My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1379: Why are you here?

At this moment, the doorkeeper on Li Xuanming's side felt like a fly stuck in his throat, disgusting and uncomfortable, and wanted to go crazy. How could Tang Ye have such a strong power?

If I knew that, why should I kill Tang Ye from the beginning!

When Tang Ye killed the first gatekeeper Li Disha, he should have killed Tang Ye who had not yet grown up!

This is all right, if you want to kill Tang Ye now, thank God if you don't get killed by Tang Ye. To the gatekeepers, this kind of thing is as illusory as a dream. As celestial beings on earth, how come they are overwhelmed by someone who grew up in the big world outside?

The scene is very embarrassing now. Li Xuanming shot Tang Ye, but was stopped by Li Haoran. Li Xuanming was very angry, but he was helpless and did not dare to take another shot. He wanted to find a hole to get in. It felt too embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Li Haoran looked at Tang Ye, then at Li Xuanming, and then he looked at his mind with his nose and eyes, as if he didn't want to pay attention to anything.

In fact, she was also very surprised by Tang Ye in her heart. In just a few short years, Tang Ye has grown to where she is today, she can do nothing, it really frustrated her genius as a gatekeeper.

The only thing that can make her feel better is that Tang Ye is her own.

Tang Ye saw the embarrassment of Li Haoran, Li Xuanming and others, but he was actually a bit embarrassed. When he was in the big world, thunder flashed from the horizon, coming from the direction of the Profound Realm, that is, people from the Profound Realm attacked him. In order to avoid suffering in the big world, he simply talked to Lu Celadon and the others before heading to the Profound Realm.

When he arrived at the Profound Realm, he was directly involved in Li Xuanming's embarrassment without a buffer time. He is relatively passive. Whatever action Li Xuanming takes, he will make corresponding actions to deal with it. This is okay, at least knowing what to do. Now Li Xuanming hadn't shot him, but he didn't know what to do.

Just say, "I want this mysterious world, you all get out?"

He didn't dare to be so high-profile. Li Xuanming is only a grandfather in the profound realm. Now as an elder, it seems that he is the highest generation, but in fact there are even older generations. They all entered the secret realm to retreat and practice, and the gatekeeper didn't know their specific situation. The only thing I know is the "Tai" character. I don't know whether it is Grandpa or Wife Grandpa.

Li Haoran was also the ancestor of the "Tai" character. As long as the ancestors of the "Tai" generation are there, she dare not directly shoot. It is said that that is a character who can be avoided even in the ancestors' precepts!

The atmosphere is quite embarrassing. You can't keep going like this. If you fight or not, there must be a result. Tang Ye thought for a while, bowed to the many surprised and trapped gatekeepers in front of him, and said, "In the next Tang Ye, you can also call me Long Ye. I'm a little embarrassed. I'm not inviting you today. Forgive me."

In fact, Tang Ye was not uninvited. The thunder that struck him directly in the Great World, if it weren't for the enchantment to resolve, maybe he, Lu Celadon, Wang Jianjia and others would be in trouble. Even if they are okay, the Red Wall Palace will definitely be destroyed.

It was because of being "warned" by such a force that Tang Ye immediately went to the Profound Realm. It was just that when he encountered Li Xuanming's embarrassment in the profound realm, he looked around and didn't find the person who sent the thunder power.

If the strong is hidden, it needs to be more cautious. Tang Ye showed the attitude of both soft and hard.

When many gatekeepers heard Tang Ye's words, they couldn't help rolling their eyes. The attitude was so arrogant just now, but now he is polite. What do you mean?

Isn't this a joke!

The emotions of many gatekeepers were high again, and they were very angry with Tang Ye!

Li Haoran felt helpless. What Tang Ye did was either silent or vigorous. If it is vigorous, then there will be chaos in the profound realm.

As the judge, Li Haoran must stand up and deal with this matter. She planned to arrest Tang Ye and lock it up first, so that she could calm other people's emotions, and also buy time for Tang Ye, and then they could slowly plan what to do.

What they have to do is not to kill all the people they oppose, but to get rid of the alien enemies lurking in the human body.

Li Haoran just wanted to stand up and solve the problem, but Tang Ye took a step faster. Tang Ye wanted to fight for it, and said, "Do you know why I came from?"

Li Xuanming squinted his eyes, his eyes revealed a profound killing intent. He didn't want to care what Tang Ye was here for, since Tang Ye was here, he should let Tang Ye come and go!

But the other gatekeepers were quite interested.

Tang Ye continued his performance, suddenly cold his face, and said gloomily, "Kill!"


Tang Ye's words caused a commotion among the gatekeepers.

Be arrogant again! To kill? The people in the profound realm are all gatekeepers, in other words, they are here to kill gatekeepers!

The gatekeepers certainly did not agree, and their hostility to Tang Ye skyrocketed!

Li Haoran is a little helpless. This is what Tang Ye would do. He always likes to play with big ones. Are you really afraid of playing yourself to death?

However, when many gatekeepers showed "same hatred and anger" towards Tang Ye, Tang Ye said again: "You all know that I came in after killing Wen Zhongyuan. Then I ask you, what is Wen Zhongyuan?"

Tang Ye looked around the gatekeepers, without them answering, coldly shouted: "Because he is an evil demon! I don't understand how you think, our human world, the future of mankind, actually needs an evil demon to guide and open up. Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

The gatekeepers were silent, because Tang Ye's words couldn't be refuted immediately, Tang Ye said something reasonable.

Tang Ye said again: "Think about the precepts and rules left by your ancestors. Which point allows you to indulge in demons? And that blood demon is not only our enemy, but also the enemy your ancestors have dealt with. Its body will is the blood ancestor of the Asura Realm of Purgatory Outside the Nine Heavens!"

The gatekeepers frowned. Regarding the blood ancestors, they had contact with the old ancestors and the notes left by the ancestors of the past. There is no doubt that the blood ancestor is an absolute enemy and is not negotiable. But since when did you actually tolerate the existence of blood demons?

Because of the old ancestor's saying, "Heaven and human beings on earth are enough to keep good luck"?

Or is it, subconsciously rebelling against the rules of the ancestors, and don't want to stay in a "cage" under the shackles of luck?

However, even if you want to fly out, you shouldn't let the evil demon alien do it. Because evil demon aliens do so, it may bring the danger of extermination!

If you think about it, normal people will agree with Tang Ye's words. So most of the gatekeepers became more silent and thinking.

"You mean...we also have blood ancestor minions in our profound realm?" A doorkeeper was puzzled.

Tang Ye was coming to kill the alien race of evil demons, and when they arrived in their profound realm, that meant that there was an alien race of evil demons in the profound realm. I didn't say anything before, and the gatekeepers would not think so, or would not admit it. Now that it is said, Tang Ye is a very powerful person and can no longer escape.

Tang Ye looked at the doorkeeper who was questioning, and said coldly: "Of course there is!"

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