Ye was talking with Li Taiyi and suddenly felt a little weird. Neither of them seemed like people who were about to start a life-and-death battle, but felt like partners exploring problems together.

Tang Ye didn't know about entering the Profound Realm in his previous life, and since Li Taiyi didn't know, he could only think about it himself. Why do you want to kill Lee Taiyi? When he entered the Profound Realm in his previous life, Taiyi Li just understood the way of heaven. Why is it at this time?

Could it be the influence of the beginning of heaven?

If you think so, from the present and future generations, Tang Ye is thinking of the safety of the profound world. Because after Li Taiyi opened the way of heaven, he returned to the mysterious world and couldn't get out of the world. His goal was to integrate the will of the profound world and become the master of the profound world. This is very detrimental to the profound realm. One realm has a will and natural precepts. How can one person control it?

People, regarding human nature, and regarding value, will always have great limitations, and it is difficult for a single human being to achieve a balanced state. Therefore, if the Profound Realm is controlled by Li Taiyi alone, it will slowly lose its balance and eventually lead to the destruction of the Yi Realm.

Therefore, Tang Ye guessed that his previous life entered the Profound Realm to kill Li Taiyi as soon as he realized the way of heaven, perhaps to protect the Profound Realm.

But this result is far-fetched. He is not a member of the Profound Realm, why is he so concerned about the Profound Realm? Unless he has a close connection with the profound realm, the profound realm is dangerous, he immediately senses it, and then goes to rescue.

However, if he has a close relationship with the Profound Realm, why is he not a member of the Profound Realm?

Even Tang Ye couldn't understand the connection.

Taiyi Li thought that this had nothing to do with Tang Ye's exploration of the problem, after all, she had a relationship with Tang Ye. Hundreds of years ago, they were enemies fighting each other, but hundreds of years later, they were fighting together again. He didn't know why each other wanted this. Now that he has the opportunity, he wants to understand.

However, he found that something was wrong. That is, the longer time passes, the more blurred Tang Ye will be in his Profound Realm will, and it will no longer exist in the Profound Realm will!

How is this going? Could it be that Tang Ye is in the Profound Realm, but not a creature in the Profound Realm?

This is impossible!

Things are so weird!

Li Taiyi felt that he was fooled, thinking that Tang Ye was delaying time, and then Tang Ye was using some weird tricks to deal with his will in this world. He couldn't let Tang Ye be like this anymore, his expression was cold and severe, staring at Tang Ye full of anger.

"For example, a few hundred years ago, you became very cunning, but that's it!" Li Taiyi snorted, and then shot Tang Ye directly.

Li Taiyi's power comes from the profound world. When the profound realm is there, his power is there. He can use any power in the profound realm. Such as Li Haoran, or other gatekeepers.

Originally, Li Taiyi defended with three-point return to the original power, but he directly withdrew, and then a purple sword appeared in front of him, fierce and domineering, trembling and flickering, as if it could split the void.

This is Li Haoran's Sky Thunder Sword!

Li Taiyi controls the will of the profound realm, and all the power in the profound realm can be used, so he can easily use even the high-level ability of Li Haoran!

In fact, from the beginning, Li Taiyi thought that one of the reasons that he could kill Tang Ye was because of this ability to invoke the power of the Profound Realm. Even Tang Ye's power can be used!

If Tang Ye beat him, but he used Tang Ye's own power, wouldn't it mean that Tang Ye beat him?

This is very contradictory.

Even if such a thing really exists, one thing can be guaranteed. That is Li Taiyi will not lose to Tang Ye. Therefore, the kind of **** thing that happened to Tang Ye before, that will reverse the situation at the last moment, can't happen to him.

Li Haoran's Heavenly Thunder Sword hit Tang Ye, and the horizon became gloomy and dark, and the black cloud rolled and tumbling, and then it struck purple lightning, as if to destroy the earth.

With this kind of formation, the gatekeeper who was hiding far away saw him, feeling that he was not hiding far enough... The divine thunder drawn by the Sky Thunder Sword possessed the mighty power of heaven and could obliterate everything in the world, as long as the strength was sufficient. And now the sky thunder played by Li Taiyi was stronger than Li Haoran's. So those gatekeepers think they should continue to hide away...

Li Haoran didn't expect her Sky Thunder Sword to be used by others. As a user of Sky Thunder Sword, she was very unwilling and angry at the same time!

She does not allow such things to exist. Even if the one in front is the ancestor, she will rebel!

In fact, she didn't have much sense of identity with these ancestors who appeared only once in hundreds of years, so even if she was disobedient, she did not feel that she had reached the point of betrayal.

So, Li Haoran held the Heavenly Thunder Sword, swept towards Li Taiyi, and launched an attack!

Is this equivalent to standing on Tang Ye's side? As a person in the Profound Realm, he actually used his ancestor to help an outsider?

Those elders definitely disagree, even those who have a good impression of Tang Ye.

However, Li Haoran slashed towards them, expressing his resolute attitude, and coldly snorted: "I don't approve of that method. Can you stop trying?"

Li Taiyi saw Li Haoran attack him, and sneered: "Ridiculous girl."

With a wave of his hand, Li Haoran was beaten back several thousand meters, and he still couldn't stop...

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