My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1374: Close the door and kill the dog!

In the jade seal palace, in the most central pavilion, eight ancient jade seals are arranged in a historical order and suspended, varying in height, forming a circle, exuding their own different luck.

Golden, green, red... all kinds of colors. Here is the strongest place in this land. The power of air transport carried by the jade seals of the eight ancient countries is enough to break the shackles of air transport in the sky.

Outside the pavilion, there is a barrier of qi and luck, which no one can break yet, even the emperor of the red wall who carries the luck of the country can only approach it.

However, if you forcefully use your country's energy to smash the Yuxi barrier, the Yuxi barrier will weaken, and it will break the barrier. This is what the article originally planned.

Now, the emperor of the red wall has let the eight great artifact heirs into it in advance, and according to Tang Ye, set a "closed door and kill dog" round for Wen Zhongyuan.

However, Tang Ye has not returned yet!

Among those present were Wang Jianjia, Lu Celadon, Tang Manhong, Yueya, Ke Yu, Luo Bing, Nan Bei, and Xing Ji. This is the successor of the eight artifacts. Except for Xing Ji, the other seven people have artifacts. They were waiting for Tang Ye to come back, waiting for Xing Ji's magic axe!

However, Tang Ye did not come back, and they all felt that Wen Zhongyuan was approaching, they were very nervous!

Without the last artifact that Tang Ye brought back, then the plan to kill Wen Zhongyuan would not succeed!

Now they are all worried that after Tang Ye went to the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, he would be discovered by the gatekeepers of the blood demon minions, and then be trapped in the Guwu Rivers and lakes. Then all the plans would not be able to proceed.

Wen Zhongyuan is getting closer, but the plan cannot be implemented, and everyone's hearts are hanging.

Wang Jianjia, as the person who formed this sacred maiden army, couldn't help but take the responsibility to himself, and he was particularly worried at this time.

Lu Celadon supported the overall situation as a core figure early on. This time, he did not act as a formation figure. He respected Wang Jianjia and did not want to embarrass anyone. After all, among these women, she is still a little girl. If all aspects are placed on the heads of your sisters, then life will be difficult.

She is also very helpless. She is obviously doing something to save the common people, but she still has to consider the issue of these women's harems, which is really hopeless. But when meeting other women, her look is the calmest one. The other women are relatively sullen, afraid that things will not go well.

At this moment, a whirlpool appeared in the air in front of them. Everyone was overjoyed, this is Tang Ye!

Sure enough, the vortex in mid-air drilled a person, no, it was two people. It was Tang Ye holding a young girl in a green shirt. It was Lingyun.

"Yun'er!" Xing Ji saw Ling Yun, very excited, and quickly greeted her.

After being sent to the big world, Xing Ji did not see Lingyun, because Lingyun was taken by Tang Ye for special training, so that Lingyun could bear enough illusion pressure. Because killing the central plains of the text, you need to mention the limit at once, and the previous Lingyun did not have that ability to bear it.

Although Lingyun had grown up a lot, Xing Ji recognized it at a glance. She treats Lingyun as a daughter. She missed it very much when she was in Guwu Jianghu. Now she finally sees it, so she is naturally very excited.

Ling Yun missed Xing Ji even more. After Xing Ji was forced to enter the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, she wanted to search for them. But her strength is limited, so she can only let Tang Ye help. After Tang Ye enters the Guwu Rivers and Lakes, she finds her master, and brings it out if possible.

"Master!" Ling Yun freed Tang Ye's hands, quickly went over to hug Xing Ji, and described the feelings of longing between the master and the apprentice.

The other women had weird eyes, and some took a look at each, but didn't know what to say. The current situation is not suitable for talking about missing things. However, this feeling of reunion is not easy to stop.

So these women all looked at Tang Ye. Tang Ye knew that Wen Zhongyuan was about to come in, and without any greetings, he directly said the business. With a wave of his hand, an extremely powerful blood-light giant axe appeared in the air. It was the Dingshan God Axe that inherited the power of the God of War Xingtian.

Seeing this giant axe full of blood and fighting spirit, everyone was shocked. This divine tool is more overbearing than their divine tools. The scary thing lies in the **** aura it carries, which tells people that it was made after countless killings.

This is a killer!

Tang Ye threw the Dingshan magic axe to Xing Ji, and Xing Ji had to stop the reunion with Lingyun, took the magic axe, and merged with the magic axe to complete the authentication of the inheritor of the artifact and the artifact.

Now, the heirs of the artifacts and artifacts are all collected.

Tang Ye glanced at the crowd and said, "I have said what to do before. Later, Yun'er will create an illusion, and I will restrain Wen Zhongyuan. You will use the power of the divine weapon to reproduce the divine dragon's holy power and kill Dead text Central Plains!"

Within the scope of the Yuxi enchantment, Wen Zhongyuan could not escape all of a sudden, and gave up his body and turned around. It was because of this that I was looking for killing the Central Plains in the Yuxi court. Otherwise, Wen Zhongyuan realizes that it is not good, and will immediately give up the current body and life, and then reincarnate randomly.

Random rebirth, if you want to find Wen Zhongyuan, you have to wait until the blood demon power awakens, that is, it leaves hidden dangers, and the short-term peace is meaningless.

The eight women felt that this was fine, and there was no need to say anything to Tang Ye, otherwise the other women would have opinions again if they accidentally said something wrong. Fuck, shit, these women have already felt it deeply, and it is too difficult to resolutely not coexist with other women in the future!

Now they just obeyed Tang Ye's words and killed Wen Zhongyuan!

At this time, Wen Zhongyuan, led by the emperor of the Red Wall, went outside the pavilion where Yuxi was located.

The emperor of the Red Wall stopped and said, "That is the Yuxi enchantment."

Wen Zhongyuan approached and reached out to touch the Yuxi enchantment, but he was immediately shot out. The power of the eight ancient kingdoms jade seal, even the strongest gatekeeper, could not be broken.

"It deserves to be an enchantment of air luck." Wen Zhongyuan steadied his body and returned to the Yuxi enchantment, looking at the shining enchantment, and sneered with it.

No matter how strong this enchantment is, he will break it today and realize the grand plan of returning the world to chaos. This is his perfect plan, a plan that must succeed.

Wen Zhongyuan looked at the emperor of the Red Wall, but saw a scene of shock. The emperor of the Red Wall withdrew, and then a phantom flashed out and pinched Dr. Weiss’ neck. This scene happened so fast that Dr. Weiss did not react.

The person holding Dr. Weiss was naturally Tang Ye.

Wen Zhongyuan saw Tang Ye and was greatly surprised. Tang Ye actually came here?

Then Wen Zhongyuan immediately looked at the emperor of the Red Wall. This jade seal palace is a forbidden place, even the emperor of the Red Wall, who is as powerful as Tang Ye, can detect it. Since you are aware, why don't you tell yourself?

Wen Zhongyuan realized that he might be betrayed by "Li Shi".

Tang Ye pinched Dr. Weiss’ neck and looked at Wen Zhongyuan with a smile: "Wen Zhongyuan, let us cut everything off today."

"Tang Ye!" Wen Zhongyuan yelled, then laughed loudly: "Then do it! This time, I won!"

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